
Follow the doctor's 4-point reminder to pay attention to the 65-year-old!

author:Kangsir medical science

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On a busy afternoon in Beijing, Li Ming, an ordinary accountant, was visiting a friend in the hospital.

Walking down the corridors of the hospital, he couldn't help but think about his recent physical condition. Joint pain, shortness of breath, these minor ailments made him decide to register and consult a doctor by the way.

Follow the doctor's 4-point reminder to pay attention to the 65-year-old!

Li Ming sat in the outpatient room in front of an experienced doctor, Dr. Zhang.

Dr. Zhang took Li Ming's examination report, smiled and said, "It seems that you have been exercising a lot lately, Mr. Li." Li Ming nodded, he did start running, hoping to be healthier.

Dr. Zhang changed his words: "Running is a good thing, but did you know that when you are older, especially over 65 years old, you should also pay attention to the methods and precautions of running. ”

Follow the doctor's 4-point reminder to pay attention to the 65-year-old!

Li Ming was stunned, he didn't expect that this was also a point of discussion.

Dr. Chang began to share his unique perspective: "You may have heard a lot about the benefits of running, but what I want to tell you is that when you run, your brain is also exercising. ”

Li Ming thought it sounded a bit ridiculous, but Dr. Zhang continued: "According to research, regular aerobic exercise, such as running, can improve the cognitive function of the brain, especially for the elderly.

Follow the doctor's 4-point reminder to pay attention to the 65-year-old!

It's not just a physical exercise, it also improves your memory, concentration, and decision-making. ”

Dr. Zhang then explained in detail, expounding this point in ten sentences.

He said a study showed that middle-aged and older adults who ran consistently performed better on cognitive tests than their peers who did not exercise.

Follow the doctor's 4-point reminder to pay attention to the 65-year-old!

Running boosts the production of nerve growth factor in the brain, which aids in the growth and repair of nerve cells.

Li Ming was dumbfounded when he heard this, he never thought that running would have this effect. Dr Teo adds, "However, while running is good for the brain, it is important to be safe.

People over the age of 65 should be especially careful when running, as this age group is prone to falls and joint problems. ”

Follow the doctor's 4-point reminder to pay attention to the 65-year-old!

He also mentioned several cases, such as a patient named Uncle Wang, who suffered a knee injury due to improper running.

There is also an Aunt Zhang, who has an irregular heartbeat after running and needs to adjust her running plan and intensity.

Dr. Zhang went on to give a few suggestions:

Follow the doctor's 4-point reminder to pay attention to the 65-year-old!

First of all, choose the right shoes and a smooth road surface to avoid falls and joint damage;

Secondly, warm up and relax before and after running, especially the stretching of joints and muscles;

Third, the running intensity and time should be moderate, not excessive;

Follow the doctor's 4-point reminder to pay attention to the 65-year-old!

Finally, consciously train your brain when running, such as observing your surroundings and memorizing your routes.

Li Ming found this idea both novel and practical, and he decided to pay more attention to these details when running.

He thanked Dr. Cheung for his advice and felt that he had not only learned how to run scientifically, but also learned about the close relationship between running and brain health.

Follow the doctor's 4-point reminder to pay attention to the 65-year-old!

He left the hospital in a relaxed and happy mood. He decided that when he ran in the future, he would not only exercise his body, but also his brain, and enjoy the overall health benefits of running.

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!

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