
To raise the liver and kidneys well is to take care of one's own life! Men are inseparable from their five sons, and women are inseparable from four things!

author:Director of Chinese medicine Hei Weike

"The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" believes: "Men are mainly kidney-based, essence-based, women are liver-based, blood-based, it can be said that raising the liver and kidneys is to raise a good lifespan, is to raise a good health and longevity!"

To raise the liver and kidneys well is to take care of one's own life! Men are inseparable from their five sons, and women are inseparable from four things!

First of all, let's talk about why men should raise their kidneys

This is because in the view of traditional Chinese medicine, after a man is over forty years old, the essence in the kidneys will gradually decay, and many male friends are ignorant when they are young, too much manual work, and excessive sexual intercourse, which will further deplete the kidney essence, which we can see from the fact that the essence discharged each time is getting thinner and less.

To raise the liver and kidneys well is to take care of one's own life! Men are inseparable from their five sons, and women are inseparable from four things!

This is why many gay men, especially those who have passed the age of forty, feel that their physical fitness has plummeted, and what they used to be able to accomplish easily is now more and more powerless, and what they can do for a long time is now more and more ashamed, as well as loose teeth, hair loss, soreness and weakness in the waist and knees, forgetfulness and fatigue. In fact, it is a deficiency of kidney essence, so at this time, it is necessary to replenish the kidney and benefit the essence, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Wuzi Yanzong Tang syndrome differentiation.

To raise the liver and kidneys well is to take care of one's own life! Men are inseparable from their five sons, and women are inseparable from four things!

Secondly, let's talk about why women should nourish their livers

In fact, "The Yellow Emperor's Neijing" tells us very clearly, after a woman is 5735 years old, the stock of liver blood in the body is usually less than half, which is not only related to the fact that the female comrades have to discharge a lot of blood every month, but also related to the emotional sensitivity of the female comrades, who are easy to overthink, and the liver is greatly affected by emotions, and it is very depleting of liver and blood for a long time.

To raise the liver and kidneys well is to take care of one's own life! Men are inseparable from their five sons, and women are inseparable from four things!

The liver is the main reservoir of blood, the liver stores a body of blood, but also hematopoiesis, the liver blood is insufficient, the whole body blood is slowly insufficient, and blood has the effect of nourishing the body and stabilizing the mind, which is why many female comrades, especially those who have passed the age of thirty-five, feel that their skin will suddenly not be, not only becomes particularly dry, but also begins to yellow and dark, and even some spots and wrinkles appear on the face, as well as insomnia and dreams, dry hair, hair loss and hair breakage, less menstrual flow, pale color, delayed menstruation, etc. In fact, it is a deficiency of liver and blood, so at this time, it is necessary to nourish blood and regulate the liver.

To raise the liver and kidneys well is to take care of one's own life! Men are inseparable from their five sons, and women are inseparable from four things!

Friends, have you learned? But what I am sharing is only some views on men and women to nourish the liver and kidneys, not universal, only for popular science reference, each person's physique is different, if there is discomfort, seek medical attention in time to distinguish between the plus and minus.