
The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

author:Stupid and stupid
The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

Jinan Times

Zhu Ling, a young college student, on her 21st birthday, her life began to become inexplicably confusing. A mysterious mystery unfolds, involving a series of unexplained events.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

Initial intoxication: the onset of abdominal pain

On November 24, 1994, on a cold night, Zhu Ling went out to dine with her father, but the occasion that should have been cheerful became dull due to her sudden abdominal pain. The pain escalated from her abdomen, like a dull note resounding through her body. However, this is only the beginning of the mystery, and a mysterious mystery is quietly unfolding.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

Zhu Ling sticks to her dream, and she is a literary and artistic activist on campus. But in the face of abdominal pain, she chose to persevere, unwilling to delay the upcoming theatrical performance due to personal discomfort. This perseverance and courage, like a silent accusation, quietly slipped through the pain.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

As night falls, her body becomes the stage for the mystery. The discomfort of abdominal pain accompanied her every step of the way, but she buried it all in her heart and chose to remain silent. This subtle experience has become a vivid and profound page in the mystery of Zhu Ling's case.

Exacerbation of abdominal pain: characteristic of thallium poisoning

As time passed, Zhu Ling's symptoms did not ease, but gradually escalated, from the initial abdominal pain to her waist and limb joints, like a tingling pain enveloping her. This physical protest seems to be a silent struggle, revealing the coming of a mysterious disease.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

What's even more bizarre is that her hair began to fall out one after another, like autumn leaves. This sudden hair loss phenomenon is like a countdown to life, announcing that an unusual illness is quietly unfolding in her. This series of symptoms cleverly fits the characteristics of thallium poisoning and has attracted great attention from medical experts.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

The research of Chen Zhenyang, an expert on thallium poisoning, became a clue to solve the mystery. His paper "Enlightenment of 3 Cases of Severe Thallium Poisoning" contrasted Zhu Ling's symptoms, forming a bright light, gradually unveiling the curtain of thallium poisoning. This dreamlike journey of revealing secrets makes people fall into the abyss of mystery and can't extricate themselves.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

Discharge and study: Zhu Ling's persistence

Away from the warmth of the hospital, Zhu Ling ushered in the double test of his studies and health. Although her body was still weak, she resolutely chose to step into the campus, showing an admirable academic spirit. Every step is accompanied by an inner struggle, and she seems to be fighting for her ideals, but she is also paying the price for her health.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

This unremitting attitude towards learning and Xi makes people sigh at her tenacity and tenacity. In the face of an unknown illness, she did not choose to be weak, but poured her heart deeply into the palace of her studies. However, it also meant that she had made a difficult choice between her studies and her health, and seemed to be ignoring her body's warnings for a goal.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

During this time, her life was full of hardships and contradictions. She used her weak body to hold up the heavy textbook, and every class was like a battle, both a thirst for knowledge and a worry about health. It's a paradoxical journey of life, and she plays out a soulful story of her life between the dilemma of school and health.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

Second Poisoning: The Fog Returns

The fog of the mystery became thicker in Zhu Ling's second poisoning. This time, the symptoms came back again, and they followed. Chen Zhenyang, an expert on thallium poisoning, found that she had been poisoned more than once, and that the second poisoning may have quietly occurred in the first week of returning to school.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

When returning to school, the students were full of expectations, but they never thought that Zhu Ling fell into the haze of the second poisoning. Chen's argument unravels an even more intricate mystery. Who was responsible for this poisoning, and what motivated the young girl to be poisoned again?

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

Perhaps, on the days of returning to school, Zhu Ling had inadvertently touched someone's sinister machine? Does this poisoning mean that there is a deeper and more secret story around her? All this has become a seemingly unsolvable puzzle, a puzzle that needs more clues.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

The figure of the poisoner: Sun Wei's suspicion

The identity of the poisoner became the key, and Sun Wei, the only classmate who legally touched thallium, became the suspect. Whether she is a key figure in the case has become one of the keys to unraveling the mystery of the case.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

The mystery of the means of poisoning

The way thallium is obtained and used becomes the key to solving the mystery. Whether it was liquid thallium or some other means, the mystery involved the solving of the case.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

Campus Safety Issues: Oversight of Management

The investigation found that there were serious problems in the management of Tsinghua University's laboratories, including the storage of chemical reagents and the control of toxic substances, which became one of the backgrounds of the entire mystery case.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

The Lack of Evidence: The Legal Dilemma

When solving doubtful cases, the lack of evidence has become a huge dilemma for the law. Why has this case not been completely resolved, and are there any loopholes in the legal system?

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

The Impact of the Zhu Ling Case: Social Reflection

Zhu Ling's case has aroused extensive reflection on campus safety and laboratory management. The voice of society is gradually rising, and the expectations and calls for solving this mysterious case are increasing day by day.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.


Sun Wei's statements in the media became the center of attention, and her justification of her innocence became a part of solving the mystery of the case. Will this statement lift the veil of truth?

Although we have learned all aspects of the mystery, the Zhu Ling case remains an unsolved mystery. Many questions remain to be answered, and society is waiting for the truth to be revealed, hoping that Zhu Ling's case will no longer be an eternal mystery.

The Evidence of the Zhu Ling Case! Responsibility and Suspects.

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