
Go to a good "berry" appointment in Xizhu

author:Show embraces Wuhua

Is the first strawberry of winter 2023 scheduled?

Strawberries come in season

It gives people another hope for winter

Winter joy

How can you miss strawberry picking!

The western golden flower is intimately offered

Strawberry picking tips

Use a strawberry picked by your own hands

Let's start the winter-specific beauty~

Grab a basket and stroll through the strawberry shed

Admire the strawberry blossoms of the white-petaled astragalus

A breeze blows

The air is filled with the sweetness of strawberries

It is the taste of happiness this winter

Go to a good "berry" appointment in Xizhu
Go to a good "berry" appointment in Xizhu

Picking Guide


Dongcun Community, Xizhu Street, Wuhua District, Kunming City

East Village Community

X002, Wuhua District, Kunming City, Yunnan Province

Shangquanyuan Strawberry Farm:

Contact number: 13294977028

Baoquan Road Strawberry Farm:

Contact number: 13108671587

Strawberry Farm in Hedi Village:

Contact number: 15969411354

Zhenfeng Manor Strawberry Farm:

Contact number: 18082969809

Go to a good "berry" appointment in Xizhu

Source | Xizhu Street