
Has everyone entered the "year-end summary mode"?

author:Chengdu Qingbaijiang District Disabled Persons' Federation
Has everyone entered the "year-end summary mode"?

At the end of 2023, many people have begun to make a "year-end summary" of their year. Regarding the year-end summary, I recently saw this paragraph:

When I grew up, I became more and more disenchanted by the year-end summary, and gradually stopped being anxious about "doing nothing". How could you do nothing, turn the corner and pass by an interesting shop, get together with family and friends in an ordinary and warm way, indulge in a wonderful story and burst into tears, and recover from a long recovery after being defeated by a setback...... Life is a ravine full of thorns, and you are so careful to salvage every star with your own hands, so that you finally stand peacefully in front of the end of the year. Thank you for still looking forward to a sequel to a book, and for having the courage to do your best to live well. (From @知书teenager果maimai)

Such a passage really makes my heart gentle after reading it. Netizens who were comforted also said: In the past, I always felt that "growth" was not in vain for a year, but now I feel that "being healthy, happy and happy every day" is also a huge gain.

What has been your biggest gain in the past year? You don't have to have "great achievements" or "great successes." You can just fish out your own "stars"! You can have those shining moments that "live up to your life"!

Has everyone entered the "year-end summary mode"?

My 2023 is shining brightly in the ordinary

Has everyone entered the "year-end summary mode"?

Today, I finally finished the last subject. Looking back on the past year, the first thing that comes to mind is not those painful moments, but a few small moments: such as the note of encouragement that I didn't know who left when I woke up in the library, for example, on the podium in my Xi room, the box of chocolates that read "The graduate school entrance examination is very bitter, sweet and then continue", such as the sunset shining on me on the way to the cafeteria after a day of study......

Will I go ashore? I don't know the answer, but I feel so relieved. Because I am really worthy of myself, worthy of the morning dew and stars that accompany me. (@考研结束的小媛)

A smooth year, there were no big ups and downs, but there were some happy moments: after the gastroscopy, the doctor told me that there was no big problem, I couldn't help humming on the way home, I watched the concert of my favorite singer, cheered with thousands of people, when the ribbons floated down, it was like a golden dream, it was extremely pure happiness, I wrote a good manuscript, received many sincere responses, so I had the motivation to continue the dream...... In 2023, be satisfied with yourself and be satisfied with life. (@rourouda)

Has everyone entered the "year-end summary mode"?

In fact, this year has been like that, all kinds of frustrated mentality collapsed, and he left Maicheng without a word, but fortunately, he survived in endless remorse and self-blame. The night is endless, but fortunately, I still have bright stars in the sky. "I'm down and down, and I'm going to borrow a pillow from Mr. "This pillow is an optimistic state of mind or a spiritual victory, and it is better to have a romantic dream than to cry and not be able to sleep. Cheers to our persistence!(@八曲铜镜)

Have I done anything "serious" in 2023? If this "serious thing" refers to research, promotion, evaluation of job titles, marriage, and buying a house, then it seems that there really is none.

But if you think about it, it's not that you haven't done anything, you have met a new friend who can talk very well, you have discovered several restaurants that "I hope will never go out of business", I adopted a kitten and named it "Wang Dafa", I felt my heart again after the age of 25, although it ended up in nothing, I watched dozens of movies and a dozen books, many of which I liked very much......

Although these are not "serious", they are the ones that fill every day of my 2023, and this alone makes time not in vain, and life is worth it. Because I'm still alive, I'm still loving something, and life can always be ignited. (@在下小可)

Has everyone entered the "year-end summary mode"?

Think back to the flags set up at the beginning of 2023: going ashore for the law exam, losing 10 pounds, publishing a few books by your favorite authors, and cutting a short film recording your life every month. In fact, only the first one is fully realized, and the others are either with zero progress (such as losing weight) or halfway (such as recording life), but life is very wonderful, it will not come exactly according to the plan, there will be "unfinished", there will be "unexpected".

The unexpected thing in 2023 is that I received a job as a translator of novels, and although I haven't officially started preparing for the exam, I am very happy to think that I can do what I like next.

The year of preparing for the exam while working is a year with regrets but still great, just work hard, and life will always drop surprises from time to time. (@大井)

Although there are some stumbles in 2023, and occasionally I feel "really annoying", there are still some moments when I feel that it is so good to live in the world, and it is great to be able to feel and experience all kinds of emotions in this world!

It is these moments that offset the boredom of life, and even sometimes, I feel that people live for these wonderful and brilliant moments.

If I had to talk about the harvest of 2023, it might be that we learned not to get depressed easily, because we will always have a reason to fall in love with the world again. (@北北)

Has everyone entered the "year-end summary mode"?

Life is never easy, and for most people, it's all about stumbling forward and bounce back together.

If in 2023, we have fought through hardships and dangers, stepped on the ups and downs, and mustered up the courage to set off again, if we pass through the good and bad moments, we still stand here as light chasers, if we have peaceful joy and excitement, if we have a healthy body and strong spirit, if we are still enthusiastic and sincere and full of courage in the ups and downs of the scenery...... We are really remarkable in this way. (Night Reading)

Another year of health and health, and another year of peace, it's time to sign a visa!(@只此下里)

Has everyone entered the "year-end summary mode"?

Text/CCTV News "Night Reading" compiled and written

Photo/Visual China

In the past year,

What are some of the "shining moments" in your life?

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Transferred from: CCTV News