
The second season of "Mr. Big": Looking back on the road of scientific research and embarking on a new journey

author:Beijing Association for Science and Technology

Produced by the Beijing Association for Science and Technology, Beijing Radio and Television Station, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Management Committee, Beijing Municipal Education Commission, Beijing Municipal Radio and Television Bureau, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance, implemented by Beijing Science Popularization Development and Research Center, and produced by Beijing Radio and Television Satellite TV Channel Center, the second season of the science and cultural education program "Mr. Big" "Review the Road of Scientific Research, Embarking on a New Journey" will be broadcast on Beijing Satellite TV at 21:35 tonight. Follow the footsteps of scientists, return to the important scientific research scenes in the life of academicians, listen to scientific stories, and understand the spirit of science.

The second season of "Mr. Big": Looking back on the road of scientific research and embarking on a new journey

Can you imagine that the battery life of your cell phone and electric car is greatly extended? Can you imagine that quantum computers that can shorten the computing time of 10,000 years to 200 seconds are real? These are not just science fiction movies. In December 2012, the team of Academician Xue Qikun, a quantum physicist and president of Southern University of Science and Technology, discovered the quantum anomalous Hall effect in real materials. This is one of the important scientific effects discovered by mainland scientists since the founding of the People's Republic of China. If this discovery is put to use, it could be a supercomputer the size of an iPad, with a thousand times more memory than the most advanced products available, and can go months without heating or slowing down. The results of this research provide a new principle for the future information technology revolution, so that we can make low-energy transistors and electronic components, and we can also use it to make quantum computers together with superconductors, and the strong artificial intelligence in science fiction movies may be truly realized in real life.

The second season of "Mr. Big": Looking back on the road of scientific research and embarking on a new journey

The program also followed the footsteps of Zhou Shouwei, an expert in offshore oil and gas field development and engineering and academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and met Academician Zhou's old friend, the "Bohai Friendship". In 1989, the Bohai Friendship began to put into production, it is the first self-designed and built FPSO (floating liquefied natural gas production, storage and offloading unit) in the mainland, is a major offshore oil development facility integrating crude oil processing, offshore oil depot, unloading terminal and other functions, its completion has achieved a breakthrough in the design and construction of FPSO in the mainland, filled the gap in China's shipbuilding industry, and reached the world's advanced level at that time, and is the world's first FPSO It is used in ice-filled seas and is a landmark product of China's shipbuilding industry in the field of marine engineering. As of 2020, Bohai Friendship has completed a total of 642 shipments, exporting about 17.96 million tons of crude oil. Today, the Bohai Friendship, which has endured storms and made outstanding achievements, has been retired and quietly docked at the port, as a patriotic education base, telling generations of young people about the passionate years of CNOOC people's blue sea and brave the wind and waves.

In 1964, China's first offshore oil reservoir, the Chengbei Oilfield, was officially discovered in the Bohai Sea. However, until 1979, the annual output of the entire Bohai Sea was only 190,000 tons. In February 1982, China National Offshore Oil Corporation was established, when offshore oil was just starting, and because of the difficulty and danger of going to sea, few people were willing to come to Bohai at that time, but Academician Zhou Shouwei felt that he had to use his ability, so Academician Zhou Shouwei chose to come to Bohai without hesitation, and began a scientific research career accompanied by Bohai Friendship all day long.

The second season of "Mr. Big": Looking back on the road of scientific research and embarking on a new journey

Muztagh Peak is located in the Pamir Plateau, which is a typical westerly climate zone, and as part of the Qinghai-Tibet scientific expedition, this expedition is of great significance for the study of the climate and environment of the western margin of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Zhu Tong, an atmospheric chemistry and environmental health scientist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and professor of the School of Environmental Science and Engineering of Peking University, believes that with the increase in altitude, the intuitive data of physical changes is more inspiring.

In this almost "masochistic" training process, the body is used as a sample for the experiment, and the relevant data are collected for analysis by measuring health indicators such as heart rate variability, blood oxygen, hemoglobin, etc., which can more accurately reflect the changes that occur in the body at different altitudes, which can not only accumulate valuable experience for subsequent plateau observations, but also provide scientific support for further exploration of the sustainable ecological environment of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in the future. Through field investigations, scientists may be able to draw up patterns that can provide preventive and protective measures for the health of people living and working at high altitudes or visiting them for a short period of time.

The second season of "Mr. Big": Looking back on the road of scientific research and embarking on a new journey

Wang Jingxiu, a famous solar physicist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and researcher of the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is a scientist who has been deeply involved in the study of the sun's magnetic field and solar activity for more than ten decades. He has published more than 200 papers in well-known academic journals at home and abroad, and won the second prize of the "National Natural Science Award" in 2009 and the "Zhang Yuzhe Award" of the Chinese Astronomical Society in 2012. Using observation equipment in Huairou in Beijing, he discovered that there is a magnetic reconnection near the sun's lower atmosphere and photosphere, which is recognized by most solar physicists, thus advancing the mechanism of the sun's activity.

The Huairou Solar Observation Base of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Huairou in Beijing, an important place where Wang Jingxiu achieved world-leading astronomical results, was a dilapidated small fishing village that did not even have a decent road. Once the site was chosen, all the building materials needed to be transported by wooden boat. Twenty or thirty years ago, the environment of the base was very simple and harsh, living in a lonely tower, and eating was a thunderous boiled noodles, and it could only be satisfied for a short time. However, a group of scientists led by Academician Ai Guoxiang still worked hard with the enthusiasm of fire, observed the sun and discussed solar physics together with great respect and love for science, developed new methods and technologies for solar magnetic field measurement with the innovative spirit of truth-seeking, truth-seeking and cooperation, created a first-class solar magnetic field telescope, and opened up a precedent for simultaneous observation of photosphere vector magnetic field, chromosphere magnetic field and velocity field with one instrument.

The second season of "Mr. Big": Looking back on the road of scientific research and embarking on a new journey

Volcanic geology and Quaternary geologist, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, researcher of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 82-year-old "volcanic grandfather" academician Liu Jiaqi is mainly engaged in volcanology and quaternary geology research, he is the first academician in the field of volcanic research in the mainland, changing the concept of no volcanic activity in modern China. Academician Liu Jiaqi took the lead in ascertaining the temporal and spatial distribution and petrogeochemical characteristics of continental volcanoes, and raised the study of the law of Cenozoic volcanic activity in China to the international level. It has opened up a new field of high-resolution paleoclimate research in Lake Marr.

He entered the Changbai Mountains ten times, went to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau seven times, entered the North Pole three times, and traveled to the Antarctic twice. The Arctic and many countries have carried out extensive geological and environmental surveys, systematically studied Chinese volcanoes, opened up a new field of high-resolution paleoclimate research on Mar Lake and the search for oil and gas reservoirs in volcanic rocks, participated in the national strategic research on the revitalization of Northeast China, the leapfrog development of Xinjiang, the development of Zhejiang coastal new area and the environment and development of the Huaihe River Basin, and actively guided and promoted the development of new basalt fiber materials in China. Basalt new materials and other aspects have done a lot of systematic innovation work, and have won 7 national, provincial and ministerial awards, the first "Hou Defeng Award", "National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker", "Advanced Worker in China's Science Popularization Work", "Advanced Individual", Pilot Award (Gold Award), Li Pei Famous Teacher Award and many other honorary titles and awards.

The second season of "Mr. Big": Looking back on the road of scientific research and embarking on a new journey

Regarding the significance of studying electromagnetic compatibility, academician Su Donglin, an expert in the field of electromagnetic safety, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and professor of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, told such a story to the future group. In the past, when pilots returned triumphantly after a test flight, their families could go to the runway to greet them. But there was a scene that changed history completely. When their hero landed, the attitude of the plane was not adjusted, and the plane landed on its back and wiped the ground, and the family members saw a pool of blood on the ground. The test pilots used their lives to help us find out the possible hidden dangers on the plane, and Academician Su Donglin was in a particularly sad mood at that time.

She knew that our pilots were very good: if it wasn't for a very special situation beyond his control, he would have been able to adjust the plane, or even pull it up and fly again, but he didn't do it. The seat of the plane cannot be ejected because the plane is facing down. Later, it was determined that there must be a control problem, which may be related to electromagnetic interference on a large level. Therefore, how can we use scientific methods to find some frequent interference problems in advance, and find the root cause of interference, has become a difficult problem to be solved. Even if it is found that the fault can be located on a certain module or a certain device, it still cannot solve the problem, so Academician Su Donglin has spent more than 20 years studying this electromagnetic pathology.

To carry forward the spirit of scientists, it is necessary to strengthen the belief that "the interests of the motherland and the people are above all else." "The sensitivity and wisdom of scientific research will only bloom in the soil of hard accumulation." It is the ultimate goal of scientific research to transcend the first limit of knowledge and promote the development and progress of scientific understanding and even paradigm change. One after another, outstanding scientists who dare to break through the limits, dare to be the first and are not afraid of difficulties, lead the social trend of loving, learning and using science, and gather majestic strength for the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Source: Beijing Science Popularization Development and Research Center