
"After 16 years of marriage, 3 babies are not biological" is about to open the court and speak again: I still don't know who the biological father of the children is

author:Smart Willow Leaf X2u

Shangrao, Jiangxi, an ordinary place, has an amazing marriage turmoil. Mr. Chen, after 16 years of marriage, discovered in an unbelievable revelation that his three daughters were not biological. This shocking incident became the focus of social attention, and the media rushed to report it.

In 2022, Mr. Chan uncovered the incredible truth in marriage. The three daughters were not even his own. This shocking discovery caused widespread heated discussion. Society sympathized with him, but his resolve was even stronger. He insisted on pursuing criminal responsibility not for the sake of wealth, but for the sake of justice.

"After 16 years of marriage, 3 babies are not biological" is about to open the court and speak again: I still don't know who the biological father of the children is

Mr. Chan did not seek monetary compensation, but wanted them to be held criminally responsible. In an interview with the media, he expressed his determination: "Even if I take 10 million, I will investigate their criminal responsibility, my family is gone, what do you want money for." Even if I can only let them go to prison for half a year, I will pursue it to the end. ”

"After 16 years of marriage, 3 babies are not biological" is about to open the court and speak again: I still don't know who the biological father of the children is

On August 18, Mr. Chen revealed that he shared his experience through a live streaming platform in order to make "them notorious". This way of exposing personal experiences through the media has attracted more attention. This livestream action gave people a deeper understanding of Mr. Chen's mental journey and added more drama to the event.

"After 16 years of marriage, 3 babies are not biological" is about to open the court and speak again: I still don't know who the biological father of the children is

As time went on, Mr. Chen insisted on pursuing criminal responsibility first and then divorcing. He filed a lawsuit with the court and received a summons to go to court. The family's civil dispute will be heard on December 28. The "third party" in the marriage will also face legal sanctions.

On December 24, Mr. Chen said that he would attend the trial in person. However, what is troubling is that he still does not know who the biological father of his three children is. This mystery makes the whole affair even more confusing. Mr. Chen hopes that his biological father will stand up and take responsibility.

"After 16 years of marriage, 3 babies are not biological" is about to open the court and speak again: I still don't know who the biological father of the children is

Chen Shixian was unwilling, and the revelation of this marriage made him difficult to let go. He was deeply struggling, and with a desire for the truth and a reluctance to his family, he ushered in the day of the trial.

On the day of the trial, Mr. Chan walked into the courtroom nervously and expectantly. He hopes to clear his name through the trial of the law and find the true biological father of his three children. The trial was in full swing, and the arguments of both sides were fierce. The judge examines the family situation, the chain of evidence, etc., and the outcome of the trial will determine the course of the entire matter.

Chen Shixian said after the trial that there would be "major case facts" to be announced. This mysterious teaser has filled the whole society with anticipation and speculation. There has been speculation about whether the trial revealed the child's biological father or whether there were other hidden secrets.

The trial lasted several days, and the atmosphere in the courtroom was tense. Mr. Chan stood firmly on his own and demanded that the biological father of the child be revealed and that the irregularities in the marriage be held accountable. At the same time, the defense tried to justify its actions, and both sides argued fiercely in court.

Finally, on the last day of the trial, the judge announced the verdict. For Mr. Chen, this moment is the end of a long wait, and it is also the climax of the whole incident. The judge revealed the biological father of the three children, characterized the "third party" and found the deception in the marriage.

After the verdict was announced, there was an uproar in the community. Although Mr. Chen was reluctant, he was also relieved of his decision. The revelation of the major case brought the whole incident to an unexpected turn. However, the most innocent children will face a new life. Society began to pay attention to their future, hoping that they could find a warm home in this turmoil.

The outcome of the incident caused widespread repercussions in society. For a time, discussions about family ethics and marital responsibilities spread on social media. Some paid tribute to Mr. Chen's persistence, while others were outraged by the actions of the "third party". This revelation of marriage is not only a turning point in personal fate, but also triggers deep thinking about marriage ethics.

The whole incident also triggered a reflection on the ethics of reporting in the media. When the media exposes incidents, although they arouse social concern, they also need to carefully balance the relationship between privacy and information transmission. This has important implications for the reporting of similar events in the future.

Mr. Chen's marriage is not only his personal experience, but also a baptism of family ethics. This family change not only allowed Mr. Chen to move towards a new life, but also affected the society's perception of marriage, responsibility and family.

The marriage mystery in Shangrao, Jiangxi Province found a surprising ending in the trial. The revelation of the truth has untied Mr. Chen's knot, and the society is full of expectations for the children's future. However, this incident is not only a change in the fate of the individual, but also a deep reflection on marriage ethics and family responsibilities. The media has also been reflected on in their reporting, and respect for privacy has become an important principle for future reporting. The whole incident made the society realize that the transformation of the family is not only a personal matter, but also an impact and reconstruction of the values of the whole society.