
In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

author:Letters talk about the past and the present

Poor families give birth to giant children

On a cold winter day in 1951, the cries of newborn babies rang out in a dilapidated yurt on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia. This is Bao Xishun, who was later called "China's No. 1 Giant".

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

He came to a poor herdsman family who could not even provide food and clothing.

The newborn Bao Xishun was no longer small, and it took a lot of effort for his mother to hold him in her arms. The father looked intently at the big boy in the swaddling clothes, and a trace of relief and pride rose in his heart - this son will definitely become a big laborer in the future and help carry the family.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

However, the good times did not last long, and Bao Xishun soon showed the attributes of a "giant baby". He cried so loudly that it shook the neighbors and made it difficult for them to fall asleep for a long time. The mother hugged left and right, and even with all her might, she couldn't stop the big guy.

Finally, while humming a grassland folk song softly, she fed Bao Xishun full milk, which was enough to lull him to sleep.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Day after day, month after month, Bao Xishun grew rapidly. By the time he was 10 years old, he was much taller than all of his parents. Looking at their son's increasingly jointed figure, the parents sincerely felt relieved and proud - this son will definitely be able to raise his eyebrows and be the king in the future.

Rheumatism plagued by difficult years

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Bao Xishun is 20 years old. He was supposed to be in the prime of life, but unfortunately he suffered from rheumatism. Severe arthritis kept him awake at night and difficult to move during the day, so he could only curl up in bed to gasp for air.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Seeing their son suffering from illness, his parents were very distressed and immediately sold the last livestock in the family and took him to Shenyang for medical treatment.

However, the doctor in Shenyang could not do anything after the examination, and there was no specific medicine for rheumatism, so he could only prescribe some painkillers to barely maintain it. Bao Xishun had no choice but to return to his home in Inner Mongolia and continue to endure the torture of illness on the grassland.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

At first, the villagers looked at him with pity; Gradually, they have become Xi to it, and they are not surprised by the existence of this "steppe giant". Bao Xishun also gradually became silent, depressed all day long.

Allowing the years to leave traces of wind and frost on his tall body, he is like a dead tree, silently enduring the cold wind and heat, waiting for the end to come.

The years of the basketball team turned pain into happiness

While wandering the streets of Shenyang, Bao Xishun and his father met Leng Wanju, a basketball coach. He took a fancy to Bao Xishun's proud height advantage at a glance, and without saying a word, he asked him to join the basketball team of the Shenyang Military Region directly and treat his rheumatism for free.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

At first, Bao Xishun was full of doubts and puzzles about being selected for the basketball team. He had never touched basketball before, and he had been haunted by illness for many years, and he had no intention of playing on the court. But under the warm welcome of the coach and the players, Bao Xishun still mustered up the courage and put on the team uniform.

After joining the team, his rheumatism was quickly relieved by a rich diet and scientific treatment. Although his feet were clumsy, with his height advantage, Bao Xishun easily achieved several beautiful slam dunks.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

The teammates joked and joked, but they didn't have the weird eyes of outsiders. In the past two years, it has been Bao Xishun's happiest time.

The death of his mother was depressed

However, the rheumatism did not let Bao Xishun go. After two years in the team, the serious illness recurred, and Bao Xishun had to choose to leave the team after repeated attempts by the coach.

Leaving the basketball team with great reluctance means giving up a short happy time.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Back in his hometown, Bao Xishun returned to living a monotonous and boring life. At first, the mother would hum softly and massage his aching joints with her large, warm and powerful hands.

However, this fountain of maternal love has also dried up with time, and the mother swallowed her last breath when Bao Xishun was 40 years old, and finally left in exchange for the freedom of her son's life.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Faced with the death of his loved ones, Bao Xishun was grief-stricken. He stopped laughing, rarely talked to people, and lost any expression on his face. The work on the prairie no longer meant anything to him, he mechanically repeated his monotonous work like a walking corpse, waiting for his life to come to an end.

Until I met a person who changed my fate - Xin Xing.

Fame makes the dream of a giant

Xin Xing is a businessman who has repeatedly invited Bao Xishun to work in his newly opened restaurant. At first, Bao Xishun did not have hope of starting over and coldly refused.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

But Xin Xing's ebullient attitude finally touched his frozen heart. Bao Xishun thought, maybe this is the last chance God has given him.

Dressed in the merchant's customized costume, Bao Xishun came to the door of the restaurant. Pedestrians looked up curiously, and soon returned with a genuinely friendly smile. It had not been so courteous for a long time, and the giant's cold heart also warmed.

He cheerfully waved to each guest and received more happy responses.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

The extraordinary results of these 10 days gave Bao Xishun the motivation to continue to struggle. With the help of Xin Xing and reporter Tang Jun, he applied for the honorary title of "Tallest Male in Natural Growth" in the Guinness Book of World Records.

For a time, the reputation of "China's first giant" spread all over the country and abroad, and countless media rushed to report it, allowing Bao Xishun to fulfill his childhood dream of being a sportsman.

True love is rare once in a century

At the age of 56, Bao Xishun met the love of his life. Xia Shujuan is a 28-year-old girl, and it is hard to imagine what sparks a pair of men and women who are nearly 30 years apart will spark.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

However, they only knew each other for a month before they came together firmly. Perhaps, this is the legendary marriage.

Xia Shujuan is careful and considerate, and melts the frost of giants for many years with the gentleness unique to women. Bao Xishun used the generosity and tolerance of men to heal the girl's scarred heart in the past.

The two scarred hearts have found a tight fit under the run-in of time.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

At first, Xia Shujuan's parents strongly objected to this ridiculous combination. It is really unacceptable for a 28-year-old girl to be with an uncle who is older than her parents.

However, the sincerity and firmness in the daughter's eyes eventually impressed the parents, who reluctantly accepted the son-in-law.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

In 2007, a unique wedding was staged in the vast grasslands of Inner Mongolia. The sun is like fire, and the earth is hot. However, the newcomers only have each other's warm and sweet figures in their eyes.

The son of the giant's gene

A year after getting married, Bao Xishun, who was over the age of six, became a father again. In the fall of 2008, he was anxiously pacing outside the operating room. A few hours later, Xia Shujuan successfully gave birth to a baby boy by caesarean section.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

When the nurse came with the swaddling baby in his arms, the baby's cry was already a sign that he had inherited the "giant gene" of his legendary father.

They named the hunk "God Bless". After seeing it, the doctors unanimously praised that this was the standard configuration of a giant's offspring - a strong and powerful body, and the iconic big voice.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, Tianyou is 14 years old. With a height of 1.7 meters, he has completely inherited Bao Xishun's body type, with a pair of big ears and uninhibited curly hair.

Watching his son grow out of joint, Bao Xishun sincerely thanked God for his favor and thanked him for this hard-won blessing in his old age.

Life insight, smile to inspire new hope

Time flies, years change. Bao Xishun is no longer the giant boy who wandered on the grassland to survive, but has been replaced by a calm and calm demeanor. The 70-year-old sat in front of the yurt door, looking at the seemingly endless grassland, and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Life is full of choices, he chooses to find hope in despair, sunshine in the mire, and happiness in pain, and finally comes to this day after a lot of hardships.

He was glad that he chose warmth and kindness without hesitation during those difficult times in his life.

In 2007, China's No. 1 giant Bao Xishun married a 28-year-old wife at the age of 56

Giving others a smile and accepting all the good things in life is the secret of giants finding happiness. There is no hopelessness in life, hope is everywhere. Maybe in the next moment, new wonders and joys are waiting to be discovered.

The unhappiness of the past has passed away with the wind, and all that remains is full of positive energy.

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