
During the New Year next week, the old man said: Do three things well, and everything will go well in the Year of the Dragon

author:Lazy Meow loves to cook

Time flies, the years are silent, there is less than a week left in 2023, and the new year 2024 is about to begin. Every year when the New Year's Eve is approaching, I believe everyone has a lot of emotions in their hearts. Whether this year is mostly joyful or lost, it will become history, look up and look forward, light and happiness are ahead.

During the New Year next week, the old man said: Do three things well, and everything will go well in the Year of the Dragon

During the New Year next week, the old people in the family instructed us early on, "Do 3 things well, and everything will go smoothly in the Year of the Dragon", and repeatedly reminded us not to take it seriously, and the sense of ritual that should be there for the New Year should still be there. Do you know what these three things refer to? Let's take a look at them together.

The New Year is approaching, do 3 things well

1. Give your home a thorough cleaning

During the New Year next week, the old man said: Do three things well, and everything will go well in the Year of the Dragon

"Wealth does not enter the dirty door, and blessing does not moisten the turbid people", this sentence comes from the ancient book of the Ming Dynasty "New Vegetable Root Tan", which means that wealth will not come to the dirty house, and blessing will not come to the sloppy people. In this regard, the old saying has long been said, "If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world".

The environment in which a person lives reflects his inner state. If the home is disorganized, things are littered, and the corners are full of clutter, it is bound to be chaotic inside, and living here for a long time is also easy to breed bacteria, which is not conducive to physical and mental health. A clean and tidy home environment helps us to maintain energy and a happy mood.

In the old tradition, the most important thing to do before the New Year is to clean the house thoroughly and welcome the ringing of the New Year's bell with a clean and tidy appearance.

2. Say more auspicious words and less bad words

During the New Year next week, the old man said: Do three things well, and everything will go well in the Year of the Dragon

I remember when I was very young, I listened to the elders in my family teach, "The house of accumulating good will have afterglow, and the house of accumulating evil will have aftermath, people are good, although blessing has not come to evil, it has been far away, and people have evil, although it has not reached blessing, it has been far away."

The old tradition holds that the good fortune of a person in this life is cultivated, and if you say more good words and do more good deeds, blessings will come to you and your family. On the other hand, if we always speak evil words and do all kinds of evil deeds, our blessings will be consumed.

The New Year is the time to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new, so we should pay more attention to our words and say more auspicious and pleasing words, so that everyone is happy to hear it, and it is also a good word for the new year. Like some unfortunate words, it is recommended that everyone swallow them in their stomachs, because the older generation believes that the words spoken at this time symbolize blessings and hints for the new year.

3. Prepare "New Year's Lucky Dishes" in advance

During the New Year next week, the old man said: Do three things well, and everything will go well in the Year of the Dragon

The New Year is approaching, and the New Year's Day holiday will also be ushered in, and family and friends will get together to hold a family banquet. As the old saying goes, a family feast is the highest level of hospitality. In the old tradition, at the New Year's family banquet, some auspicious dishes should be prepared in advance, also called "New Year's lucky dishes", to be auspicious.

There are many dishes suitable for making "New Year's lucky dishes", take chicken as an example, stewed chicken soup means good luck, fried chicken wings mean spreading wings and flying, mixed chicken feet means grasping wealth and blessing, and gnawing chicken bones means getting ahead.

Recipe recommendation: New Year's lucky dish - cola chicken wings

During the New Year next week, the old man said: Do three things well, and everything will go well in the Year of the Dragon

Ingredients: chicken wings, cola, ginger, green onions, cooking wine, light soy sauce, oyster sauce

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of chicken wings, scratch the surface with a knife, put some ginger slices, green onions and cooking wine in a pot under cold water, boil out the foam, take it out and wash it;

During the New Year next week, the old man said: Do three things well, and everything will go well in the Year of the Dragon

2. Add oil to the pot, add chicken wings, fry over medium-low heat until golden brown on both sides, add some ginger slices, green onions, add some light soy sauce and oyster sauce and stir-fry until colored;

During the New Year next week, the old man said: Do three things well, and everything will go well in the Year of the Dragon

3. Pour cola into the pot, which can cover more than half of the chicken wings, during the cooking process, skim off the foam, and wait until the juice in the pot is almost dry, you can turn off the heat and serve the plate.

During the New Year next week, the old man said: Do three things well, and everything will go well in the Year of the Dragon

2023 has entered the countdown, and next week will usher in the New Year's Day, the old man said, "do 3 things", is reminding us to be ready to say goodbye to the old and welcome the new year, with a new mental outlook. Here's wishing you all: in the new year, everything you ask for, everything you do, everything is good, everything is satisfied!
