
Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

author:Shushan History Road


At the beginning of history, the ancestors of China used wood to build houses and make living tools. They discover the properties of different woods, know how to distinguish between textures, and use simple techniques to make practical objects. This was the beginning of carpentry.

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

With the progress of society, carpentry has become more and more complex and exquisite. Those craftsmen who devoted themselves to the carpenter's craft were no longer simple craftsmen, but gradually gained a high status. In ancient societies, carpenters were known as the head of the "Eight Great Craftsmen" and were the most revered professions, and were even regarded as demigods.

So where does this incomparable status come from? The legend may hide such a revelation that the carpenter is "given" by nature.

Whispers of Trees: The Origin of the Carpenter and the Origin of His Prestige

At dawn when the sun rises, the breeze is gentle, and the craftsman goes alone into the mountains in search of fine pine oak. And just before harvesting, they sincerely pray for nature's blessings, and see the trees as living beings with souls. Miracles happen, and the most exquisite creations are often born in the dialogue between the craftsman and the tree, and it is believed that the carpenter is inspired by the whispers of the mountains.

When the craftsman covers the palm of the tree with bark and caresses its rough lines, he seems to hear the tree telling its own unique story—the years it has spent and the spring and autumn it has witnessed. It will paint a unique picture of the artist's own inner unique colors and forms, and guide the craftsman on how to best use himself.

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

Artisans believe that this magical dialogue comes from the gift of trees. As a result, a beautiful tradition has developed in which a craftsman kneels down before a 100-year-old tree is about to be harvested, paying infinite respect to it and thanking it for the gift of nature.

Perhaps because of this, the masters who have emerged in the carpenter group have become one of the very few people who can "talk to nature" and have won the reputation of "divine craftsman". They were born out of nature, and they hung their heads to the earth and talked to the mountains and forests, so some people praised: "The mystery of the craftsman is also the creator." ”

In such an ancient absurd but beautiful legend, we seem to see the sight of Chinese carpenters who regard their skills as a gift from heaven. From an early age, they heard such stories at the knees of their masters and enshrined them as supreme creeds. Perhaps because of this, generations of craftsmen have been able to retain the naïve and skeptical state of mind of a child, and religiously immerse themselves in the process of gaining inspiration.

It is this devotion and reverence that has made them otherworldly attainments and has earned them an incomparably high social status. From ancient times to the present day, an aura of mystery and sublime has always shrouded Chinese carpenters.

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

Ancient methods are used today: the exquisite embodiment of the carpenter's unique skills

For carpenters, making is not simply a repetitive mechanical task, but a process full of care and friendship.

At dawn, the old craftsman Master Zhang came to his long-idle carpenter's workshop as usual. In recent years, he has become a well-known "Baibao Zhang" in the village, from making festive gifts for newlyweds to participating in the renovation project of the ancient temple in the village. Even in his old age, he insisted on doing it himself, because for him it was not only a job, but also a belief and responsibility.

When the first rays of sunlight shine over the window edge and onto the tools and logs, Master Zhang could not help but caress them, as if he were soothing an old friend in the cold wind, and murmured:

"You've been guarding here all these years, and it's time for your dreams to come true......"

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

Master Zhang picked up a small saw and began to move along the lines of the wood, all with extreme precision and smoothness, which perfectly matched the wood. This seemingly simple sawing actually contains half of his life's hard work and understanding. He has always taught his disciples like this:

"When cutting wood, you have to follow its own grain and be as meticulous as an old friend. After so many years of exposure to the wind and sun, countless stories have already been left in its body, and only by listening and respecting it can the work perfectly inherit its past. ”

In fact, Master Zhang knows those "stories" well—the past and present lives of this piece of material, he remembers it vividly. One day five years ago, on a snowy evening, the master led him deep into the mountains and forests to cut down trees. That was the first time Master Zhang had chosen trees with his own hands. The trees mixed with wind and snow are silent and mysterious, and Master Zhang repeatedly covers the trunk with his palm, as if listening to something.

In Master Zhang's eyes, trees have their own life and soul. Listening to the tree and feeling its story is the first priority of the craftsman. When his palm was finally covered with a solid and straight pine tree, Master Zhang showed a clear smile on his face: "It's you, my good friend." Tell me your story......"

That experience was a turning point for Master Zhang's craftsman. From then on, he always kept in mind his master's teaching: wood chooses you, not you choose wood. It has its own destiny, and the task of the craftsman is to awaken that destiny through carving.

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

Each step of the carpenter may seem simple, but there is ingenuity inside. Day after day, year after year, Master Zhang and his master, the master's master, have completed countless astonishing masterpieces in this way of conforming to nature and integrating into nature, ranging from simple and simple to exquisite, all of which demonstrate the deep friendship between the craftsman and the material.

Compared with the extremely fast cutting of the electric saw, the slightly slow but gentle movements of the old craftsman reveal the fact that the real craftsman not only cares about efficiency, but also cares about the communication with the heart of the material; Not only care about the external beauty, but also care about the inner toughness, which is the essence of the ancient law. Because of this, ancient Chinese wood work rarely needs glue or nails to fix, and all rely on the ingenuity of mortise and tenon joints, which is not inferior to modern construction methods.

As the years passed, the craftsmen inherited the unique skills of mortise and tenon structure with the belief of ancient methods and modern use, and passed down from generation to generation. However, today's industrial production and fast-paced society are gradually wearing away the gentle and slow style of craftsmen. Can we keep this last pure land and let the ingenuity of thousands of years be passed on from generation to generation? The answer remains to be tested by time.

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

The carpenter's rivers and lakes: industry norms and social responsibility

In ancient beliefs, carpenters were almost demigods, and with that came a strict set of rules and responsibilities.

In ancient China, there was a saying that "Confucianism takes carpenters as teachers", which means that Confucian doctors should learn from carpenters Xi their rigorous, serious, and lean attitude. Indeed, the rules of the ancient carpenter were extremely strict.

In the selection of wood, the carpenter agreed not to abuse rare and precious wood, such as yew, which is listed as a rare and protected wood. It is strictly forbidden for craftsmen to plagiarize each other's designs; There are even regulations on the amount of wood that each craftsman is responsible for. Anyone who violates any of the above rules will be regarded as an unethical craftsman and expelled from the school.

In addition to the inheritance of skills, the artisan community attaches more importance to social ethics and a sense of responsibility. They follow the motto of "The Way of the Wooden Man" in the "Inner Canon", integrate ingenuity into their works, conscientiously pursue the ultimate in art, and dedicate all the glory to the god-like nature.

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

Strict regulations are a strong guarantee to ensure that every carpenter does this. The reason why it is so strict is also because the ancients believed that the character of the craftsman directly determines the quality of the work - the craftsman with improper intentions will inevitably produce utensils that are full of negative aura and cannot bring happiness to future generations.

It can be said that the degree of discipline of carpenters is no less strict than that of the highest level of organizational regulations in later generations. At the village level, carpenters often act as "judges" or "arbitrators" to mediate disputes for villagers, which comes from their noble personal cultivation. Law-abiding and trustworthy have become a compulsory virtue for every carpenter. They are not only the practitioners of their skills, but also the disseminators of morality.

Times have changed, and contemporary society has countless strict ancient rules. However, as the inheritor of the ancient tradition, every contemporary carpenter still keeps in mind the ingenuity of his ancestors, regards carpentry as the art of life, and takes environmental protection and moral cultivation as his own responsibility. This sense of responsibility has been passed down from generation to generation and has remained unchanged to this day.

Where the old and the young meet

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

In today's pursuit of efficiency, the style and ingenuity of carpenters seem to be a bit "out of place", and they are often jokingly called "old antiques" or "rotten wood". But this ancient persistence and feelings, how can it not be the precious sincerity under the hustle and bustle of the surface?

Master Wang studied with his master since he was a child, and is now a well-known architect and carpenter in the village. However, with the acceleration of urbanization, rural and ancient buildings are facing unprecedented pressure to preserve. In desperation, Master Wang decided to move to the city - after all, there were more opportunities and resources there.

However, he never imagined that city life would be so unfriendly to him, an old-fashioned carpenter who blindly pursued practical efficiency. Those cold and efficient machinery and interpersonal relationships formed a strong contrast with his usual simple warmth, which made Master Wang feel deeply confused and helpless.

One day, Master Wang wandered alone on the streets, feeling extremely empty and lonely. At this time, he accidentally walked into a park, and saw an old man leisurely sawing a tree branch. The familiar sound of sawing wood and the familiar back of the old man made Master Wang unable to tell for a moment whether it was a scene in Qingshan's hometown or a miracle in the city.

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

Master Wang couldn't help but step forward to talk, it turned out that the old man was also a carpenter from the countryside, and he also came to the city with ingenuity to struggle. The two soon sat down for a long talk and told their experiences.

When Master Wang talked about his confusion and helplessness in the city, the old man chuckled and comforted: "Child, you and I are at that age, do you still have to worry about your livelihood? Why don't we build a hut in this forest, plant flowers and repair trees for our own entertainment?" "

Master Wang was speechless for a while, only to feel as if he was trapped in the quagmire of efficiency and rules, and he had forgotten the true nature of life. Perhaps returning to simplicity is an opportunity for Master Wang to rediscover himself.

On the day he returned to his accommodation, Master Wang noticed the news that a young carpenter, Li Ming, was running his unique handicraft shop in a nearby antique market. Perhaps this is the opportunity for an ancient tradition to be reborn. When historical accumulation collides with cutting-edge elements, it can glow with dazzling sparks. And the true inheritors will eventually find their own place at this turbulent intersection.

Early the next morning, Master Wang came to Li Ming's shop. A familiar fragrance came to his face, and the smell of logs mixed with sawdust brought tears to Master Wang's eyes—he hadn't smelled it for a long, long time in years.

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

The furnishings are quaint but modern in style, and young Li Ming is holding a carving knife and immersing himself in a piece of wood. Master Wang approached lightly and found that what he was carving was an extremely detailed model of a modern city building!

"Hello sir, is there anything I can do to help you?" Li Ming raised his head and smiled gently. Master Wang was amazed at the superb skills of his skills, nodded and exclaimed: "Young man, your craftsmanship is good! Nowadays, children are still willing to Xi learn this old art, which is really commendable." ”

Li Ming smiled humbly: "I'm just talking about inheriting the ingenuity of my ancestors and doing my best for the continuation of this ancient tradition." We have a long history in this business!"

The two quickly fell in love, and Master Wang learned that Li Ming was not only highly skilled, but also cleverly integrated modern elements into traditional woodwork design, which was deeply loved by young people. Li Ming also learned a lot about ingenuity and craftsmanship from Master Wang.

This kind of exchange is like a warm current injected into the long-dormant soil in Master Wang's heart. He gradually regained his original belief and passion. Therefore, Master Wang decided to set up a workshop with Li Ming, which perfectly combines the skills and advantages of the two - both tradition and innovation, so that more people can re-understand and fall in love with the unique charm of traditional Chinese woodworking.

Why do the carpenters lead the eight traditional craftsmen in ancient times? Old man: Nine out of ten craftsmen are difficult, but carpenters are not entangled

Looking at the whole process of his work from design, production to launch, Master Wang's heart swelled with long-lost joy and satisfaction. Perhaps this is where he belongs, and it is also an opportunity for the rebirth of an ancient tradition. When historical accumulation collides with cutting-edge elements, it can glow with dazzling sparks.

And the true inheritor will eventually find his own place at this turbulent intersection. The blend of folk craftsmen and high-tech will surely give the "century-old store" a second life. Those carpenters who are unknown to the world will eventually find new light and heat in the changes of the times.

The long river of history is endless, and what they convey with warmth is this precious true love. How can we forget the watchman in the deepest part of the industry? No matter how the times change, there is always ingenuity and warmth.