
In 2023, connect with the "Earth".

author:Beijing News

When planning this issue of "Earth Weekly" with the theme of "Looking Back on 2023", the question from which perspective to approach this theme is one of the questions we think about the most. In the process of discussion, a line of thought gradually became clear: taking the news products "Earth Connection" and "Earth Weekly" that we focused on building throughout the year as the starting point: "Earth Connection" focused on reaching the core parties of news events, and "Earth Weekly" focused on a comprehensive and in-depth interpretation of major topics. We have extracted the insights expressed by 10 news event parties, experts and scholars when they connected with us in the past year, as well as the cover of the key topics of Earth Weekly in 2023, as a coordinate, looking back on the extraordinary year of the past, reminiscing about the past and looking forward to the future.

In 2023, connect with the "Earth".

"Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Hong Kong and China, commercial trade has grown rapidly, which is an excellent sign. In the future, the commercial trade between the two countries will continue to maintain a growth momentum. - Salvador Moncada, the first ambassador of Honduras to China

"The Belt and Road Initiative is of great significance to Argentina and has made an important contribution to strengthening cooperation between China and Argentina in various fields, while at the same time bringing a positive impact to the comprehensive strategic partnership between the two countries. - Argentine Ambassador to China Niu Wangdao

"Some people say that China and the United States have entered a new Cold War and a new round of great power competition, but I think the 'Cold War' metaphor is inappropriate. - Joseph Nye, the "father of soft power" and a professor at Harvard University in the United States

"Humanity has gone too far on global warming, and action must be taken now to cool the planet, and the next decade will be a critical period to change the planet's warming trajectory. - James Hansen, "Father of Global Warming Research" and Professor at the Earth Institute at Columbia University

"One of Kissinger's most important legacies is the recognition that the establishment of a legitimate 'world order' requires constant negotiation and diplomacy between the great powers. —Kissinger biographer, American historian Thomas Schwartz

"We use all kinds of channels to try to try to have a dialogue with any influential person and constantly push for a ceasefire between Palestine and Israel. As long as it's good for children, we'll continue to speak up. - James Elder, UNICEF spokesperson

"The Japanese government is aware that there are other treatment options, but ultimately chooses the cheaper option of discharging water into the sea, which not only violates relevant international law, but also harms marine ecology and human health. Sean Burney, a senior nuclear expert at Greenpeace Japan, an international environmental agency

"After I gave my warning, I was shocked by the way the British Museum responded [to the theft]. They should be completely cut from the previously incompetent management. —Ité Gradel, whistleblower of the theft from the British Museum

"I am concerned that issues such as global warming and its effects are not being factored into population projections. —Tim Dyson, Emeritus Professor of Population Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK

"We are now in a world where both short-term and long-term challenges are addressed. In the short term, we face a cost-of-living, energy, and food crisis. We also face a number of medium- and long-term issues, namely growth, trade, investment, and finding climate solutions. —Shi Liwei, Executive Director of the World Economic Forum

  • The key topics of Earth Weekly in 2023 are selected
In 2023, connect with the "Earth".
In 2023, connect with the "Earth".
In 2023, connect with the "Earth".
In 2023, connect with the "Earth".
In 2023, connect with the "Earth".

Edited by Zhang Lei

Proofread by Yanjun Zhang