
You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

author:I'm going to see you now

On a cold winter day, most people choose to stay in the warmth of their homes and leisurely watch the flowers bloom quietly on the windowsill. But for those of us who are passionate gardeners, winter is not just about watching and waiting, it's about action and challenge. Winter cuttings, this seemingly inappropriate behavior, is actually hiding the secret and opportunity of flower reproduction. So, let me put aside my conservative gardening routine and share three of my "adventures" about real-life examples of successful flower cuttings during the cold winter months. First, let's start with the moon flowers. Yueji, the evergreen tree of the flower world, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, there are always people who yearn for its beauty and fragrance. Most people propagate by cuttings during the warmer season, but I chose the winter. Yes, winter. Many people will wonder, in the cold winter wax moon, everything is dormant, can the moon season be successfully cutting? The answer is yes. During the winter pruning season, a large number of shoots are cut, including many strong annual branches.

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

These shoots, if left in the warmer season, may be used for flowering, and in winter, they become an ideal material for cuttings. In addition, you can also exchange these branches with friends to enrich your own Moon Garden. So what's the secret of the winter cuttings? First of all, temperature. Cuttings can survive in a wide range of temperatures, from 0°C to 35°C, but the optimum temperature is close to 20°C. So, even though it's winter, you also need to make sure the temperature is right. The next step is humidity management. It is important to maintain the right humidity to prevent the shoots from dehydrating or getting too high to prevent disease. Sometimes I add a little carbendazim to the water to prevent it. Next, it's camellia. Camellia, the mysterious beauty of the East, attracts countless gardening enthusiasts in winter with her subtle and elegant attitude. Camellia is different from the moon season, and she is more demanding on the environment, especially when cuttings.

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

However, I found that winter provides a stable, low-temperature environment for the camellia, which helps her to take root and survive. In the same way, I will select healthy and mature shoots, and after a simple treatment, use rooting powder to increase the likelihood of rooting. Next, they are implanted in the prepared grit, which has excellent drainage and ventilation to benefit the roots of the camellia. It is important to note that during the cutting of camellias, avoid direct sunlight and keep the temperature and humidity constant. In the process of propagating these flowers, I discovered that winter cuttings have an unknown benefit: they prolong our contact with the flowers. While others are still waiting for the spring flowers to bloom, my moon flowers and camellia flowers may have begun to show their vitality and vitality. This strategy of being one step ahead of others not only adds fun to my gardening life, but also allows me to have a richer variety of flowers and a more spectacular sea of flowers in the new spring.

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

Here, I have to say that every successful winter cutting, is a celebration of vitality and a perfect practice of gardening skills. Propagating flowers by cuttings during the cold season is not only an adventure to challenge nature, but also a journey of the soul that teaches me patience, care and respect for life. Finally, whether it's a moonflower, a camellia, or any other kind of flower, propagation by winter cuttings is a beautiful attempt. In the snowy world, we are not waiting for spring to come, but creating a sea of flowers with our own hands. It's both fun and rewarding. So, why not grab your gardening tools and sow hope and life in your little garden, even in this cold winter? In this fast-paced world, few people can find time to care for a potted plant, let alone let it thrive.

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

However, there are still some plant lovers who, with patience and love, see flower cultivation as a joy of life and even an art. Today, let's take a closer look at these amazing creatures – camellia and tiger piran, and see how they can thrive and thrive at home. Camellia, the name sounds like a gentle poem. Its petals are layered on top of each other, pure and noble. But did you know that camellia isn't just for ornamentation, it can thrive in our tiny homes. However, there are not many flower friends who can really "tame" it. Why? Everyone always says that camellia is difficult to raise for a long time, and after a few years, it always gets worse and worse after changing the pot and soil. The answer lies in the wisdom of a group of seasoned bonsai players. They tell us that camellia is actually only planted in the ground. The secret of raising a potted camellia is to plant it in the ground every two years, let it regain its vitality in the embrace of nature, and then "pot" again after a year. Sounds a bit unexpected, right?

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

But in this way, you will find that raising camellia is no longer a problem, but a pleasure. So, when you see a camellia and want to replicate its beauty in your home, what do you do? In winter, this seemingly sleepy season is actually a good time for camellia to reproduce. When you're out and about, when you see that camellia variety that catches your heart, you might as well pick a few branches and cut them off. When you get home, prune it a little, leaving about 20 cm in length, leaving 3 to 5 leaves per shoot. Soak them in rooting solution, half an hour is enough. After that, insert the branches into a gravel petri dish, pay attention to watering thoroughly, and usually spray water to moisturize. It seems to be an ordinary operation, but it may surprise you to find that the small camellia has quietly taken root and grown leaves one day in the future. Next, let's talk about another beloved foliage plant – the tiger pill orchid.

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

Its ability to purify the air should not be underestimated, and at the same time, its variety and attractive patterns make it an extraordinary performance in interior decoration. If you are surrounded by smokers, a few pots of tiger pills are quietly guarding the health of your family. The propagation of tiger pirans is mostly carried out by dividing. Spring and autumn are the times when they sprout new shoots. With a little effort, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that one pot can be turned into several pots. But if you want to go for more, or if you want to challenge yourself, try leaf cuttings. All you need to do is cut a leaf of tiger piran, cut it into 5 cm long segments, dry it and insert it into the gravel. In the right environment, you may be able to see a new life sprout in just 15 days. However, it should be noted that this method may cause atavism in special varieties of tiger piran, but the joy of success is incomparable to any difficulty. Now, are you eager to try these tips?

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

Raising flowers is not only a hobby, but also a way to communicate with nature. Whether it's camellia or tiger piran, as long as you put your mind to it, they will show their most beautiful posture under your delicate care. A hard work, a harvest, isn't it? Let us work together to continue to pass on this green happiness. Imagine that in the corner of your home, perhaps on that windowsill gently caressed by the sun, there is a pot of verdant plants, its leaves are tough and elongated, almost like a standing green tiger. That's right, that's Tiger Piran. But don't rush to say that your own tiger pill is not beautiful enough, because today, I want to tell you how to make this "little tiger" of the plant world more charming. For many friends who raise flowers, tiger pill orchid is a choice that is both patient and less payable. It doesn't require much light, is drought tolerant and barren, and even if you forget to water because you're busy, it can stick to waiting for you to come back. But even then, there are those who would argue that the original tiger pill was lacking some beauty.

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

If you're worried, then what's next is for you. First, let's talk about ramets. Dividing is a way for tiger pirans to reproduce, not only to help your plants grow stronger, but also to make them look more appealing. Imagine a small tiger orchid neatly arranged in your home, each carefully separated from the mother plant, they inherit the tenacious vitality of the mother plant, and each shows new vitality and beauty. The best time to divide is in spring and autumn, when the temperature is mild, the growth rate of the tiger pill orchid is moderate, and the recovery period after the division is relatively short. During the process of dividing, you need to prepare a sharp knife to cut the rhizome. Remember to get it all in place to avoid unnecessary injury. Next, plant the isolated plants in new potting soil, remembering to give the right amount of water to help the new roots grow. Now, let's talk about another way to make tiger pills more beautiful – shopping for finished products.

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

There are a variety of tiger orchid varieties on the market, among which the white jade tiger orchid is loved by many flower lovers for its unique leaf color and texture. The edges of its leaves are clear milky white, as if inlaid with a circle of pearls, shining with the luster of nature. When you walk into the flower shop, you may be attracted by these white jade tiger pirans. Noble and mysterious, they can become the focal point of the eye no matter where they are placed in any corner of the home. The great thing about buying a finished tiger pill is that you don't have to do it yourself to enjoy the beauty it brings. It's just that, compared to cultivating it by hand, the finished plant always lacks some emotional connection. At the end of the day, whether it's dividing a plant or buying a finished product, it's not as exciting as mastering a skill. That's cuttings. Cuttings are not only a way to propagate plants, but also an art that allows you to establish a deeper connection with plants.

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

With cuttings, you can watch as a humble branch slowly takes root and eventually grows into a separate plant. To be successful in cuttings, you need to understand the growth Xi of tiger piran. Choose healthy shoots, cut them about 10 cm in length and place them in a cool and ventilated place to dry the incisions. Once the incision has healed, insert it into moist sand. Post-cutting management is crucial to keep the soil moist, but never to accumulate water, and proper light is essential. Cuttings in the hand, flowers I have. Although this sentence is simple, it contains the infinite love of flower friends for the art of raising flowers. It is not only a pride in craftsmanship, but also a pursuit of natural beauty. So, if you are also a friend who likes to raise flowers, then start learning Xi cuttings to make your home full of life and beauty. On your journey to breed tiger pirans, you will encounter a variety of challenges. Maybe it's the rate of growth that you're not happy with, maybe it's the yellowing of the leaves.

You don't need to buy 3 kinds of flowers, break some branches and leaves on the roadside, and you can "breed" a large group of cuttings this winter

But when you master the skills of dividing and cuttings, you will find that these problems are no longer a problem. Because you are not just a flower farmer, you are a creator. You are not just raising flowers, you are also creating life and beauty. In the days that follow, when you see the tiger pills that you have cultivated by yourself thrive, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction will make you fall deeper into the art of flower raising. Let's explore and create more green miracles with love and patience!