
Luda Special Liberated Zone: Sending people and shells at critical moments, and winning 2 of the 3 major battles is related to it

author:Drifting Past Affair
Luda Special Liberated Zone: Sending people and shells at critical moments, and winning 2 of the 3 major battles is related to it

Map of the Special Liberated Area of Luda

Luda Special Liberated Zone: Sending people and shells at critical moments, and winning 2 of the 3 major battles is related to it

Han Kwang

After the establishment of the democratic regime of the Communist Party of China in the University of Tourism, the Committee of the Brigade and the People's Republic of China, with the assistance of the Soviet military authorities, led the people from all walks of life in the University to devote themselves to the construction of the revolutionary base area. In particular, after the Kuomintang conspiracy to take over the administrative failure of the Brigade University and replace the democratic regime of the Brigade University was smashed, the construction of the base area achieved a complete victory.

1. Eliminate the forces of the United States and Chiang and consolidate local power

As early as September 1945, the Kuomintang set up a city party office in Dalian, and the Soviet military authorities allowed it to be openly listed. Later, because the party insisted on an anti-Soviet stance, it was banned by the Soviet military authorities in late October of the same year. Subsequently, the Kuomintang sent another member to Dalian to set up a new city party office, and went underground to carry out activities, focusing the spearhead on the democratic regime at Luda. The "Fourth Independent Regiment of the Northeast Liaoning Advance Army" was secretly formed as the backbone of the secret armed forces to overthrow the democratic regime.

The democratic government in Dalian closely monitored the activities of the Kuomintang. In January 1946, when the independent regiment was plotting a riot, it was swept away by the Dalian public security organs. The Kuomintang also sent personnel to organize the "Northeast Marine Corps" in Dalian and sent spies of the Central Committee and the Military Command to steal intelligence. The US "44th Overseas Observation Team" has also sent spies to Dalian on many occasions to collect intelligence. These underground sabotage activities of the United States and Chiang were also smashed one by one by the Dalian public security organs. The United States and Chiang had no place to stand in Luda, and the middle strata in the Luda area quickly moved closer to the democratic regime, and the democratic regimes at all levels expanded their mass base. In January 1946, the Dalian Municipal Party Committee convened a meeting on "Launching a Mass Struggle," and in accordance with the spirit of the instructions of the Party Central Committee and in light of the characteristics of the Luda region, it was decided to fully mobilize the masses in urban and rural areas to expose and denounce the crimes of the remnants of the enemy and puppets, and to reduce rents and interest rates.

It was then decided to transfer urban dwellings and redistribute the land seized by the Japanese rulers, and to distribute the houses vacated by the repatriated Japanese to workers and the poor. The so-called "official land" forcibly seized by the Japanese was distributed to the landless and landless peasants. By the winter of 1947, more than 120,000 mu of land had been distributed to the peasants, and the broad masses of the people realized from their immediate interests that the Communist Party and the people's government were their backers. Profound changes have taken place in political consciousness and ideological feelings, and the social foundation of democratic regimes at all levels has been consolidated.

2. Strive for intellectuals and store materials for New China

After Japan's surrender, there was orthodoxy in intellectual circles, believing that the Kuomintang represented Chinese orthodoxy. Taking into account the specific situation in the Luda area, the CPC Central Committee and the Northeast Bureau have tried their best to select cadres with relatively high military and political qualities and a high level of education to take up leadership posts there.

Han Guang is one such outstanding representative, because he not only has a high military and political quality and a high level of education, but also is proficient in the Russian language. It enjoys high prestige in all circles of the local community and has established a good relationship of mutual trust with the Soviet military authorities. Under the leadership of Han Guang, the regional party organization of Luda has carried out cultural and educational work effectively. The municipal party committee first took advantage of the connections between a group of high-level intellectuals who had worked in Dalian and the local area (they had many relatives, friends, and students there) to set up the "Liaodong Technology Association" in Dalian and win over a large number of intellectuals.

Subsequently, Dalian Industrial College (the predecessor of Dalian Institute of Technology) and other colleges of higher learning were established, and the Military Committee of the 39th Group Army of the Soviet Union stationed in the brigade area also actively promoted and assisted the development of cultural and educational undertakings in Dalian. By January 1947, the Luda area had achieved universal primary education. Twenty-three secondary schools, 214 primary and seven-year schools have been established, including 100 evening schools for adults. There are 94,000 students enrolled in the school, 2,500 teachers (1,000 teachers are studying in advanced courses), and there are 3 higher education institutions in Dalian. Due to the urgent need for the front line and the resumption of production, the training of large numbers of engineers and technicians has become a top priority for the democratic regime.

In order to solve the shortage of teachers, the Soviet authorities transferred a large number of officers from the pilots, seamen, artillerymen, tank troops, and other high-tech services to engage in technical training in the brigade area. At first, this work was supervised by the military and political organs of the garrison command, and then gradually transferred to the Chinese administrative organs, party committees, and trade unions. Training and education were "in full swing," and by the eve of May Day in 1947, 3,500 college students were studying in Dalian, Xi. According to the plan of the local committee, this number will be doubled to 7,000. A large number of high-level talents have been cultivated through training channels. Through the development of cultural and educational undertakings, the party organizations in the CPC region have united a large number of intellectuals and established their own contingent of intellectuals. The democratic regime has been further consolidated and developed, and a variety of urgently needed personnel have been prepared for the front line and locally.

In the northeastern battlefield, engineers, artillerymen, automobiles, and tank troops were provided in a timely manner, and local military factories and other enterprises and institutions were provided with technical cadres on the spot. Among them, the Soviet army also trained three female train drivers for the local area, which became a sensational news in the country at that time.

3. Restore and establish industrial and mining enterprises to support the war of liberation

When the democratic regime in the Luda region was first established, the economic situation in the whole region was extremely grim. In particular, after the Kuomintang tore up the armistice agreement and launched a full-scale civil war in June 1946, a comprehensive economic blockade was imposed on Dalian, which brought the economic life of the Luda area to a serious standstill and chaos. The Brigade and Land Committee made full use of the special environment in this region to actively seek the support and cooperation of the Soviet military authorities. Industrial and agricultural production was quickly restored and developed, and not only the economic blockade of the United States and Chiang was smashed. Moreover, it produced a large number of strategic materials, which effectively supported the liberated areas of Northeast China, East China and North China. The Luda area, especially Dalian City, has a good industrial base, and the military industry is particularly developed, and it is one of the important military production bases for Japan to launch a war of aggression. Because the Soviet army had to be stationed here for a long time, protective measures were taken for machinery and equipment, and all large and medium-sized industrial and mining enterprises were managed by the Soviet army. After the establishment of the democratic regime in the Luda region, the takeover of these enterprises was put on the agenda. In the spring of 1947, the Nationalist Government made a big effort to take over Dalian militarily, which accelerated the pace of cooperation between the Soviet military authorities and the democratic regime of Luda in the operation of these enterprises.

At the beginning of the year, the commander-in-chief of the Soviet Army took the initiative to solicit Han Guang's opinions and discuss specific methods for setting up a Sino-Soviet joint venture at the brigade university. Since the large and medium-sized enterprises in the Luda area were all under the care of the Soviet army at that time, only the implementation of joint ventures could make these industrial and mining enterprises fully operational. Therefore, the prefectural committee agreed to the Soviet army's request to carry out cooperative operation of a large number of enterprises. Just before Dong Yanping's inspection of the university, the Soviet side proposed a draft protocol for the Sino-Soviet joint venture. After negotiation between the two parties, four joint venture contracts were signed.

The four enterprises are: the Sino-Soviet Joint Venture Far East Electric Power Company (which operates more than 30 large and medium-sized factories, including the Metal Machinery Factory, in addition to several power plants), the Sino-Soviet Joint Venture Petroleum Company (which operates the Ganjingzi Petroleum Processing Plant), the Sino-Soviet Joint Venture Salt Industry Company (which operates several large salt farms in Dalian, Lushun and Jinxian), and the Sino-Soviet Joint Construction Ship Company (which operates the Dalian Shipyard). The Chinese side accounted for 51% of the shares of these four joint ventures, and the Soviet side accounted for 49%, and the profits were shared proportionally. At first, the Chinese side was the chairman of the joint venture, and the Soviet side was the general manager. Later, with the improvement of China's technical and management capabilities, the Soviet side also handed over the positions of general managers and factory directors of some enterprises and factories to the Chinese side. In this way, the Chinese side will be more hands-free and run these enterprises according to their needs. As a result of this readjustment, the enterprises in the Luda area are divided into three categories: Sino-Soviet joint ventures, Dalian municipal enterprises, and Soviet military escrow enterprises.

As far as its production is concerned, it is mainly divided into two categories: military industry, military quartermaster and civilian use. Because Dalian has a solid military production base and convenient sea transportation, it has unique conditions for developing military production. In order to meet the needs of the battlefield, the Northeast Bureau and the East China Bureau of the Communist Party of China jointly made a decision in 1947 to take advantage of various favorable conditions in Dalian to establish a military production base in Dalian. Han Guang repeatedly intervened with the Soviet military authorities and took over a number of enterprises with the Dalian Chemical Plant and the Dalian Steel Plant as the main body. Immediately afterward, a large number of cadres were sent to the liberated areas of East China, Northeast China, and North China to set up the "Jianxin Company," a large military industrial enterprise. In the three years of the Liberation War, the company produced more than 50 million artillery shells, more than 80 thousand fuzes, more than 3,000 tons of carbon steel in the projectile body, 450 tons of smokeless gunpowder, and also produced 1,430 mortars and other various military products.

Chen Yi, commander of the East China Field Army, pointed out: "The liberation of East China, especially the victory in the Huaihai Campaign, could not have been achieved without the small carts of Shandong migrant workers and the artillery shells produced in Dalian. "In addition to the enterprises directly operated by the prefectural committees to serve the battlefield, various liberated areas have also set up various enterprises in the name of private companies and trading companies to serve the war effort.

The restoration and development of a large number of military-industrial enterprises and civilian enterprises has not only solved the problem of employment of a large number of workers. It stabilized the economic and social order in the Luda area and alleviated the shortage of weapons, ammunition and other necessities on the Northeast Front and the East China Battlefield. Some of the products were also sold to the Soviet Union, and economically and politically further consolidated the alliance between the Northeast Base Areas and the Soviet Union.

Fourth, the establishment of the outer "security zone" of the University of Tourism

There was no formal demarcation of the boundaries of the Lushunkou naval base area, and both China and the Soviet Union had requested that the boundaries of the Lushun naval base area be formally demarcated. However, due to the failure of the Nationalist Government to take over the administration of the brigade and never demarcated, the Soviet military defense area was generally subject to the scope of the Lend-lease area of the brigade in the Tsarist era. When the Soviet 39th Army first entered the brigade area, the local representatives demanded that the Soviet authorities move the land limit of the defense zone to the north by a distance of about 10 kilometers. A buffer zone was created outside the naval base to protect the inhabitants of the brigade from the civil war.

At that time, the Soviet side considered that such a move would violate the Sino-Soviet treaty and did not adopt the deputies' opinions. In May 1946, the troops of the eight divisions of the Kuomintang advanced from the direction of Shenyang to the Luda area, squeezing the South Manchurian troops of the Chinese Communist Party into the Luda area, and the fighting flames were in danger of being directly introduced into the naval base area. The Military Council of the 39th Army of the Soviet Union sent Colonel Voloshin, commander of the Lushun garrison, as a representative to meet with the relevant responsible person of the Kuomintang army, and in the presence of this responsible person, "drew a line on the map that the Kuomintang troops were not allowed to cross." He also stated that if this line was crossed, the cross-border army would be within the "range of artillery fire of the Soviet army, which could have dangerous consequences", and the head of the Kuomintang army was forced to agree. In this way, the buffer zone of 8 to 10 kilometers north of the land limit of the Lushunkou naval base area has actually become a "safety zone" for the South Manchurian forces of the Chinese communists.

In the spring of 1947, when the Nationalist Government tried to take over the administration of the Brigade University by force, it first wanted to have troops stationed in the above-mentioned "buffer zone" and drive away more than 30,000 South Manchurian troops of the Chinese Communist Party concentrated on the east and west lines of Shiheyi. On April 6, 1947, Zhou Pu, head of the forward unit of Pulandian sent by the Northeast Military Authorities of the Nationalist Government, held talks with Major General Chalesky, head of the Soviet Army stationed in the Shiheyi area. Zhou Pu informed the Soviet side that the Kuomintang troops were ready to garrison the Wazidian area. Wazidian is north of the naval base area, and Zhou Pu actually asked to be stationed in the buffer zone.

Wazidian was not within the scope of the naval base area, and the Soviet side could not refuse. Charessky said that Wazidian was the source of water for the Soviet army, and in order to ensure the safety of the water source, the Soviet army sent a small number of troops to garrison there. If the Kuomintang army guarantees that the water source will not be destroyed, they are willing to hand it over. However, the Soviets did not hand over the Wazidian, and during the Nationalist Government's inspection of Luda, the vigilance in the Shiheyi area was strengthened. Military exercises were also carried out continuously, Xi so that the Kuomintang troops in the South Manchurian region never dared to enter the buffer zone.

In this way, the democratic regime of Luda has expanded its area of activity and has been able to integrate with the South Manchurian forces of the Chinese Communist Party, further enhancing the status and role of the Luda region in the liberated areas of northeast China. In less than two years, from the autumn of 1945 to the summer of 1947, the CPC Party organizations in the major regions relied on the broad masses of workers and peasants to unite people from all strata. With the full support of the Soviet military authorities, through the above-mentioned effective measures, the entire Luda area will be built into a revolutionary base area with a solid political power, economic development, and progress in cultural and educational undertakings, and the most reliable rear area in the northeast battlefield, with Dalian as the center.

According to incomplete statistics from the available archives, from 1945 to 1948, a total of 30,000 soldiers were directly mobilized and transferred from the region. More than 14,300 troops have been transferred from the region's public security system to the Northeast Democratic Alliance Army. More than 230 radio communication personnel and engineering and technical personnel have been trained and transported, and nearly 1,000 tank soldiers have been trained, all of whom have become the backbone of the armored unit. The medical and health department of the brigade university has continuously organized medical teams and surgical teams to serve the military and civilians in the liberated areas of Northeast China, with each batch of 60-100 people, many of whom have stayed in the army. In order to meet the needs of cadres in the liberated areas, the Luda Prefecture Committee opened the "Jianguo Academy" from 1946 to 1947, and successively trained more than 1,600 trainees, many of whom became leading cadres at or above the intermediate level in the localities and the military. In order to welcome the liberation of the whole country, the Luda Land Committee established Dalian University in 1948, with the School of Engineering and the School of Medicine. Graduates are sent to the Northeast and the national departments in urgent need to take up important jobs.

In terms of weaponry and strategic materials, the support for the liberated areas in the northeast is even greater. The weapons and ammunition produced by the above-mentioned "Jianxin Company" all supported the Northeast Battlefield and the East China Battlefield. The public security system in the Luda area also delivered the enemy's ordnance, ammunition depots, guns, ammunition, and gasoline scattered in society directly to the front.

In addition, the Luda area also supplied 300,000 sets of military uniforms, 2.36 million pairs of military shoes, and a large number of medicines, medical equipment, cotton cloth, gasoline, sailboats, leather, rubber shoes, ethanol, enamel, etc., the number of which cannot be counted. Obviously, the victory of the Liaoshen Campaign was inseparable from the existence and support of the Luda base area, and even the victory of the Huaihai Campaign was inseparable from the support of the Luda.

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