
What's the use of raising a daughter no matter how good she is? In the end, she is not someone else's family

author:Tsukiki Shojo

Narrator: Liu Qin

Organizer: Tsukiki Shojo

What's the use of raising a daughter no matter how good she is? In the end, she is not someone else's family

I am 48 years old this year, my wife died of a serious illness four years ago, I have an only daughter, she is 28 years old this year, she graduated from university for two years, she studied gynecology, after a year of Xi, now she has officially worked in a public hospital in Shanghai, the salary is good, seeing that my daughter can develop everything, this I am also relieved as a mother, thinking that she will soon be able to realize her self-worth, and my efforts for so many years are finally worth it.

My daughter has developed so well, I think that the pension will also have fallen, I also have a pension pension, 2,800 yuan per month, and it should be enough to save a little in the future, my daughter has been a child in the eyes of others since she was a child, everyone will praise a few words, she has excellent character and learning from a young age, and her performance in all aspects is very good, she is loved in the village, a household name, she also grew up listening to the praise of others, my neighbors have told me that my daughter will definitely be able to find a fast son-in-law in the future, and then I will have the blessings, and my later life will definitely be very happy, very happy, I was very proud and satisfied when I heard it, I am also imagining that my future life will be very satisfying, but the reality is not as good as I thought.

Since my daughter graduated and worked in the public hospital in Shanghai, I slept at home every day and was worried that Xi she would not develop well, that she would be bullied by others, that she would not do her job well, that she would be criticized by the leadership, that she would not get along well with her colleagues and be squeezed out by others.

But my daughter she looks very calm, did not let me bear much heart, he spent less than a year with all the colleagues in the hospital to fight a hot fight, the leader has also repeatedly praised him for his strong work ability, very responsible, very patient with patients, plus my daughter usually actively work hard, diligent and studious, now she has changed from a temporary Xi doctor to a contract signing official doctor in the hospital, which makes me feel very gratified, and a stone in my heart has finally landed.

What's the use of raising a daughter no matter how good she is? In the end, she is not someone else's family

In addition to my daughter's outstanding performance at work, as long as the hospital is on holiday on weekdays, he will take time to buy a lot of food I love to eat, and will send me red envelopes on my birthday, and will take time to come back to spend time with me during the New Year's holidays.

In August last year, she met a surgeon in the hospital, this young man is also very good, four years older than his daughter, his family lives in Heilongjiang, is an authentic Northeast handsome guy, last year's National Day when his daughter also brought back to meet with me, the young man is tall and tall, long sunny and handsome, straightforward personality, fast talking, he met me not long after, he took the initiative to help me mop the floor, wipe the table, and help me wash the vegetables, he said Auntie, you go to rest first, I will help you cook, I said, this is embarrassing, you came to my house for the first time to play, I can't let you help me cook, you still rest there, I'll do it。

Although I didn't let him do it, but I still have a good impression of this young man in my heart, I think he is still quite caring, very capable, after eating in the rest, I was sitting on the sofa watching TV, the young man sat down next to me, he called me Auntie with a smile, he said that is like this, he is now in a formal relationship with my daughter, and I also like my daughter, he said Auntie, I have a question to ask you, I hope you can answer truthfully.

I said you ask, and the young man said, "If I marry your daughter in the future, can you come to live in our house, and we can also help you to provide for your old age," and he said, "I don't mean anything else, but I hope that if we get married, if we have a baby, can you help us take care of it?" I said, don't you have parents? Just ask your parents to help you take care of the children, and I won't disturb your life, I just stay in my house.

But the young man insisted: My parents are not in good health, may not be able to help me take care of the child, he said that my father has heart disease, it has been more than ten years, my mother has high blood pressure, and there have been more than ten years, now they are often maintained by drugs, sometimes my mother's high blood pressure will also be sick, last year almost had a cerebral infarction, so we are very worried about his physical condition, dare not let them work too hard, I said you dare not let your parents to work, then do you know that my health is not good? Have you ever heard my daughter say that I have also had rheumatism and bone pain for many years, and every year after winter, this disease will attack once, and one of my legs hurts so much that I have to walk hard, and I almost have to use a wheelchair.

Now I also rely on taking medicine to do physiotherapy every day to maintain, the young man said I really don't know this, I didn't listen to your daughter, she said it doesn't matter, if it doesn't affect you to help us take the baby, if you get sick in the winter, we will ask a family doctor to come to the house to give you physiotherapy, I said it's still inconvenient, so troublesome, I said you still have to hire a nanny to take care of the child, and you now discuss this matter with me, it's a little too early, and I don't know how you and my daughter will develop in the futureLet's talk about it when the time comes, but when the daughter next to me heard me say this, she felt that I seemed to be unreasonable, and quickly gave me a look in her eyes and kept hinting at me, telling me to agree.

I didn't know what my daughter was thinking at the time, how to sell my mother at a critical time, and at night I waited for the young man to sleep, I quietly came to my daughter's room, and I asked her next to my daughter, I said do you really want to marry this young man and go to live in Heilongjiang? The weather is so cold, don't say that you can't stand the cold, and then my old cold legs can't stand that kind of sin, I said you have to think clearly, you can't be hot and dazed by love!

But the daughter smiled and said, Mom, what are you thinking? You're confused, aren't you? Which family doesn't have heating in the house now? Families like theirs turn on the heating before the winter, and they are heated 24 hours a day. The daughter said that although the boy's family conditions are not very wealthy, but after he finished college, his parents bought him a house in full, and also bought a 180-square-meter house in the city, and paid the full amount.

I said oh my God, they really know how to calculate you, you haven't passed the door yet, they plan to do so, they bought the house so early, you marry like this, the house has nothing to do with you, if you get married in the future, as long as there is a quarrel and conflict, if you get divorced, then you will leave the house and have nothing, and then you will have nothing, so what can you do?

But my daughter said that you think too much, I haven't gotten married yet, and you're so looking forward to my divorce, do you have to think about the good in everything? Don't always think about the bad, saying that you haven't thought through a lot of things, what development do you plan to develop with him? I said that this is indispensable to guard against people, not that I think about the worst, but that the society is so realistic now, you can't help but think about it, if you don't plan for the worst, if the worst outcome happens, you will become very passive. Child, I'm from the past, you have to believe Mom, Mom, I'm all for you, I'm planning for you, my daughter looked a little impatient, she said I haven't gotten a word with others now, you just bother this and that, and when I get in pairs with him, it's not too late for you to say this.

I said that it was too late by then, your raw rice was cooked into cooked rice, and then you couldn't help it, your house had been bought, and now he planned to make a family with him and have a baby, and he also planned to use your mother as a cow, and called me over to take the children to do housework for you, and his parents stayed at home to enjoy Qingfu, you were a free nanny when your mother, and you were a fool when you were your mother, but he said that I was not happy to go, you can choose not to go, and we will make another plan at that time, and find another way, but it is not right for you to have such a heart, we are all running for happiness, not for the worst outcome, isn't itYou have to bless us, and don't always doubt and calculate.

Come on, see if I'm going to shut up, don't say anything, no matter how much you say, it's hard to buy her happy to close, it's useless for me to plan for my daughter with wishful thinking, people have already insisted on the united front with that young man, it seems that my mother wants to think about the east and west, and it is superfluous to think about it, forget it, I gave birth to a daughter, I have cultivated her for decades in vain, I spent all my savings, and even took out the coffin of my pension, and I finally looked forward to such a good ending today, but the result was still a bamboo basket for water, or a dream.

I thought that this daughter was so well trained, and I would have endless glory and wealth in the future, but then he developed very well in all aspects, and he was not clear in his feelings, she insisted on helping this young man to speak, and wanted to have a heart with him, I couldn't help it, children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and she will live well in the future, if she is not good, she can't complain about me, after all, I should have been reminded, I don't have any responsibility, as for the rest, leave it to time.

Friends, what do you say is the use of me raising my daughter? My daughter is also here to collect debts from me, and my daughter is also from someone else's family, and I am also raising my daughter to help others.

What's the use of raising a daughter no matter how good she is? In the end, she is not someone else's family
What's the use of raising a daughter no matter how good she is? In the end, she is not someone else's family
What's the use of raising a daughter no matter how good she is? In the end, she is not someone else's family