
Lewis was knocked down twice, and Zhang Zhilei's dominance shocked the audience!

author:A glass of wine
Lewis was knocked down twice, and Zhang Zhilei's dominance shocked the audience!

Competition time: November 28, 2021 morning

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to bring you a veritable ultimate matchup - Lewis vs Zhang Zhilei! Whether you're a fan of boxing or a warrior who loves a challenge, this story will fill you with excitement and anticipation.

Lewis was knocked down twice, and Zhang Zhilei's dominance shocked the audience!

First, let's take a look at the backgrounds of these two players. Lewis, a legendary boxing champion who has won multiple heavyweight titles, has dominated the boxing world for many years. And Zhang Zhilei, a young and energetic boxing star, has a lot to fear with his dominance.

Lewis was knocked down twice, and Zhang Zhilei's dominance shocked the audience!

The match began, and the hot atmosphere instantly ignited the passion of the audience! Lewis's cold eyes revealed the disdain of his opponent, while Zhang Zhilei confidently walked towards the center of the ring.

Lewis was knocked down twice, and Zhang Zhilei's dominance shocked the audience!

At the beginning of the first round, the two sides immediately fell into a fierce exchange! Lewis's fierce attack swept through the storm, and every punch was ferocious. However, Zhang didn't back down, nimbly dodging Lewis's punches and quickly returning the favor. The audience was in high spirits, and the audience was boiling!

Lewis was knocked down twice, and Zhang Zhilei's dominance shocked the audience!

The minutes ticked by, and the first round was coming to an end. At this moment, Zhang Zhilei suddenly launched a fierce combo, and a short hook hit Lewis in the chin heavily! With a bang, Lewis fell to the ground! Zhang Zhilei successfully delivered him the fatal blow! The audience was in an uproar, and applause and cheers rang out.

Lewis was knocked down twice, and Zhang Zhilei's dominance shocked the audience!

Lewis got up and was undaunted by Zhang Zhilei. The second round began, and the two sides battled it out more intensely. Lewis adjusted his form, and his offense became more intense. However, Zhang didn't back down, and he used his speed and agility to keep punching the fight.

In the final stages of the game, the crowd was so nervous that they held their breath. At this time, Zhang Zhilei launched another fatal blow, and he hit Lewis directly into the temple with a left hook! With a bang, Lewis fell to the ground in an instant! The whole audience was boiling! Zhang Zhilei successfully inflicted a second heavy blow on him!

Lewis was knocked down twice, and Zhang Zhilei's dominance shocked the audience!

This thrilling bout is over, and Zhang Zhilei is the new boxing champion, and he has shown the world his unparalleled dominance and courage with his performance. Lewis may have lost the race, but he also showed the spirit and tenacity of a legendary champion.

The victory of this match belonged to Zhang Zhilei, and his performance completely conquered the hearts of the audience. His dominance was so strong that he couldn't stop it! This bout will go on to be one of the best fights in history and go down in the history of boxing.

Through this ultimate matchup, we saw the infinite charm and courage in boxing. It is these boxers who strive for excellence that make the sport of boxing full of passion and glory.


Lewis was knocked down twice, Zhang Zhilei's dominance was too strong! Zhang's courage and unparalleled performance shocked the crowd and earned him the title of boxing champion. It was a historic fight that would go on to become a classic fight in boxing history. Let's cheer on these two boxers for their wonderful performances!