
The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

author:Zhang Xuejun, a cardiologist


Some people say that when people get old, they will get some geriatric diseases, their legs and feet are not good, their blood vessels are hard, their minds are not easy to use, and sometimes dizziness and shortness of breath come to the door. But is this really geriatric disease? Is it the case for everyone? After reading Uncle Wang's story, you may have a new understanding of the word geriatric disease.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

1. Prevention of vascular plaque, 4 experiences, worth learning Xi!

Uncle Wang is 68 years old this year and is an authentic farmer. In the day-to-day work, Uncle Wang is not only very healthy, but also does not have a single vascular plaque in his blood vessels.

It is important to know that in China, the elderly have a high probability of arteriosclerosis after the age of 60. Arteriosclerosis is a chronic disease that causes the walls of arteries to gradually harden and lose their elasticity. This is mainly due to the accumulation of cholesterol, lipids, and calcium in the walls of blood vessels, forming deposits called plaques.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

So how did Uncle Wang do it, and at the age of 68, he didn't even have a single plaque in the blood vessels? After inquiry, it was found that Uncle Wang had the following four good Xi habits, which are worth learning from Xi learn.

1. Healthy eating Xi

Uncle Wang's table is always filled with vegetables, fruits, whole grains and foods rich in high-quality protein. The diversity in the diet provided him with a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that effectively maintained his vascular system. Medical experts emphasize that a sensible diet is essential for cardiovascular health.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

2. Moderate physical activity

Although he is 68 years old, he maintains a moderate amount of exercise every day. When the fields are busy, they help with farm work, and when they are not busy, they run on their own. This helps to improve blood circulation, lower blood pressure, and improve heart and lung fitness. Medical studies have shown that regular exercise plays a positive role in maintaining the elasticity of blood vessels and preventing arteriosclerosis.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

3. Never smoke

The nicotine and other harmful substances in tobacco cause great harm to the vascular system, which can easily lead to damage to the blood vessel wall and form plaque. Uncle Wang resolutely resisted the temptation to smoke, which became a key part of his vascular health.

4. Conduct physical examinations every year

Every year, Uncle Wang will go to the medical institution for a comprehensive physical examination as scheduled, which includes a series of items such as blood pressure measurement, blood test, electrocardiogram, ultrasound examination, etc. This not only helps in the early detection of potential health problems, but also provides doctors with effective opportunities for intervention and treatment.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

So how do we judge whether our usual "bad" Xi habits have caused blood vessels to form vascular plaque?

2. How to tell if there is plaque in your blood vessels

Understanding and paying attention to your body's signals is a crucial first step in maintaining cardiovascular health. It's as if our body is signaling us for help, and we need to learn to listen, observe, and react.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

1. Chest pain is often one of the early signs of cardiovascular problems

When the blood supply to the heart is insufficient, a feeling of discomfort or pain in the chest may occur, which may be caused by narrowing or blockage of blood vessels, and is a symptom to be alarmed.

Shortness of breath is also a possible sign. When the heart is not supplied with enough blood, the body may increase the rate of breathing to provide more oxygen. Therefore, it may be important to pay attention to whether you often feel shortness of breath, especially during usually relaxed activities.

Dizziness is another symptom to look out for. Cardiovascular problems can cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, which can trigger feelings of dizziness. In particular, dizziness that occurs when changing positions or waking up can be related to problems with the blood supply and requires prompt attention.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

2. Second, we should pay attention to blood lipid levels

By measuring the level of cholesterol in the blood, we are able to get a glimpse of whether there are potential risks inside the body, especially the high cholesterol problem associated with plaque formation.

Cholesterol, although it has a certain function in the body, excessively high cholesterol levels can be a catalyst for cardiovascular disease. Through blood tests, doctors can evaluate indicators such as total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, etc., to understand the distribution of cholesterol.

High cholesterol levels, in particular, are often considered a risk signal for plaque formation in blood vessels. Too much cholesterol can be deposited in the walls of blood vessels, forming cholesterol plaques, which can lead to narrowing of blood vessels and hardening of the arteries. This condition will increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and pose a non-negligible threat to the overall vascular system.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

3. The third measurement of blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the important factors in arteriosclerosis and plaque formation. Regular monitoring of blood pressure, especially after middle age, can help detect and control high blood pressure early and reduce cardiovascular risk.

Of course, if you are too addicted to a high-fat and high-sugar diet, I am afraid that your vascular system is facing a lot of challenges. Excess fat and sugar in the diet can lead to higher cholesterol and blood sugar levels in the body, providing fertile ground for hardening of the arteries and the growth of plaque.

Coupled with a lack of exercise, your body may not be able to burn excess calories and fat efficiently, allowing it to gradually accumulate on the walls of your blood vessels, forming dangerous sediments. Arteriosclerosis is one such potential disaster, which can cause blood vessels to gradually lose their elasticity and become a breeding ground for plaque formation.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

Smoking is even worse. The harmful substances in tobacco not only directly damage vascular endothelial cells, but also cause an inflammatory response, providing favorable conditions for plaque formation. Smoking not only accelerates the progression of arteriosclerosis, but also significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.

If you're caught up in these bad lifestyles, it's no surprise that there's a hidden danger in your veins. Sooner or later, vascular plaques will become a potential threat to cardiovascular events.

If you suspect that you may have plaque through the above methods, you can perform professional medical examinations, such as echocardiography, CT angiography, etc., through these high-precision examination methods, doctors can observe the intravascular situation more intuitively and provide a more accurate diagnosis.

It's not terrible to have plaque in your blood vessels, and you don't need to be too nervous, just adjust your lifestyle in time. But if plaque grows in these places, you need to be careful!

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

3. Where is the most dangerous place to grow vascular "plaque"?

1. Coronary arteries

The heart, figuratively known as the "engine" of the human body, carries the vital task of maintaining blood circulation throughout the body. In the smooth path of this "engine", the state of the coronary arteries directly determines the blood supply to the heart, which is a key part of cardiovascular health.

The coronary arteries, like the heart's personal stewards, are responsible for delivering oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to the heart muscle to ensure the normal functioning of the heart. However, when plaque appears on the lining of the artery, this critical passage can be in serious jeopardy.

Plaque, like a "stumbling block" in the blood vessels, is mainly formed by the accumulation of cholesterol, fat and other substances. When these deposits form gradually in the coronary arteries, they can cause narrowing or blockage of the arteries. Such a condition directly threatens the normal blood supply to the heart and poses a huge risk to the cardiovascular system.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

Coronary artery plaque formation may lead to the development of coronary heart disease. Coronary heart disease is a heart disease caused by insufficient blood supply to the coronary arteries, and patients may experience symptoms such as chest pain and shortness of breath. More serious is angina, a temporary chest pain caused by ischemia and hypoxia of the heart muscle due to narrowing of the coronary arteries.

However, the most dangerous is likely to be plaque causing blockage of the coronary arteries, which is a potential trigger for myocardial infarction. Myocardial infarction is a serious cardiac event that occurs when the coronary arteries are completely blocked, resulting in muscle necrosis in parts of the heart. This situation poses a huge threat to the lives and health of patients and requires urgent medical attention.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

2. Carotid artery

The carotid artery, the vital passage of life, is responsible for supplying the brain with the oxygen and nutrients it needs. It is part of the cerebrovascular system and plays a key role in maintaining the normal function of the brain.

Carotid plaque is usually formed due to the gradual deposition of cholesterol, fat, and other substances in the arteriosclerosis process on the walls of blood vessels. Such plaques can lead to narrowing of blood vessels, restricting blood circulation. As the stenosis worsens, the normal function of the cerebrovascular system may be greatly threatened.

The 68-year-old has healthy blood vessels, no vascular plaque, 4 experiences, and it is recommended for middle-aged and elderly people to collect

More dangerously, the presence of carotid plaque may lead to the formation of emboli. These emboli are blood clots in plaques that travel with the bloodstream to smaller cerebral blood vessels, causing local blood vessel blockages. When the blood supply to the brain is blocked, the risk of stroke increases significantly.

Stroke, which is a serious cerebrovascular disease. A plaque-induced stroke can disrupt the blood supply to an area of the brain, leading to severe dysfunction such as paralysis and aphasia.


Preventing vascular plaque and maintaining cardiovascular health is something that everyone should pay attention to. By learning Xi Uncle Wang's four health experiences, we can see that good lifestyle Xi habits are essential for vascular health.

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