
Left-behind children, even if their grandparents love her, she is also sensitive and lonely

author:Wild geese flew over the top of the Qinling Mountains
Left-behind children, even if their grandparents love her, she is also sensitive and lonely

Everyone's growth, just like the cycle of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, can only move forward, not back.

Every child's growth, once they miss the company, even if they want to make up for it, it is difficult to remedy it after all.

When she was only a few months old, her mother left her to work in the city, and she was a veritable left-behind child.

Since then, this child has become the baby bump that his parents are afraid of melting in their mouths and afraid of falling in their hands!

Left-behind children, even if their grandparents love her, she is also sensitive and lonely

Grandpa has changed from our stern father figure to a cute little old man for her. Every day, he smiles and carries his little older child to the street to buy candy to eat, and enjoys the envious eyes of his neighbors.

Grandma survived countless nights for her. In front of her bedside table was a pot of cold boiled water, a pot of hot boiled water. Every late night, when the child is clamoring to drink milk, it is the grandmother who turns on the light in a daze, finds a clean bottle, carefully mixes the milk with the right temperature, and sends it to the mouth of the baby who is waiting to be fed.

The father, who has never taken care of our four children in his life, suddenly started his own childcare career because of this baby granddaughter.

He learns from TV shows and cooks baby food. Strict demands on one's wife, must be scientifically fed! Every time his mother quarrels, he said angrily: "Four children! Not as charming as your granddaughter! When you were a father, you didn't care about anything, and now tell me about scientific feeding? You will come!"

Two old men had a lot of trouble over a baby's eating, drinking, and lazing!

Left-behind children, even if their grandparents love her, she is also sensitive and lonely

Slowly, the child was able to talk and walk! Dad even carried his granddaughter around his neck and went grocery shopping. My classmates in my hometown said to me, "Dayan, your father is so gentle to your niece! I saw him hugging your niece on the street! His face was full of infinite love! I almost didn't recognize it as your father!"

Yes, my father, when his own children needed paternal love, was always very simple and rude. It never took into account whether we could accept his bad temper.

However, he was taken down by his little granddaughter, and showed his infinite love for the child!

Left-behind children, even if their grandparents love her, she is also sensitive and lonely

In the process of growing up this granddaughter, what she lacks is the love of her parents, but she definitely does not lack love from her grandparents!

When my niece was five years old, I often went home to run errands and often took her out to play. So, during that time, the child was very clingy to me.

At that time, the child's kindergarten needed to have a sports day. I attended on behalf of her family. Among the many children's grandparents, I am one of the few young parents.

That day, the child was very happy. Holding my hand, everyone they met loudly introduced: "This is my aunt!"

On that day's sports meeting, she had a lot of fun.

At night, I blew her freshly washed wet hair, and she lowered her head and whispered, "Auntie, how nice it would be if you were a mother!"

My heart suddenly felt very painful.

Left-behind children, even if their grandparents love her, she is also sensitive and lonely

A five-year-old child, a child who grew up under the wholehearted care of her grandparents, is still looking forward to the love of her parents, and is still so eager for her parents to love her!

At that time, her mother had already divorced and gone to another city, and it was impossible to come back.

Since then, she has become an aunt's child, an uncle's child. Every time whoever comes home, she is happy. Come with us to buy clothes and toys.

It wasn't until a year later that she suddenly knew that she would never see her mother again.

She began to become sensitive and suspicious.

A sentence to the neighbor: "Xiaoyu, will my mother come back to see you during the New Year?" she coped from the initial tears to the silence at the end.

She doesn't want us to take her to buy anything anymore.

One year, I bought her a beautiful coat from a specialty store. Because I didn't know her height and weight, I deliberately bought a little bigger and asked my brother to give it to the child.

The next year, I took my children back to my parents' house from the north for the New Year, and the family rarely got together, and everyone discussed driving to the scenic spot.

We were all ready, and she slowly walked out of her room. Wearing the beige coat I bought for her. However, the clothes were already short.

"Xiaoyu, let's change my coat again, this one is too short!" I told her.

She lowered her head and shook her head silently.

I seem to know, she doesn't have a lot of nice clothes. Because her grandparents are old and have limited income, it is impossible to meet her too high requirements in terms of clothes. That beige coat is one of the few good clothes she wears.

During that winter vacation, she was only eight years old, but in the photos of those scenic spots, she only smiled slightly at the corners of her mouth.

From then on, she began to become more sensitive and suspicious.

I also have no ability to take care of her anymore because I am married far away.

The younger brother is trying to give her warmth.

However, she is still becoming more and more silent and sensitive.

Left-behind children, even if their grandparents love her, she is also sensitive and lonely

An unintentional word from anyone may cause her to have an emotional breakdown. She would lock the door in her room, crying loudly alone, and a group of adults would follow her to worry about her collapse.

She was full of resentment towards her father.

In those years, because her brother was not involved in her upbringing. Now, he is eighteen years old and has been admitted to university. The feelings for his father are also very cold.

She called her dad "hey".

And her father, because of guilt, has been trying to make up for it.

However, a person, once she is growing up, is forced to grow psychologically at the age when she needs to be cared for the most, and for her, she has always been the baby who was left in her hometown by her parents in a few months.

More than ten years ago, it is still like this!

So, if you love your kids, be sure to bring them with you!

Because the love of parents is irreplaceable! Not every child can grow up mentally healthy!

Don't lose your children for the sake of endless money!

Left-behind children, even if their grandparents love her, she is also sensitive and lonely