
The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

author:Shi Xiaodao

#Tell the truth# "One side is in trouble and all sides support", after the earthquake in Gansu, all parts of the country began to donate money and materials to contribute to the small effort, during this period, a large number of trucks transporting materials began to go to the disaster area, such a warm scene, but also touched everyone. However, at this time, there was a news: "The truck driver was detained for the return of earthquake relief materials", which made everyone angry for a while, but now, things are not so simple.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

According to the video, we can see that this big truck is very large, and on the front of the truck, there is obviously a banner in the style of "earthquake relief". In the video, the driver looks very angry, and the staff around him look very calm.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

According to the driver's confession, he did come from the field to pull the earthquake relief materials, and this can be verified, so there is no problem with this banner, but when he returns, he is afraid of losing money by running an empty car, so he is equipped with a car of goods, and when he is ready to go back, he pulls it by the way.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

However, for such an operation, the relevant departments said that it was unreasonable, they said: "The donated materials should be dedicated to special vehicles, and the materials should be sent as soon as possible and cannot be distributed." Because when this video was released, the driver was more emotional, and he also expressed his feeling that he had been wronged, after all, his "earthquake relief" banner was still on it, but it was said that he was using this "banner" to make opportunistic tricks and try not to pay the money.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded
The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded
The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Because the video is relatively short, and there is no antecedent and no consequence, it is easy to be taken out of context after this video is posted on the Internet, so this video gives people the feeling that "the staff is embarrassed for the truck driver in the disaster area, trying to detain the car and collect fees". Therefore, this incident, the on-site staff and relevant departments have also been criticized by the whole network, and the comments on the Internet are almost one-sided. Many people believe that this is "law enforcement officers deliberately embarrassing drivers in order to take advantage of this period." ”

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

In fact, seeing these comments, although they are excessive, from a certain point of view, they are also understandable. After all, after the earthquake, the people of the whole country came together to help the disaster area. At such a warm moment, such a thing will naturally make many netizens lose their minds and lose their ability to think independently, so that because of the skyrocketing sense of justice, they said some relatively extreme words. The starting point of netizens is good, they want to protect those who contribute to the disaster area, but today's Internet is no longer the logic of "whoever shoots the video is justified, and whoever exposes it first is victimized". There are many things that need to be carefully considered.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded
The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Just when everyone was criticizing the staff, many details of this matter were also exposed, and at this time people suddenly realized that in fact, things were not as simple as imagined, and the most important thing is that people supported the driver from the beginning, and it also continued to develop into questioning the driver, and even finally, they began to praise the relevant law enforcement officers. The truth of the whole thing, in fact, can be seen from three details, and what we can be sure of is that there is no problem with law enforcement officers.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Detail 1: Entrusted by someone, it belongs to two transportations before and after

According to relevant media reports, the truck driver did pull the earthquake relief materials into the disaster area, and was commissioned by a blogger called "Pakistan Starlight Village Xiaofei", this blogger because he shoots videos abroad all the year round, records life, so when the earthquake occurs, he can't rush back as soon as possible, but he really wants to do something, so he donated up to 625,000 yuan of materials abroad, and entrusted a domestic truck driver to send it to Gansu.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Subsequently, the driver surnamed He went to Gansu with the materials donated by "Pakistan Xingguang Village Xiaofei", in this process, there was really no problem, and the materials were also for earthquake relief, and there was no problem with hanging banners, and it was specially emphasized that it was donated by the blogger Xiaofei.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Because it is a relief material, as a "special car" for earthquake relief, this road has naturally gained a lot of convenience and praise. In addition, the relevant departments have also opened a green channel, and all vehicles like this for earthquake relief are free of charge, and in the high-speed service area, you can also get free beef noodles for consumption. Such a decision can be said to be very good, not only humane, but also to speed up the efficiency of support, which is really convenient for disaster relief personnel. However, it is not excluded that some people want to take advantage of the loopholes.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

The most important thing is that the driver did not leave with an empty car as required, but wanted to match a car of goods in the local area, and then left, when he came to the earthquake relief materials, at this time you belong to the "rescue car", which is for the people in the disaster area and transport, when the goods are delivered, the empty car leaves, which means that the transportation has ended. When leaving, if you pull up a car of your own goods, the nature of the "rescue car" has changed, which also means that the driver has begun the next transportation, which is the driver's personal transportation, and has nothing to do with the "rescue", so it is naturally managed in accordance with the normal regulations.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

So this is equivalent to two trips of transportation, the first trip is to help the blogger Xiaofei transport supplies, the second trip is to distribute the goods by themselves, if this time is also required to be calculated according to the "rescue car", there is a bit of a "stealing concept", itself should remove the banner, and then pay the fee normally. Because if you don't follow this way, then more and more people will avoid paying the money, and the result will be a mess. Therefore, from this point of view, there is nothing wrong with the staff, so the phenomenon of cyberbullying staff at that time is very undesirable.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Detail 2: Lose money on the return distribution, and make another profit

Of course, even after the details are reported, there are still many netizens who are not satisfied, they think that it is free to send supplies, so when they go back, it is understandable to pull some goods, after all, it is not easy for truck drivers, it is very hard, and if you run empty on the return trip, you will indeed lose money.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

However, such worries soon proved to be unnecessary, because after the shipment, Xiaofei, the blogger of the donated goods, also responded, saying that the goods he donated had been delivered, and the local department had also signed for confirmation. Because I am abroad all the year round, I can't go to the disaster area, so I asked the truck driver to help transport the supplies. He deliberately emphasized that even if the materials are transported, the freight that should be given to the driver is a lot.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

It can be seen from Xiao Fei's words that when he asked the truck driver to transport the materials, he had actually given the other party a very reasonable price, which was not a loss, and did not rule out the possibility of returning the empty car in advance. Even if it is really an empty car and losing money, in fact, it is understandable to pull a car to distribute goods, but don't hang banners, wanting to go to "moral kidnapping" or "earthquake relief", so as to gain the sympathy and support of the public.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

For such a thing, Xiaofei also called on everyone to understand the driver master, after all, it is not easy now, and many times it is also to support the family. This is understandable, but after all, things still have to be made clear, and you can't always post these videos that pinch the head and remove the tail.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Detail 3: Self-response

After the incident became bigger, the driver himself also came out to respond, saying that the incident happened after Jishishan unloaded the supplies, and he was equipped with a truckload of goods, of course, in order to make more money. But when he was about to leave, he was stopped by a law enforcement officer. At that time, the law enforcement officer said: "Don't leave first after you load the goods." This sentence was actually one of the controversial points when the video was issued at that time, after all, it was somewhat easy to misunderstand without knowing it.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Later, the driver also said that at that time, no one cleaned up the sanitation of the loading site, so he had to let the truck driver clean up the garbage. So at that time, the two sides discussed the issue of sanitation fees, because he did not clean up in time and fulfill his responsibilities, so he had this video, not to get on the highway for free, and it has nothing to do with whether he wants to go on the highway for free, and he did not say that he would not pay the highway fee.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

As for the issue of the banner, the reason why he hung it up for the second time was to prove that he had sent materials for earthquake relief, not to avoid highway fees, nor to make videos to create pressure on public opinion. This kind of self-response actually clarifies everything and avoids many misunderstandings.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Either pay the fee or clean up, but the driver posted a video, suspected of "shouting grievances", which also led to a lot of condemnation from the relevant staff, and later, the driver was suspected of wanting to "get on the highway for free" In the end, after the driver came out to clarify, we learned that it was other problems, although many people said that it was an excuse, but we still have to accept it, don't speculate excessively, but unfortunately, he didn't understand the real intention of shooting this video and posting it on the Internet, because all the rhythm comes from this video, and everyone's guesses and misunderstandings are all because of this video.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Of course, in this process, no matter what the driver's purpose, there is no problem with the actions of the relevant staff, they are completely in accordance with the regulations, and they are reasonable and compliant, so this is not disputed. To put it bluntly, the reason for all this is because of some guided videos. Such situations also happen from time to time, for example, on December 24, there was another video that became popular all over the Internet, a truck driver who received water in the service area, complained about a high-speed service area in Zhejiang, and the hot water faucet was welded to the iron frame, resulting in the inability to use buckets and basins to fill hot water, which brought inconvenience to the truck drivers who traveled long distances, and the words were indeed full of anger.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

After the video was released, many netizens entered the "spit mode", thinking that this service area was too "stingy" and did not let people receive more water, after all, they all charged high-speed fees, which was very unreasonable, so they condemned it.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

However, the workers in the service area said: "This is instant boiling water, if you use a bucket to pick it up, then when other people come to pick up the water, there is no hot water, and there is no way to get it." After that, the staff also said, "The bathroom has a bath hot water faucet, and if you need a lot of hot water to wash, you can use a basin or bucket to connect." ”

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

In fact, the staff of the service area explained it this way, and most of the netizens also wronged the service area, where the iron frame is welded, here is a hot water dispenser, specially for everyone to drink, such as taking a thermos cup, taking a kettle is okay, if you want to eat instant noodles, you can also use instant noodles. But if there is a basin or bucket at this time, the hot water will be quickly connected, resulting in the people behind not being able to use the hot water in time, and everyone is temporarily coming to receive the hot water, they are very anxious, if the large container appears, it will lead to the phenomenon of queuing.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded
The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded
The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded
The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded
The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

So if a truck driver needs a lot of hot water for washing or something, he can go to the hot water tap in the bathroom, which is a place that specializes in providing such services, and can use a basin or bucket. Therefore, after the explanation, everyone also expressed their understanding, and many people also used their own personal experiences to explain the benefits of doing this, as well as the problems encountered in not doing so. I have to say that because of a video, I almost made this service area suffer from online violence again.

The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded
The truth was exposed, and the comment area exploded

Therefore, the network is a double-edged sword, and reasonable demands are fully supported, but we cannot deliberately create contradictions because of this, trying to take advantage of people's sense of justice, and achieve a certain goal, everything must be reasonable, otherwise the network environment will only get worse and worse, and it is the duty of each of us to maintain and purify the network environment.