
The handsome college student's first blind date, the woman is beautiful and moving, and the boy is weak: I can't hold it

author:Strive for promising whale MTG

The first blind date experience

The first blind date is an intense and expectant experience for most people. This is also the boy's first attempt to face a blind date. He had heard from a friend about the benefits of blind dates, so he decided to give it a try. At the agreed time and place, the boy nervously and excitedly went to meet his blind date.

The handsome college student's first blind date, the woman is beautiful and moving, and the boy is weak: I can't hold it

The beautiful appearance of the blind date

When the boy first saw the blind date, he couldn't help but be attracted by her beautiful appearance. The girl has long hair, bright eyes and bright teeth, is well-dressed and has an outstanding temperament. Her confidence and generosity impressed the boy. The boy was secretly glad in his heart, thinking that he might be able to get together with such a beautiful girl.

The gap between the boy's physical appearance and self-confidence

However, the boy's self-confidence was shattered at this moment. Relative to the beauty and temperament of the girl, the boy feels that his physical appearance and self-confidence are far apart. He knew that he was mediocre, relatively ordinary, and not handsome enough, and he had a sense of inferiority in his heart. This gap made him a little cramped and unnatural during the blind date, and he didn't know how to communicate with the girl and attract her attention.

The handsome college student's first blind date, the woman is beautiful and moving, and the boy is weak: I can't hold it

The boy's manners and actions on a blind date

The boy behaved quite nervously on a blind date, he did not dare to look the girl in the eye, always looking somewhere else. He unconsciously tinkered with the chopsticks in his hand, and from time to time he and the girl coped with a few words, mostly greetings and polite words. During this blind date, the boy appeared a little wooden, did not take the initiative to show his strengths and charms, and did not impress the girl.

The embarrassment and confusion in the blind date process

During the blind date, the boy felt some embarrassment and confusion. He didn't know what to talk about, how to get closer to the girl. He was both surprised and apprehensive, hoping to make a good impression, but worried that he would not be able to hold the girl's attention. This inner struggle made him hesitate and hesitate on a blind date, and did not show his true self.

The handsome college student's first blind date, the woman is beautiful and moving, and the boy is weak: I can't hold it

Reflection and future outlook after the end

After the blind date, the boy reflects on the experience. He realized that there was indeed a certain gap between himself and the girl in terms of appearance and self-confidence, but he also understood that blind dates were not only about appearance, but more importantly, about understanding each other's inner world. He decided that he wanted to improve his physical appearance and boost his self-confidence from the bottom of his heart in order to show his true charm and attractiveness on future blind dates. The boy hopes that through the blind date, he can meet more people who are destined to meet and finally find his true other half.

The handsome college student's first blind date, the woman is beautiful and moving, and the boy is weak: I can't hold it

The above is the boy's first blind date experience and mental journey. Although the blind date is a temptation and attempt, it also gives the boy the opportunity to know himself, improve himself, and become a better version of himself. No matter what the experience is during the blind date, the boy is willing to stick to the blind date, believing that through continuous attempts and learning Xi, he will eventually be able to find a partner who matches his heart and establish a beautiful love story.