
5 kinds of beautiful flowers, the older you are, the less flowers bloom, and you should take cuttings in autumn

author:I'm going to see you now

Have you ever been fascinated by the scent of flowers in your garden, envious of how bright and luxuriant the flowers bloom so brightly and luxuriantly? Have you ever dreamed that your yard could be so vibrant? Then the following secret will open your eyes - this is the secret method of autumn cuttings passed down by a master flower grower. Autumn is not only the season of harvest, but also the prelude to new life. In this cool season, a seemingly simple but infinite technique can transform an aging plant into a vibrant new life. This magic trick is cuttings. Those once brilliant flowers, with the passage of time, slowly lost their former brilliance. The branches of geraniums are slender, the flowers of longevity flowers are sparse, and even the fragrant jasmine and lively goldfish spider plant cannot escape the ravages of time.

5 kinds of beautiful flowers, the older you are, the less flowers bloom, and you should take cuttings in autumn

However, just when these old flowers seem to be coming to an end, autumn cuttings can give them a new life. Let's start with geraniums. It used to be a regular on the balcony, but now it is eclipsed by aging branches. However, when you follow the master's tricks, select stout shoots, cut them into 10 cm long cuttings, remove the bottom leaves, water them thoroughly and place them in a semi-shady environment, you will find that in just half a month, new roots begin to poke their heads out quietly. Then, looking at the succulent beauty longevity flowers, from selecting young branches to drying wounds, and then cutting into sandy soil, behind the simple steps is a deep understanding of the vitality of plants. The wait is long and full of anticipation, but when twenty days pass, a new life will eventually sprout.

5 kinds of beautiful flowers, the older you are, the less flowers bloom, and you should take cuttings in autumn

The legend of Jasmine is even more fascinating, as if to teach us that even the most fragile beings have the right to be cared for and reborn. Disposable cups, simple water, sturdy cuttings, these simple elements, combined together, are the cradle of new life. As for the goldfish spider plant, its goldfish-like leaves also need to be reborn through cuttings. In the moist sandy soil, those carefully selected cuttings quietly wait for the miracle of taking root and sprouting. You may have already begun to imagine that when next spring arrives, those flowers that have been rejuvenated by your care will bloom in the sun. At that moment, all the waiting and efforts will turn into flowers blooming in the garden, which is the most beautiful ode to life.

5 kinds of beautiful flowers, the older you are, the less flowers bloom, and you should take cuttings in autumn

Now, are you eager to start a new journey for the old flowers in your family? Remember, time is never a beautiful end, it is just a sign of reincarnation. Cuttings are just a small footnote in the chapter of life that you and your flowers write together. So, act now, grab the tail of autumn and start your cuttings program. In this season, let's witness the rebirth of those old flowers, wait for spring, and go to a grand flower feast. Then, when someone asks you about your secret to raising flowers, you can smile and tell them that it's not a secret, it's just a way to pursue life relentlessly. The life of a flower is like a feast of reincarnation.

5 kinds of beautiful flowers, the older you are, the less flowers bloom, and you should take cuttings in autumn

Every gorgeous and dazzling flower has its blooming period and aging time. And I, as a flower friend who loves gardening, always look for opportunities for new life in this cycle. Today, I'd like to share with you some of my thoughts about goldfish spider plants and sunflowers, especially how we can bring these beautiful plants back to life when they begin to show signs of age. First, let's step into the world of goldfish spider plants. The leaves of this plant are shiny green, and its flowers are even more peculiar, with clusters of small golden flowers swaying like goldfish in water. However, after years of maintenance, the branches will slowly age, and the flowering of pregnant buds will not be so easy. It seems to tell us that no matter how beautiful it is, it cannot escape the baptism of time.

5 kinds of beautiful flowers, the older you are, the less flowers bloom, and you should take cuttings in autumn

But don't worry, that's not the end of the story. Faced with such a situation, I will cut some young shoots and re-cuttings so that new life can be born from these branches. Cuttings of goldfish spider plant are not complicated, just use the young shoots that grow that year, cut them to a length of about 10 cm, prepare some loose and breathable sandy potting soil, and then insert the branches evenly into the pot. Next, pour some water on them with a watering can, place them in a semi-shaded environment, and stick to watering at the right time. Within a month, you'll find that a new pot of goldfish spider plants has quietly grown. Sunflower, the name sounds like the embodiment of the sun, and its flowers are mostly double-petaled and brightly colored.

5 kinds of beautiful flowers, the older you are, the less flowers bloom, and you should take cuttings in autumn

Not only that, but the sunflower is also a perennial plant, and even when winter comes, as long as we move it indoors to a warm environment, it can safely survive the cold winter and wait until the spring flowers bloom and bloom again. However, even if it is a sunflower, its old stakes can affect the quantity and quality of flowering over time. At this time, I also recommend that you take cuttings. Choose some healthy branches, cut them and insert them into the pot, keep the potting soil slightly moist, and the tenacious vitality of the sunflower will make it take root and survive quickly. In winter, we keep them indoors, and when spring arrives, new plants sprout early, signaling another blooming season.

5 kinds of beautiful flowers, the older you are, the less flowers bloom, and you should take cuttings in autumn

What I want to say is that whether it is a goldfish spider plant or a sunflower, when we find that they have been raised for many years, and the branches are starting to deteriorate severely, affecting their original beauty, we might as well start a new journey for them. By cuttings, we can not only propagate new plants, but also enrich our gardening life. However, all the good things will eventually come to a challenge. You may be worried, will cuttings really succeed, will I be able to make new plants thrive like other gardeners, don't worry, every attempt is an opportunity to Xi learn and grow. And, I believe that as long as you are loving and patient, nature will always surprise you.

5 kinds of beautiful flowers, the older you are, the less flowers bloom, and you should take cuttings in autumn

So, dear friends, if you have aged goldfish spider plants or sunflowers at home, now is a good time to propagate new plants by cuttings. Don't be afraid of failure, and don't worry that your skills aren't good enough. Pick up the scissors, prepare the soil, and start a new journey for your plants! Remember, every new plant carries our respect for life and yearning for beauty. Let's continue to write about the infinite possibilities of life in the world of gardening.