
Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

author:Keyboard Story
Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

The unexpected setback occurred on a weekend afternoon when I was at the station waiting for a friend to arrive, intending to go out on vacation together. Suddenly, a speeding motorcycle ran out of control and crashed into me, and I lost consciousness instantly, waking up in a hospital bed. The doctor told me that I needed to recuperate for a while before I recovered. It was definitely a hard blow for me, my vacation plans were ruined, and I couldn't continue my work.

Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

I'm not a nice gentleman, I've been divorced twice. I also have a daughter who is now married. Maybe it's because I've been through two failed marriages, and I don't have much hope for relationships. My family is not complete, and this is a frustration that I have always had. For a man, it doesn't matter how many women he has loved in his life, the important thing is to find a happiness that truly belongs to him.

During my hospitalization, my daughter often came to visit me and take care of me, which made me feel very grateful. She was always there for me and brought me warmth. I realized that in addition to my wife and daughter, there was such a family member who was quietly giving. They are the most important people in my life, and I have been ignoring that. This accident made me re-examine my life and made me cherish the happiness in front of me even more.

Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

After a long period of recuperation, I was finally discharged from the hospital. I was very touched by the warm welcome that my family had prepared for me. I vowed to treat my family well, they were the most precious beings in my life. Now, I decided I wanted to change myself and get back into life. I want to live well and love my family well. Although this unexpected setback hurt me, it also made me see the true meaning of life. I want to cherish everything in front of me and strive to create my own happiness.

Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

When I got home, I started to think seriously about my relationship with my family. Although the unexpected pain has made me cherish my family even more, it is inevitable that I will encounter various conflicts and disputes in life.

One day, my daughter and I got into an argument. She was tired and depressed from work stress and family chores, and I wanted to solve her problems as soon as possible, but she thought that I didn't understand her and would only interfere in her life in my own way, which made me very sad. I tried to adjust my attitude and tried to communicate with her, but I always couldn't seem to reach a consensus.

Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

I've been feeling a deep sense of frustration inside me these days. I thought that the accident would make me more caring and loving for my family, but the dispute with my daughter made me feel powerless. I was afraid of losing her and losing the most important person in my life. But at the same time, it was difficult for me to communicate with her or even understand the problems she was facing. I suffer a lot from such conflicts in family relationships.

After some reflection, I decided to take more active action to resolve this contradiction. I took the initiative to invite my daughter to talk, listen to her inner monologue, and try to understand her thoughts and feelings more deeply. In the process, I also began to pay attention to adjusting my words and attitudes, respecting her personal choices and decisions.

Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

"Dad, thank you for listening to me. The daughter smiled softly, "I know you've been trying to understand me, but I really have a lot of things that are hard to overcome for a while." ”

"Son, I am your father, and I will always support you. I clasped my daughter's hand, "There may be disagreements between us, but family is a place of tolerance and understanding. ”

Gradually, my daughter began to open up to me, and our relationship became more harmonious. I realized that family disputes are not terrible, the key is whether the parties are willing to adjust their attitudes and take the initiative to resolve the conflict. The dispute between me and my daughter has become a part of my life and growth, and it has also strengthened my belief that understanding and tolerance between family members are the foundation of a harmonious relationship.

Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

The unexpected setbacks made me realize the true love and tolerance between families. After the baptism of conflict, my relationship with my daughter has become stronger. In the future, I will cherish the relationship with my family more, resolve the contradictions in my life with love and tolerance, and move towards a better future step by step.

In the days that followed, I tried to devote myself to work and family. I tried my best to make up for my past shortcomings and try to be a better husband and father. My relationship with my daughter has gradually warmed up, we often ask each other out to eat and chat, and I have slowly begun to open up to her and share my inner world. However, happiness always seems to be short-lived.

Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

One day, when I was getting home from work, an accident happened. I received an unbelievable message – my daughter had been in a car accident. I rushed to the hospital, endless anxiety and fear filling my heart. The daughter was lying on the hospital bed, her face pale and she looked unusually weak. I held her hand, tears streaming down my face. At that moment, the fear and helplessness in my heart were indescribable.

My daughter had been suffering from a serious injury for a while, and I was by her side day and night. During this time, I realized that I was not able to keep abreast of my daughter's living situation and give her enough care and support. This accident made me reflect deeply on my own behavior, and I was determined to care more about her and not let myself become a rift in my family.

Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

However, when her daughter's injuries began to improve, a new conflict arose. We had a disagreement at a family dinner, and what had been calm turned tense in an instant. My daughter became a little suspicious and resistant to my concerns, and she began to deliberately avoid my topic and no longer share her life as before. I tried to understand her heart, but her attitude frustrated me. Just as I was trying to repair my relationship with my daughter, a new conflict arose. All of this made me feel extremely anxious and confused.

Sexual relationships: It doesn't matter how many women a man has loved in his life

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