
Chairman Mao's four poems in Hangzhou - heroic poems of the Taiping Dynasty

author:Xiao Xiao zheng language
Chairman Mao's four poems in Hangzhou - heroic poems of the Taiping Dynasty















这‬四‬首‬诗‬都是毛‬主席‬‬在‬浙江‬杭州‬作‬的奔放‬豪气‬的闲适‬诗作‬。 几‬首‬诗均‬见‬于《党‬的文献‬》‬1996年第‬6期。

The four poems were written in 1955 and 1957. In the summer and autumn of 1955, Chairman Mao came to Hangzhou and rested for some time, during the rest period, the mood was very good, and the tour was also very high, and successively climbed the South Peak, the North Peak, the Jade Emperor Peak, the Mogan Mountain, and the Wuyun Mountain in Hangzhou. On the way to the mountain, I was often attracted by the scenic spots and beautiful scenery of the southern mountains, and I was full of poetry, and during this time, I wrote three poems in a row. That is, "Five Laws and Seeing Mountains", "Seven Absolute MoganShan", and "Seven Absolutes and Five Clouds Mountain".

Chairman Mao's writing of these poems was inseparable from the excellent situation in the country at that time. In the years after the founding of New China, "the mental outlook of the comrades of the whole Party was relatively good, and they continued to maintain the style of arduous struggle and close ties with the masses of the people in the revolutionary war years." All the work of the state has been carried out smoothly and great achievements have been made. In 1954, the First National People's Congress was held in Beijing, which formulated the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the fundamental law of the country. In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, the Congress elected the leader of the state and Chairman Mao was elected President of the People's Republic of China. During this period, great progress was made in all aspects of work, the motherland was full of vitality and prosperity, and Chairman Mao came to Hangzhou, which Chairman Mao called his "second hometown" under such circumstances, and traveled to some scenic spots and monuments with great interest. I wrote three poems in a row after climbing the mountain.

These poems are all improvised by Chairman Mao when he traveled through the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou. Chairman Mao's specific description of his feelings when he traveled through the beautiful scenery everywhere he went was intended to express the beautiful and leisurely mood in the author's heart, which was derived from the excellent situation in our country at that time, and also concealed the joy of Chairman Mao climbing the mountain alone, integrating his body and mind into nature, and temporarily escaping from the world.

"Seven Absolutes and Watching the Tide" was created in 1957. In 1957, China's social revolution and construction continued to develop healthily, and the national economy showed an unprecedented good momentum. Marked by the First Five-Year Plan, large-scale economic construction has been carried out in an all-round way, with political integration and peace, national peace and security, and social stability.

Chairman Mao's four poems in Hangzhou - heroic poems of the Taiping Dynasty
Chairman Mao's four poems in Hangzhou - heroic poems of the Taiping Dynasty

From beginning to end, "Seven Absolute Tides" is as imposing as a rainbow, not only writing the momentum of the Qiantang tide, but also writing the consistent momentum of the author's own heart. In the author's eyes, the Qiantang tide lineup is magnificent, surging and galloping, and has the trend of "jingo iron horse, swallowing mountains and rivers". And such a magnificent mountain and river boldness can only be qualified for this kind of pleasure by a great poet like Chairman Mao.

These four poems were all written in the beautiful scenery of Hangzhou, and were all composed by Chairman Mao when he lived in the "Grand View Garden" of Liuzhuang in the West Lake. In fact, it is said that Chairman Mao still has a love affair with the "Grand View Garden" of Liuzhuang in the West Lake. The reason for this is chairman Mao's indissoluble relationship with "Dream of the Red Chamber."

"Dream of the Red Chamber" is a literary treasure left by Cao Xueqin to future generations. Chairman Mao was extremely fond of "Dream of the Red Chamber," and Chairman Mao once said in his later years: "I have read "Dream of the Red Chamber" more than a dozen times, and some places have not yet understood it. Chairman Mao not only tirelessly read Dream of the Red Chamber himself, but also spared no effort to recommend it to those he had come into contact with, including his children. Chairman Mao said to his daughter Li Min and son-in-law Kong Linghua: "If you want to see "Dream of the Red Chamber," it is not for you to simply read literary works, but for you to understand the complexity of history and social development through "Dream of the Red Chamber." Only by reading "Dream of the Red Chamber" can you know what a feudal society and a big feudal family are. Chairman Mao believes that the ideological value of "Dream of the Red Chamber" depicting the rise and fall of the "four major families" lies in the fact that it exposes the decay of the feudal system and shows from the decline of the "four major families" that the entire feudal system is toward disillusionment.

Chairman Mao loved to read "Dream of the Red Chamber", especially the poems and rhymes in the book, and almost all of them could be memorized. According to the 10th volume of the Central Archives' "Selected Works of Mao Zedong's Handwritten Writings", Chairman Mao's handwritten "Dream of the Red Chamber" has as many as 13 rhymes, and they are all written down from memory, reflecting Chairman Mao's familiarity with the poetry and music of "Dream of the Red Chamber". Since Liu Zhuang was built according to the style of daguanyuan, Chairman Mao loved Wu and Wu and liked Liu Zhuang very much.

Chairman Mao's four poems in Hangzhou - heroic poems of the Taiping Dynasty

Liu Zhuang is the first garden in Hangzhou, originally the private villa of Liu Xuexun in the late Qing Dynasty, named "Water Bamboo Residence". Liu Zhuang is its common name. Liuzhuang is located in front of Dingjia Mountain in west lake, west of Yinxiu Bridge, back to the mountains and near the water, the environment is quiet and comfortable. The pavilions, terraces, bridges and water pavilions in the courtyard are interspersed, which is a typical oriental garden. Some of the courtyards in the village resemble "Xiaoxiang Hall" and some resemble "Yihong Courtyard". Especially after the founding of New China, Liuzhuang was redesigned by the famous garden architect Dai Nianci, and presented the pavilions, zigzags of the cloister, the lake and the mountains, the fresh and elegant landscape, known as the "first garden of the West Lake".

Living in Liu Zhuang, who resembles the "Grand View Garden" in "Dream of the Red Chamber", Chairman Mao read "Dream of the Red Chamber" in his spare time and hummed the poems and rhymes in the book. During his stay at Liu Zhuang, Chairman Mao recited these four poems here.

In these four poems, Chairman Mao discovered the rich beauty contained in the lakes and mountains through his tour, showed Chairman Mao's relaxed and happy mood at that time, enthusiastically praised the great new China, overthrew the three mountains of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism, and built a socialist new China in which the independent people are the masters of their own affairs. This great revolution opened up a new era in Chinese history. Revisiting these four poems of Chairman Mao today will greatly stimulate our sense of national self-confidence and national pride.

Chairman Mao's four poems in Hangzhou - heroic poems of the Taiping Dynasty