
It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance

author:Fresh citrus DL

In the cold winter months, finding the right ingredients to strengthen the body's resistance becomes the key. At this time of year, one delicious and wholesome food is highly prized – duck meat. Duck meat not only provides us with high-quality protein, rich vitamins and minerals, but also is favored for its moisturizing and warming properties. With the winter wind howling, duck meat is ideal for strengthening the body's immunity and fighting cold weather. Let's explore the nutritional benefits of duck meat and the benefits of eating it during the cold winter months.

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance

Nutritional benefits of duck meat:

1. High-quality protein sources: Duck meat is rich in high-quality protein, which is an important nutrient necessary for the body to sustain life activities. Protein is an important component for maintaining the structure of body tissues and regulating the immune system.

2. Rich in B vitamins: Duck meat is rich in B vitamins, including vitamin B6, vitamin B12, niacin, etc. These vitamins play an important role in the normal functioning and metabolism of the nervous system.

3. Rich in minerals: Duck meat is rich in minerals, such as iron, zinc, phosphorus, etc., which help to replenish the trace elements required by the body and maintain normal physiological functions.

4. Unsaturated fatty acids: The fat in duck meat is mainly unsaturated fatty acids, which help regulate blood lipids, reduce cholesterol levels, and are beneficial to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health.

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance

Benefits of eating duck meat in winter:

1. Nourish yin and replenish deficiency: Duck meat has a sweet and cold taste, has the effect of nourishing yin and moisturizing dryness, is suitable for the dry climate in winter, helps to replenish water in the body, and prevents symptoms such as cough and dry mouth caused by dryness.

2. Boost immunity: The rich nutrients in duck meat, especially high-quality protein and multivitamins, help to improve immunity and reduce the occurrence of colds.

3. Warm the body: Duck meat is warm, can increase body temperature after eating, help to resist the cold, especially suitable for eating in the cold winter, for some people with a cold physique.

4. Nourish vitality: Duck meat is rich in nutrients, which can replenish energy in the body and enhance physical strength, which is beneficial for resisting cold and increasing physical exertion in winter.

5. Helps lung health: Duck meat has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the lungs, and has a certain relieving effect on some respiratory discomforts caused by cold weather, such as coughing and wheezing.

Delicious and nutritious recipes for duck meat:

1. Crispy duck

Ingredients: 4 duck legs or wings, appropriate amount of salt, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of ginger, appropriate amount of green onion, appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper powder, appropriate amount of five-spice powder, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate amount of edible oil

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance


1. Handle the duck meat: Rinse the duck legs or wings with water and drain. Make a few cuts on the duck skin with a knife to make it easier for the seasoning to penetrate.

2. Marinate duck meat: Put the duck legs or duck wings into a large bowl, add an appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, cooking wine, add ginger cubes and green onions, stir well, marinate for 20-30 minutes, and marinate for 20-30 minutes to make the seasoning flavorful.

3. Duck frying: Remove the marinated duck legs or wings and drain the marinade from the surface. Pour enough cooking oil into the pan, heat until 70% hot, put the duck legs or wings in the pan and slowly fry over medium-low heat until golden brown and crispy.

4. Spices: Add Sichuan pepper powder, five-spice powder, and chicken essence to a small bowl, stir well, and set aside.

5. Sprinkle with spices: Remove the fried duck legs or wings, drain the oil, and sprinkle the prepared spices evenly on the duck meat so that it is evenly coated with spices.

6. Cut into cubes and serve: Cut the crispy duck legs or wings into cubes and place them on a plate.

7. Garnish: Sprinkle some chopped chives or chopped peanuts on top of the duck meat to garnish with a touch of beauty.

8. Enjoy: Crispy duck is steaming hot, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and full of aroma, making it a delicious home-cooked dish. It goes well with rice or beer, and it's even more appetizing.

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance

Second, dry pot duck

Ingredients: 500g duck leg or duck breast, appropriate amount of ginger, sliced, appropriate amount of green onion, cut into sections, appropriate amount of garlic, minced garlic, appropriate amount of dried chili, 1 green pepper, cut into sections, 1 red pepper, cut into sections, 2 tablespoons of bean paste, appropriate amount of cooking wine, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of sugar, appropriate amount of chicken essence, appropriate amount of cooking oil

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance


1. Handle the duck meat: Wash the duck legs or breasts and cut them into cubes for later use.

2. Marinate the duck: Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce and sugar to the duck pieces, stir well, and marinate for 15-20 minutes to make it flavorful.

3. Heat the pan: Pour an appropriate amount of cooking oil into the pan and cook until it is 70% hot.

4. Fried duck: Put the marinated duck pieces in a pan and fry them until golden brown, remove and set aside.

5. Stir-fry seasoning: Leave a small amount of base oil in the pot, add green onion, ginger, garlic and bean paste, and stir-fry over low heat until fragrant.

6. Add the dried chili peppers: Add the dried chili segments and continue to sauté until fragrant.

7. Add the duck meat: Put the fried duck pieces in a pan and stir-fry evenly.

8. Add seasoning: Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, light soy sauce and sugar, and stir-fry evenly.

9. Add the green and red peppers: Add the chopped green and red peppers and continue to stir-fry evenly.

10. To taste: Add salt and chicken essence according to personal taste, and stir well.

11. Simmer: Add some water, cover the pot and simmer for a while to make the duck meat more flavorful.

12. Juice removal: When the duck meat is cooked and flavorful, the juice is reduced until thick, and then it can be removed from the pan.

13. Plating: Serve the duck in a dry pot and garnish with some chopped chives.

14. Enjoy: Dry pot duck is spicy and delicious, with a crispy texture, making it a delicious dish that goes well with rice or beer.

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance

3. Beer duck

Ingredients: duck leg or duck pieces: about 800g, beer: 1 bottle (about 500ml), ginger: appropriate amount, sliced, green onion: 1 piece, cut into sections, star anise: 2-3 pieces, cinnamon: 1 piece, edible oil: appropriate amount, cooking wine: appropriate amount, soy sauce: appropriate amount, rock sugar: appropriate amount, salt: appropriate amount, green onion, ginger and garlic: appropriate amount

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance


1. Handle the duck meat: Wash the duck meat and cut it into cubes. Blanch it with boiling water to remove the blood.

2. Fry the duck pieces: Heat an appropriate amount of cooking oil in a pan and fry the duck pieces until golden brown. The purpose of frying is to remove some of the fat and increase the flavor of the duck meat.

3. Fry ginger and shallots: Leave a small amount of base oil in the pan, add ginger slices and green onions, and fry until fragrant.

4. Seasoning: Put the fried duck pieces into the pot, add an appropriate amount of cooking wine and soy sauce, and stir-fry evenly to make the duck pieces evenly flavored.

5. Add seasoning: Add star anise, cinnamon and rock sugar, and continue to stir-fry evenly.

6. Add the beer: Pour in the beer so that the duck pieces are all submerged in the beer. Cover the pot, reduce the heat and simmer for 20-30 minutes.

7. Collect the sauce: When the duck meat is cooked until it is medium-cooked, add salt to taste and continue to simmer until the soup is thick.

8. Remove from the pot: Sprinkle with chopped green onion, ginger and garlic, stir-fry evenly, and then remove from the pot.

9. Serve: Place the roasted beer duck on a plate and sprinkle with some chopped chives.

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance

Fourth, saliva duck

Ingredients: Duck meat: choose duck leg or duck breast, cut into pieces for later use. Seasoning: ginger, garlic, Sichuan pepper, cooking wine, etc. Sauce: light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt, etc.

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance


1. Prepare the duck meat: Cut the duck into cubes, and you can choose whether to boneless or not according to your personal taste.

2. Marinate the duck: Add an appropriate amount of cooking wine and salt to the duck, mix well and let it sit for a while to let the duck taste in.

3. Deep-fried duck: Fry the marinated duck in hot oil until golden brown and crispy, remove and set aside.

4. Prepare the sauce: Finely chop the ginger and garlic and chop the peppercorns. Put an appropriate amount of oil in a pot, stir-fry Sichuan pepper, minced ginger and garlic, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, salt, and stir-fry well to form a sauce.

5. Mix the saliva sauce: Mix the fried duck meat in a seasoned sauce and mix well to make sure that each piece of duck is covered with a delicious saliva sauce.

6. Plating: Arrange the duck meat with saliva sauce and sprinkle with some minced peppercorns, chopped green onions, and some lettuce leaves or other vegetables.

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance

5. Saltwater duck

Ingredients: Duck (whole or cut into pieces): 2-3 catties, salt: appropriate amount, ginger: appropriate amount, cooking wine: appropriate amount, green garlic, coriander (optional): appropriate amount

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance


1. Prepare the duck: If using a whole duck, the duck can be cleaned up, and the excess guts can be removed and washed. If you use diced duck meat, you can rinse the duck pieces a bit.

2. Marinate the duck: Spread salt evenly on the surface of the duck and sprinkle with some sliced ginger. Next, sprinkle the cooking wine evenly on the duck meat and gently rub it with your hands so that the seasoning adheres evenly to the surface of the duck. Let the duck marinate for 15-30 minutes.

3. Cook the duck: Put the marinated duck meat in a pot and add enough water, a little more, to ensure that the water does not dry out when the duck is cooked. When the water boils, skim off the foam, then reduce the heat and continue to cook.

4. Add salt: Wait until the duck meat is cooked and change color, add an appropriate amount of salt and continue to cook for 15-20 minutes to allow the duck to fully absorb the salt and flavor of the soup.

5. Blanching: Remove the duck meat and rinse it with clean water to remove salt and impurities from the surface.

6. Plating: Arrange the blanched duck meat on a plate and garnish with some coriander and chopped green onions.

7. Enjoy: The salted duck can be eaten hot or cold. Depending on personal taste, it can be paired with some dipping sauces such as mustard, chili sauce, etc.

It is easy to catch a cold and cough in winter, so it is recommended to eat more of this meat to enhance resistance

On the winter table, introducing duck meat into daily meals not only brings delicious enjoyment to the taste buds, but also infuses the body with the power to resist the cold. Duck meat is rich in nutrients, such as protein, B vitamins, minerals, etc., which provides our body with a solid immune building block. Its warm nature and tonic effect make it ideal for winter tonics, especially for those who are susceptible to cold winds and have relatively weak resistance. Therefore, on a cold winter day, you may wish to taste more duck delicacies to inject warmth into your body and bring a healthy and happy winter. By eating this delicious ingredient, we will not only be able to withstand the cold, but also be able to rejuvenate our bodies in the cold season and welcome a vibrant new year.