
Traditional Chinese Medicine: You think it's rest, but in fact, there are 5 behaviors that consume qi and blood

author:Happy Noodles 18j

## Traditional Chinese Medicine: You think it's rest, but in fact, there are 5 behaviors that consume qi and blood

> Dear readers, today I would like to talk to you about some common behaviors in Chinese medicine, you may think it is rest, but in fact you may unknowingly consume your qi and blood. Let's take a look at these behaviors!

Traditional Chinese Medicine: You think it's rest, but in fact, there are 5 behaviors that consume qi and blood

### Behavior 1: Sedentary

Many people may be sedentary at work or Xi, thinking that this is the best for the body, but in fact it may lead to poor flow of qi and blood. Sitting still for a long time can affect the function of the internal organs, leading to stagnation of qi and blood, which can easily lead to pain and disease.

Suggestion: Every once in a while, stand up and walk around to move your muscles and bones and promote the flow of qi and blood.

### Behavior 2: Stay up late

We all know that staying up late is not good for the body, but do you know that staying up late will also consume qi and blood? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that night is an important time period to replenish qi and blood, and staying up late will disrupt the body's biological clock and affect the normal operation of qi and blood.

Tip: Try to maintain a regular routine and give yourself enough rest.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: You think it's rest, but in fact, there are 5 behaviors that consume qi and blood

### Behavior 3: Overeating

Modern people live a fast-paced life and often choose fast food or large meals to fill their stomachs. However, overeating not only tends to overburden the digestive system, but also may damage the spleen and stomach, affecting the production and operation of qi and blood.

Suggestion: Eat a balanced diet, mix it reasonably, avoid overeating, and protect the spleen and stomach function.

### Behavior 4: Excessive use of electronics

Modern science and technology are developed, and we can't do without electronic products. Staring at the screen of a computer or mobile phone for a long time can cause eye fatigue, affecting the rise of qi and blood and the supply of nutrients.

Suggestion: Use electronic products reasonably, pay attention to eye rest, and do more eye exercises to relieve eye fatigue.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: You think it's rest, but in fact, there are 5 behaviors that consume qi and blood

### Behavior 5: Emotional repression

It is inevitable to encounter some difficulties and setbacks in life, but long-term immersion in negative emotions will lead to stagnation of qi and blood, which will have a negative impact on physical health.

Suggestion: Face problems positively, learn to release negative emotions, keep a happy mood, and improve the smooth operation of qi and blood.

Traditional Chinese Medicine: You think it's rest, but in fact, there are 5 behaviors that consume qi and blood

The above are the 5 common behaviors that Chinese medicine believes are easy to consume qi and blood, and I hope you can pay attention to it. Remember, healthy lifestyle Xi are essential to maintain the balance of qi and blood. I wish everyone a healthy and happy life!

> I hope this tweet can bring you some inspiration, thank you for reading! If you have any other questions about TCM, please feel free to ask me. Don't forget to follow my headlines for more knowledge and advice on healthy living!