
The foreign girl was inexplicably sick and poisoned for several months, but it was the kettle that caused the trouble...

author:Anonymous Spectator

There are more bacteria than toilet seats

A girl recently shared a video on TikTok that scared a lot of people. This girl recounts a bizarre experience in which she suffers from a stubborn illness that lasts for months and ends up having to go to the emergency room. The culprit of all this is her sleek metal kettle.

The foreign girl was inexplicably sick and poisoned for several months, but it was the kettle that caused the trouble...

The girl's name is Kae, 19 years old, from the United States. She shared her experience on TikTok, which attracted more than three million views in just one week. Here's the thing, last August, Kaye caught a cold, but this cold was like Rippy, and he couldn't get rid of it.

At first, she didn't pay attention to it, after all, who doesn't have a headache and brain fever? But things started to get serious. The cold did not heal, and gradually evolved into bronchitis. Kaye went to the hospital, where doctors prescribed her an inhaler and antibiotics and told her to go home and wait for her to heal. But guess what, the condition didn't get better, but because of the drugs, Kaye also developed a rash.

The foreign girl was inexplicably sick and poisoned for several months, but it was the kettle that caused the trouble...

Just after bronchitis was finally cured, Kaye developed sinusitis, followed by "the worst sore throat of my life" and another stubborn cold. This poor girl ran to the hospital one after another, each time it was a wave of antibiotics, but the disease seemed to be particularly partial to her.

Until one day, Kaye was washing her metal water bottle that had been with her all along, when it dawned on her. It turned out that she rarely cleaned the water bottle, "I knew it must be full of bacteria." ”

When she finally cleaned the water bottle, she also went online to find out how to properly clean the bottle cap. On Reddit, she found that the silicone part of the original water bottle cap was removable. "I didn't even know it could be taken out. She sighed. And when she finally removed it, she found that the silicone plug was full of mold, which had been deeply embedded in the silicone.

The foreign girl was inexplicably sick and poisoned for several months, but it was the kettle that caused the trouble...

The good news is that her water bottle brand, Owala, offers replaceable silicone stoppers, and she quickly replaced them with new ones. What's even more surprising is that after the new stopper, all of Kaye's ailments are gone!"I haven't had any more sickness since. She said in the video. "I was poisoned by mold in a water bottle. "This story gives you two important lessons.

First of all, reused water bottles must be cleaned frequently, because you never know what kind of health problems you can cause from bacteria and mold that you can't see. Second, it's important to choose a water bottle that is easy to clean. Like Kaye's Owala water bottle, many brands of water bottles on the market have a similar design, which is convenient for users to change parts or put in the dishwasher to clean.

The foreign girl was inexplicably sick and poisoned for several months, but it was the kettle that caused the trouble...

By the way, don't think that this kind of thing only happens to other people. Earlier this year, an Australian woman found black mold in her Frank Green water bottle straw and she had been suffering from stomach problems for years. The discovery made her very uncomfortable, "The straws were full of lumps of black mold, and I probably drank them all the time because mold doesn't just stick to one side. ”

Finally, another study found that some reused water bottles have more bacteria than toilet seats! A tip to ensure a thorough cleaning of the inside of the water bottle is to add half a cup of rice, water and some detergent to the water bottle, shake it and the rice grains will help remove any dirt that has accumulated.

The next time you pick up that water bottle that has always been with you, don't forget to give it a "deep clean"! After all, no one wants to go to the hospital because of a small water bottle, right?

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