
The real way to dispel dampness in winter is not to strengthen the spleen, but to replenish yang, replenish yang qi and cut off dampness!

author:Director of Chinese medicine Hei Weike

Many friends feel that dampness is difficult to get rid of, every day keep drinking some dampness tea, and even eat some spleen and dampness medicine, but always repeatedly eradicate inexhaustible, as soon as the medicine is stopped, it will recur, is it really not that dampness can not be eradicated?

The real way to dispel dampness in winter is not to strengthen the spleen, but to replenish yang, replenish yang qi and cut off dampness!

First of all, we know that although the spleen is the main source of dampness, the spleen's function of transportation is completed by the energy provided by the spleen and yang. Once the kidney yang is insufficient, the spleen yang will lose its nourishment, and it will slowly be insufficient.

The real way to dispel dampness in winter is not to strengthen the spleen, but to replenish yang, replenish yang qi and cut off dampness!

The second point is that Kidney Yang itself has the effect of warming and vaporizing water, just like after the rain and the sky is clear, the sun comes out and the temperature rises, will it evaporate and vaporize the water on the ground? On the contrary, once the kidney yang is insufficient, the sun does not come out, it has been a cloudy day, and the water on the ground can not stay for several days, naturally, the excess water in the body that the human body cannot absorb cannot be vaporized by the transpiration of the kidney yang, whether it will be stored in the body, and after a long time, it will naturally become damp.

The real way to dispel dampness in winter is not to strengthen the spleen, but to replenish yang, replenish yang qi and cut off dampness!

And in this case, friends in the limbs are heavy, as if they were filled with lead, often do nothing all day, just lying in bed, they feel particularly tired, as well as poor appetite, indigestion, chest tightness, drowsiness and other damp conditions at the same time, often accompanied by a special fear of cold, autumn and winter, even if the down jacket is put on early, the electric blanket is opened, but still feel cold and chilly all over the body, especially the hands and feet, as well as nocturia, soreness and cold waist and knees, diarrhea in the early morning, edema, unobstructed urination and other manifestations of kidney yang deficiency.

The real way to dispel dampness in winter is not to strengthen the spleen, but to replenish yang, replenish yang qi and cut off dampness!

In view of the conditioning of this situation, we should focus on warming and replenishing kidney yang to achieve the effect of dispelling dampness, we can refer to Zhenwu Tang as the basic formula, and then add or subtract according to our own situation.

The real way to dispel dampness in winter is not to strengthen the spleen, but to replenish yang, replenish yang qi and cut off dampness!

Of course, what I am sharing is only a view on supplementing yang and removing dampness, which is not universal, and is only for popular science reference.