
After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

author:Tomato apple ske

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After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

My name is Xiaofang, I am 28 years old, and I am a small white-collar worker who works hard in a big city. In the past few years, I was assigned to a project department that required frequent overtime, and I often had to work until late at night before I could go home.

Like today, I worked overtime until two o'clock in the morning at the company again. The office was empty, and I sat alone in front of my computer working on endless documents and emails. My body was already a little sore from staying in the same position for a long time, so I moved my shoulders and neck and exhaled a long breath.

I was very tired from this kind of high-intensity work day after day, and I hardly had any social and recreational activities outside of work, and my life was monotonous. I also came to realize that I was lonely and lacked the care, understanding and companionship of others.

"Ding Dong", a new message popped up. This is a message from a netizen I met on a chat app recently.

"Xiaofang, why don't you sleep yet, are you still working overtime so late?" Amin's message reads.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

Ah Ming is a netizen I met on this software, and we chatted for a short time but had a good conversation. I often talk to him about my work, and he always listens patiently and gives me some encouragement from time to time, which makes me feel very comfortable.

Chatting with Amin has become a great relaxation for me after work. I gradually found myself becoming more and more consciously dependent on him, and just talking to him made me feel understood and cared for. For me, who has been without company for a long time, this feeling is like finding an oasis in the desert.

"Why don't we video chat and see how you're doing. Amin sent a message.

"Okay. "I agreed to his request and we quickly started the video.

"Xiao Fang, you look tired. As soon as the video was connected, Amin said with concern.

"It's okay, it's just a little dizzy, maybe it's been too hard today. I said.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

"Then you finish work early and get a good night's sleep. Amin said softly, "I'll sing you a song to help you relax." ”

Listening to Ah Ming's singing, I felt warm in my heart, and the fatigue of work was also reduced. Amin's voice is beautiful, deep and magnetic.

"Amin, thank you for singing to me, I feel better. ”

"No thanks, if only you could feel better. As long as I can make you happy, I'm satisfied. Amin said softly.

I was stunned for a moment, and I was a little flattered by Amin's words. We haven't known each other for a long time, but I feel that he is very nice to me, will care about my work and life, and often encourages me to reduce stress. This feeling of being understood and cared for, I haven't experienced in a long time.

"By the way, let's meet on the weekend. I'll take you somewhere to relax. Amin said suddenly.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

I was a little hesitant because we hadn't met yet. But on second thought, Amin has always cared so much about me, and meeting may be a good opportunity to further develop our relationship.

"Okay, let's meet on the weekend. When the time comes, you send me the time and place. I agreed.

"Great! The weekend will definitely make you happy. Amin's tone sounded excited.

Hanging up the video call with Amin, I had a smile on my face that I hadn't seen in a long time. Amin has been really nice to me during this time, and with him I feel understood and cared for, just like I've always longed for.

On the weekend, I followed the address given by Amin to a café with a warm atmosphere. When I entered the door, I saw Ah Ming sitting by the window, he was dressed simply but neatly and looked very personable.

"Xiaofang, you're here!" Amin stood up and hugged me, his arms warm.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

"Well, you've booked a great place. I laughed.

"As long as you like it. Come, today I invite you to eat. Armin took my hand and walked to the ordering area.

The food and drinks at this café are exquisite and tasty. I chatted with Amin while eating, and Amin told me a lot of interesting stories about his work, which made me laugh.

After eating, Amin took me for a walk in a nearby park. We walked in the shade of the trees, there were light boats floating on the lake, and everything was so pleasant and beautiful.

"Xiaofang, since I started chatting with you, I thought you were a very special girl. Amin said suddenly.

My heart was pounding, and I didn't dare to look into his eyes: "What's so special, I'm just an ordinary office worker." ”

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

"You are genuine, work hard, and always think of others first. I feel lucky to have met you. Amin looked at me and said.

My face flushed and I nodded slightly: "Actually, I am the lucky one, I am very happy to be so understood and cared for by you." ”

"Then let's be together, I'll always be with you. Amin took my hand and said seriously.

"It doesn't matter how long it is, what matters is that I like you. Amin said firmly.

At that time, my mind was in a mess, and Amin was like a knight in my boring life, he understood me so much and cared about me, and I had not felt needed for so long. Maybe this is the love I dreamed of, appearing at my most vulnerable moments, saving me from pain like an angel.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

"Okay, let's be together. "The devil sent the gods to the earth, and I agreed.

Amin happily hugged me: "I promise to make you happy." ”

Since then, Amin and I have had a sweet relationship. We would go to the movies, go shopping, go out to dinner together, and Amin would give me small gifts. Every time I am with him, I feel extremely happy and satisfied.

One day, we went to the playground and played the project for a day. At night, when I was so tired that my steps were vain, Amin took me in his arms and said gently, "Let's go to the hotel to rest, and don't rush home tonight." ”

In this way, our relationship grew closer and closer. Amin took care of me, and I was completely dependent on him. I began to think that maybe he was the true love of my dreams.

One day, I plucked up the courage to ask Amin, "We've known each other for a while, you've been very nice to me, can we formalize the relationship?"

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

Ah Ming was stunned for a moment and said, "Xiaofang, you are my most important girl, but I told you before that I already have an official girlfriend." ”

Ah Ming sighed and held my hand: "I'm sorry, Xiaofang, I also like to be with you, you make me feel very comfortable and happy." But my girlfriend and I have been together for many years, and I can't just leave her. ”

I felt like I had been slapped in the face, and it turned out that in Amin's heart, I was just a lover who could please him.

"Is the tender concern for me during this time just a whim of yours?" I asked with red eyes.

I fought back tears and stood up: "Let's not contact each other anymore, and you don't want to message me again." With that, I ran straight out of the café.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

Sitting alone on the bus, tears finally burst out of my eyes. I felt like a fool being played by Amin, who already had a girlfriend, but he still spoke softly to me and had sex with me. I hated him for his selfishness and cruelty.

I had a hard time after that, and I stopped contacting Amin, but I still can't help but think about the moments we were together every day. How I wish it was all true, and not that he played my tricks.

Just when I felt that I had completely lost hope in life, a boy named Zhang Wei suddenly added my chat software, saying that the system had randomly matched me.

At first, I didn't want to pay attention to anyone. But Zhang Wei was very patient with me, and he would talk about some light-hearted and humorous topics to make me laugh again. Gradually, we talked more and more, and I gradually opened my heart.

"Xiaofang, you don't seem to be in a good mood lately. One day, Zhang Wei asked me with concern.

I shook my head, "It's just that I'm bothering about something, but it's okay anymore." ”

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

"If you want to talk, you can let me know. Zhang Wei said.

I hesitated, but still briefly told Zhang Wei about me and Ah Ming.

"He has gone too far with you like this, and you must be very sad. Zhang Wei said sympathetically, "But don't blame yourself too much, some people are selfish." You deserve better. ”

Zhang Wei's words were filled with genuine concern, and this time, I could sense that he was not hypocritically comforting me. Perhaps, I can give myself a chance to believe in sincerity

Perhaps, I can give myself a chance to believe in sincere feelings.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

"Thank you, Zhang Wei. Maybe I'll need some time, but I'll take my time. I said to Zhang Wei.

"No thanks, come to me when you want to chat. Zhang Wei said warmly.

After that, I would chat with Zhang Wei from time to time, and he would always listen to me patiently and provide me with valuable advice. Talking to Zhang Wei made me feel relaxed.

One day, Zhang Wei asked me, "Are you free this weekend?" I want to invite you out for a meal to change your mood. ”

I hesitated, then agreed. It was a good feeling to meet Zhang Wei for dinner, he was very polite and personable, and he would pay attention to my feelings. This time, I was no longer easily confused by external gentleness, but slowly got to know Zhang Wei as a person.

"Did you have a good day?" Zhang Wei asked as he sent me home.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

"Very happy, thank you for inviting me to dinner. I laughed.

"That's good, you smile the most. Zhang Wei also smiled warmly.

I was a little embarrassed and nodded slightly. Being with Zhang Wei makes me feel relaxed and happy.

After that, Zhang Wei would often ask me out to go shopping, watch movies, go to the park, and so on. He took care of my feelings and didn't force me to do things I didn't want to do. I felt very comfortable with him.

After a date, Zhang Wei suddenly looked at me seriously and said, "Xiaofang, I like you and want to be with you." If you still need time, I can wait. ”

I was surprised and lowered my head and thought for a moment. Zhang Wei has always been very considerate of me, and I also felt sincerity in him. Maybe this time, I can open up.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

"Zhang Wei, thank you for always being with me. I would also like to be with you. I plucked up the courage to say.

Zhang Wei hugged me happily: "I will always be good to you and will not let you get hurt." ”

My days with Zhang Wei are very happy, he is like a warm sunshine in my life. Zhang Wei is not as flamboyant as Ah Ming, but he made me feel sincere love with his actions.

I have also come to realize that love is not only based on external romance and passion. What is more important is the fit of two hearts, which is the thoughtfulness and understanding from the perspective of the other party. Meeting Zhang Wei has made me grow a lot.

"My dear, no matter what happens, I will always be with you. "Zhang Wei said to me one day.

"I know, thank you for loving me. "I hugged him gratefully.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

After all this, I finally understood that the most precious thing in a relationship is the mutual understanding of two hearts.

My relationship with Zhang Wei has become more and more stable, and he will take care of my various needs carefully. I no longer rely solely on the other person, but learn to think from his point of view.

One night, Zhang Wei suddenly called me: "Honey, I need to work overtime tonight, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat with you." I'm sorry. ”

"It's okay, your work matters. I can order takeout and wait for you to come back and eat together. I said mildly.

"Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness. I'll get the job done as soon as I can. Zhang Wei said.

After hanging up, I didn't feel unhappy. Because I can stand in Zhang Wei's perspective and understand that his work sometimes has unexpected situations. This is the understanding and thoughtfulness that comes with a mature relationship.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

Later, once when I was sick and hospitalized, Zhang Wei came to the hospital every day to take care of me and asked for leave to accompany me. I saw that his eyes were dark and knew he must be tired.

"Zhang Wei, you go back and have a good rest, I can do it myself. I said to him with concern.

"No, I'm going to accompany you and let you recover soon. Zhang Wei said firmly.

"But you have to pay attention to your body, too. Otherwise, both of them will be exhausted. I advised him.

Only then did Zhang Wei realize that he also needed to take care of himself, and he couldn't just blindly dedicate. He also took a few days off for himself to take care of me again after adjusting his body.

Through this, I felt more and more balance and harmony in my relationship. To love someone, you can't just take what you want, you also need to learn to understand and compromise with each other.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?

Now I am no longer the fragile and self-pitying girl I was when I was and longed to be cared for. I've matured and found someone who really fits me.

"Honey, let's get married. "One day, Zhang Wei solemnly proposed to me.

"Yes, I do!" I hugged him excitedly.

"Thank you for showing up in my life and allowing me to find happiness again. I said to Zhang Wei.

"You also made my life complete. Zhang Wei looked at me gently.

On the day of my wedding, I was wearing a white wedding dress, and Zhang Wei stood beside me in a suit. We exchanged rings, and with the blessings of relatives and friends, we kissed and became husband and wife.

When we start a new life, we will be considerate and supportive of each other. Even if there are occasional quarrels, they will soon reconcile as before.

After the women are satisfied, do they want to move on to the next time?