
He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

author:Characters are curious

One day in April 1949, a Kuomintang transport plane suddenly appeared over Xuzhou Airport. This plane flew from Taiwan and caught our army by surprise.

Faced with an unexpected situation, our army immediately activated emergency measures, and intensive artillery fire was fired into the sky in an attempt to shoot down the enemy plane. However, in the tense confrontation, the other party said: We are here to surrender!

The pilot who flew the bomber was named Du Daoshi.

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

In 1917, Du Daoshi was born into a family of scholars, and his father Du Youhui and uncle Du Youfen were both talented literati.

Since childhood, Du Daoshi has shown a keen insight into national affairs. He said to his father, "Father, the state is on fire, how can you not worry." When he was in middle school, he actively participated in the anti-Japanese salvation movement, and he once shouted: "Chinese sons and daughters, swear to defend the country to the death!"

On the eve of the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in 1937, when he learned that the admission letter from Tsinghua University was placed in front of him, he chose an unusual path. He said frankly to his father: "My ambition is not to study, but to serve the country." I'm going to aviation school, I'm going to fly bombers and do my part for the country. ”

However, when Du Daoshi actually stepped into the Kuomintang army, he was deeply disappointed by what he witnessed. He once complained to a friend: "The military discipline here is corrupt, and it is far from the ideal in my heart." ”

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

In 1943, the Eighth Brigade of the Kuomintang Air Force was in urgent need of expanding its strength, so it sent Du Daoshi to the United States to receive a batch of new B-24 bombers. This task is both a challenge and an opportunity for Du Daoshi. He was well aware of his heavy responsibility and decided to live up to the expectations of the party-state.

During his time in the United States, Du Daoshi gained a deeper understanding of the Chinese Communist Party and developed a strong interest.

One day, while reading Snow's writings, Du Daoshi suddenly made a decision. He excitedly said to his cousin Du Ming: "Brother Ming, I have discovered a whole new world. I realized that the Communist Party of China is the team that truly fights for the people and the nation. ”

Du Ming looked at him in surprise and asked puzzledly, "Brother Daoshi, have you really thought it through?"

Du Daoshi nodded firmly: "Yes, I have thought it through. I can't work for the Kuomintang anymore. I want to join the ranks of the Communist Party of China and fight for true national liberation. ”

"However, there are great dangers and difficulties in doing so. Du Ming reminded.

"I know," Du Daoshi said calmly, "but this is my responsibility and mission as a Chinese." I cannot stand idly by and watch my nation suffer, my people suffer, and do nothing. ”

Du Ming, as a comrade-in-arms of Du Daoshi's underground party, learned of his decision as soon as possible. He was well aware of the importance of this news and immediately reported it to the organization with MeSign.

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

The Chinese communists expressed a warm welcome and firm support for Du Daoshi's willingness to surrender. They reacted quickly and arranged for Du Ming to meet with Du Daoshi in person to discuss the specifics of the uprising.

When the two brothers met, their excitement was palpable. Du Daoshi held Du Ming's hand tightly: "Brother Ming, I want to fight for national liberation and the happiness of the people, this is my responsibility and mission." ”

Du Ming was deeply moved and responded: "Brother Daoshi, I understand your determination. We will fully support your actions and fight for your ideals together. ”

They agreed on the details of the uprising: shaking the wings in the air as a code, and throwing white parachutes to show their determination to surrender. Du Daoshi decided to fly to Shenyang first to make thorough preparations for the uprising.

However, just as the uprising was about to begin, Du Daoshi suddenly received an urgent secret letter from the organization. The letter reads: "Due to the change in the situation of the enemy, in order to ensure the success of the uprising, you must remain within the Kuomintang army, develop strength, and accumulate strength. ”

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

Faced with this sudden order, Du Daoshi had mixed feelings in his heart. He understands that organizational decisions are made with the big picture in mind. He took a deep breath and said to Du Ming, "Brother Ming, we must obey the organization's decision. I will continue to lurk inside the enemy, waiting for the right moment. ”

On January 16, 1949, the dust of the Huaihai Battle had settled, and the defeat of the Kuomintang had appeared. At this moment of uncertainty about the future, many personnel in the Eighth Brigade of the Kuomintang Air Force were in turmoil and full of confusion about the future. After the 8th Brigade of the Kuomintang Air Force announced its withdrawal from Nanjing to Hsinchu, Taiwan, the entire airport was in chaos.

In a simple wood-paneled room at Hsinchu Airport, Mr. Du sat around with his neighbors, looking around at the aircrew, ground crew, communications troops, and pilots, as well as the spies who monitored them. He knew that everyone here could be his partner in the uprising.

"Compatriots, the Kuomintang has been defeated, and we cannot continue to work for them. Du Daoshi said affectionately, "We want to revolt, for the sake of our families, for our country, we must stand up bravely." ”

His words resonated with those present. Some nodded in agreement, others had a determined glint in their eyes. However, there are also those who hesitate, fearing that the uprising will have unpredictable consequences.

"We are not afraid of sacrifice, but we are afraid of not having faith. "It's time to show our unity and courage." As long as we work together, nothing can stop us from moving forward. ”

Encouraged by Du Daoshi, more and more people joined the ranks of the uprising. They secretly discussed plans for an uprising, preparing to deal a fatal blow to the Kuomintang authorities at a critical moment.

However, the Kuomintang authorities were not unaware. They began to suspect the movements of Du Daoshi and others, and strengthened the surveillance and control of air force personnel.

"We have to act as soon as possible. Du Daoshi eagerly said to his companions, "Once discovered, we will lose all our efforts." ”

In a tense and dangerous atmosphere, Du Daoshi and his companions finally agreed on a date for the uprising. They made their final preparations and waited for that moment to come.

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

With the assistance of his friend Hao Ziyi, Du Daoshi cleverly disguised himself as a mechanic and successfully infiltrated the airport. They cautiously approached a C-46 transport plane.

"Ziyi, are you ready for success or failure?" Du Daoshi held Hao Ziyi's hand tightly, his eyes firm.

Hao Ziyi nodded vigorously and responded: "As long as it is for New China, I am willing to take all risks." ”

The two tacitly cooperated and boarded the plane smoothly with superb skills.

"No matter what the outcome is, I will fly the plane to revolt!" Du Daoshi firmly started the engine. The plane began to taxi slowly, ready to take off.

He handed a pistol to Hao Ziyi and said with a serious expression: "If the plane breaks down, you will shoot me in the temple." Even if we cannot return, we cannot fall into the hands of the enemy. ”

Hearing this, Hao Ziyi's heart tightened. He knew that it was the last line of defense just in case. The two men clenched their pistols and watched the dashboard and surroundings intently.

With a roar, the C-46 transport plane began to accelerate and taxi, gradually taking off into the air. Inside the cabin, the tension eased a little.

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

Du Daoshi piloted the plane and pointed straight at the northern sky. He secretly rejoiced in his heart: "Thank you for the trust and expectations of the organization, I will live up to my trust!"

At this moment, he has only one thought: I am here to join the People's Liberation Army, and I must fly the plane back to New China!

"Brother Daoshi, you see, we are getting closer and closer to our hometown!" Hao Ziyi pointed to the distance outside the window and said excitedly.

Du Daoshi looked in the direction of his finger, and the dawn appeared on the horizon in the distance. He was full of emotion: "Yes, we have finally returned! For the sake of this land and people, it is worth it no matter how much we pay!"

After a long flight, the C-46 transport plane piloted by Du Daoshi finally arrived over Xuzhou Airport. He carefully observed the ground situation, looking for a suitable place to land.

At that critical moment, when the C46 transport plane flew over the intersection of the Longhai Railway and the Jinpu Railway, it encountered the interception force of the Kuomintang.

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

"What should we do if we were intercepted?" Du Ming asked nervously.

Du Daoshi clenched the steering wheel tightly, his eyes were firm: "Keep calm and act according to the plan." ”

They quickly flew in the direction of the Xuzhou airfield, trying to get rid of the encirclement of enemy aircraft. With his superb flying skills and experience, Du Daoshi successfully got rid of the entanglement of enemy planes.

"Now that it's safe, we turned to Xuzhou Airport. Du Daoshi breathed a sigh of relief and said to Du Ming.

Just as they were about to land, the PLA anti-aircraft artillery unit guarding the Xuzhou airport spotted the plane. Due to the harassment of Kuomintang planes for several days, the soldiers of the antiaircraft artillery unit did not clearly see the signal sent by the C46 to surrender, and mistakenly thought that it was an enemy attack, and immediately launched a fire strike.

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

"Oh no! we've been attacked!" Du Ming exclaimed.

Du Daoshi frowned, quickly piloted the plane to carry out emergency evasion actions, and quickly got out of the city through sharp turns. At the same time, he shouted loudly: "Stabilize your mentality and maintain your flying attitude!"

With superb flying skills and extraordinary judgment, Du Daoshi drove the C46 into the airport runway extension line and decisively closed the accelerator. After a few jumps on the ground, the plane finally landed firmly on the runway.

"We succeeded!" Du Ming shouted excitedly.

Du Daoshi took a deep breath and showed a relieved smile: "Yes, we succeeded, it's really thrilling!"

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

When Du Daoshi inspected the plane afterwards, he found that the fuselage was covered with 200 bullet holes, which made him deeply feel the thrill of the situation at that time. He silently stroked the bullet holes, as if touching those thrilling moments.

After defection, he was appointed deputy chief of the Air Force Command. Soon after, he was promoted to Director of Training at the Air Force Command, where he was responsible for training a new generation of pilots.

At the Aviation Academy, Du Daoshi served as the director of flight technical inspection and the deputy head of the regiment. Under his guidance, many pilots became outstanding military talents and flight elites.

He flew an enemy plane to surrender, but was mistakenly attacked by our firepower, and was terrified after landing and inspecting the fuselage

After retiring, Du Daoshi did not have idle, he served as a member of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. In various meetings and activities, he always impassionedly called for cross-strait peace: "We are all descendants of Yan and Huang, and peace is our common wish. Let us work together to achieve cross-strait peace. ”

In 1992, Du Daoshi died of illness at the age of 75. At his memorial service, people fondly recalled his deeds and contributions, offering him the highest respect.

The C-46 transport plane that once fought side by side with him has also become a witness to history, which carries the heroic spirit and selfless dedication of Du Daoshi, and will always be remembered in people's hearts.