
I never thought that the fish could freeze to death! The fish in the north swim in the ice, and the tilapia in the south floats on the water

author:Friendly evening breeze gRe

Unveiling the "Fish World Disaster" of Cooling Weather

The weather cools down and the fish in the north swim in the ice, but the tilapia in the south floats on the water!

I never thought that the fish could freeze to death! The fish in the north swim in the ice, and the tilapia in the south floats on the water

As winter approaches, the cooling weather has become the focus of attention. But did you know what? This sudden change not only affects human beings, but also the fish! The fish in the north actually swim under the ice, while the tilapia in the south actually floats on the water! Today, let's uncover this "fish disaster" and see why the fish have such a strange phenomenon.

I never thought that the fish could freeze to death! The fish in the north swim in the ice, and the tilapia in the south floats on the water

In the cold winter, the temperature of lakes and rivers in the north drops sharply. Normally, fish will gradually migrate to warmer, deeper water in search of a suitable environment for them. However, when the water temperature plummets to a certain level, the metabolism of the fish will also slow down, leaving them in a semi-dormant state. At this time, you will notice a sudden spectacle on the lakes and rivers of the north - fish swimming freely under the ice!

Actually, it's because of the relationship between the density of water and the temperature. When the temperature of the water decreases, the density of the water increases and at the same time it becomes more prone to freezing. As a result, in the lakes and rivers of the north, the cold water sinks, while the relatively warm water floats on top of it to form ice. The fish took advantage of this phenomenon and continued to swim under the ice. This ability to adapt to the environment is amazing!

In the South, however, the situation is quite the opposite. The climate in the south is relatively warm and the water temperature is higher. When the temperature plummets, fish in southern lakes and rivers are unable to adapt to the environment due to metabolic disorders in their bodies, thus exhibiting a series of strange behaviors. One of the most striking phenomena is that tilapia actually floats on the water!

Tilapia usually breathe through their gills in the water, inhaling oxygen from the water through the gill sheets and expelling carbon dioxide at the same time. However, when the water temperature plummets, tilapia's gill pieces become stiff and unable to breathe oxygen properly. To avoid suffocation, they force themselves to surface for a breath of fresh air, causing them to float on the water.

I never thought that the fish could freeze to death! The fish in the north swim in the ice, and the tilapia in the south floats on the water

What are the effects of this phenomenon? In fact, the floating of tilapia on the water is only an emergency act, and they still need nutrients and oxygen in the water to stay alive. However, when the weather continues to be cold and the water temperature of lakes and rivers drops further, tilapia may not survive. This is a big problem for fishermen in the south!

In conclusion, changes in the weather affect not only human life, but also the survival of animals. Fish in the north are able to adapt to the cold and swim freely under the ice, while tilapia in the south are unable to adapt to the cold temperatures and struggle on the water. This not only reveals the survival wisdom and adaptability of animals, but also makes us pay more attention to the impact of climate change on ecosystems.

May our earth be warmer and all creatures can thrive healthily!What do you think of this fish disaster?

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