
"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

author:Longnan Wudu released

Source: Lazy Kitchen

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It's the coldest time of the year, and the weather forecast is for a big drop and snow next week. After entering the cold winter, the body will consume more calories, and we should eat more nourishing and warming foods in our diet to lay a good foundation for health in the coming year. It is recommended that everyone eat more "3 white and 3 red", eat according to the time, and spend the winter healthily.

  ▶ Eat 3 more whites

  1. White radish

  Recommended method: cold shredded radish

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  Ingredients: radish, coriander, garlic, shallots, light soy sauce, chili flakes, sugar

  1: Wash the skin of the radish first, cut it into thin strips, and use salt to kill the moisture in the radish;

  2) Wash the coriander and cut into sections, finely chop the shallots and garlic;

  3: Wash the radish and squeeze out the excess water.

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  4) Mix minced green onion and garlic, chili flakes and sesame oil in a bowl, drizzle with hot oil to stimulate the fragrance, then add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and sugar and mix well;

  5) Put shredded radish and coriander in a bowl and mix well;

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  II. Chinese cabbage

  Recommended method: Stewed vermicelli with cabbage and pork

  Ingredients: Chinese cabbage, pork belly, sweet potato vermicelli, garlic leaves

  1) Wash the pork belly and cut into slices, wash the cabbage and cut into small pieces;

  2) Pour oil into a hot pan, first add the pork belly and stir-fry the oil, then add the ginger and garlic to stir-fry until fragrant, add light soy sauce, dark soy sauce and salt and stir-fry well;

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  3) Add cabbage to a pot, add a little water, simmer for 5 minutes, add the soaked vermicelli and continue to simmer for 5 minutes;

  4: Sprinkle garlic leaves before cooking;

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  3. Yam

  Recommended method: sweet potato yam mille-feuille cake

  Ingredients: sweet potato, yam, flour 200g, dried cranberries or raisins, milk 180ml, sugar 20g

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  1) Peel and wash the sweet potato and cut into long slices.

  2) Peel and wash the yam and cut it into small pieces, put it in a food processor and puree the yam.

  3: Pour the beaten yam puree into a bowl, add milk and sugar and mix well, then add flour and stir until the batter is free of granules.

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  4: Pour one-third of the batter into the container, spread the sweet potato chips, pour in another third of the batter, spread another layer of sweet potato chips, pour in the remaining batter;

  5) Finally, sprinkle with dried cranberries, wrap them in plastic wrap and steam for 20 minutes.

  6: Steam and cut into your favorite shape and eat;

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  ▶ Eat 3 more reds

  1. Red dates

  Recommended method: Yellow rice flour jujube cake

  Ingredients: yellow rice noodles, red dates, water

  1) Wash the jujubes, steam them in a pot and remove the pits.

  2) Pour the yellow rice noodles into a bowl, add warm water to knead the dough, and steam in the pot.

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  3: Grease the cutting board, roll out the yellow rice dough with a rolling pin, put red dates on it, and roll it up from the edges;

  4: Cut the rolled rolls into small pieces after cooling;

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  2. Sweet potatoes

  Recommended method: Sweet potato chips

  Ingredients: 2 sweet potatoes, 500g flour, 1 tablespoon of sugar, appropriate amount of black and white sesame seeds

  1) Peel and wash the sweet potato, slice and steam;

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  2) Puree the steamed sweet potatoes with a spoon, then add sugar and mix well;

  3) Add flour and sesame seeds to the sweet potato puree, mix well, knead into a smooth dough, and then divide into small agents;

  4: Roll out the small agent round and fry it in a pan until both sides are browned and crispy;

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  3. Peanuts

  Recommended method: Salt-baked peanuts

  Ingredients: peanuts, cinnamon, star anise, Sichuan pepper, bay leaves, salt

  1) Rinse the peanuts with water, pour them into a pot, add water and spices and cook for 20 minutes.

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully

  2: Drain the boiled peanuts, put them in a pot, add the spices from the previous boiled peanuts, stir-fry until there is no moisture, add an appropriate amount of salt and stir-fry until the peanuts become crispy;

  3: Put the fried peanuts in a colander and shake off the salt.

"Sanjiu makes up for a winter, and there will be no pain in the coming year", after Sanjiu, it is recommended to eat more 3 white and 3 red to survive the winter peacefully