
"Eat roots in winter, stand firm", share 3 practices, adults and children love to eat, and eat hard in winter

author:Shukuri Musume

In our daily diet, it is very important to choose some ingredients that contribute to the health of the body. Among these many ingredients, yam is undoubtedly a highly regarded health ingredient. Its taste is sweet, flat in nature, has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, invigorating qi and rejuvenating the body, and is known as "the holy product of tonifying the spleen". Today, we're going to introduce some of the delicious foods made with yams, which are not only delicious, but also help to nourish the spleen and stomach, so that you can sleep soundly.

"Eat roots in winter, stand firm", share 3 practices, adults and children love to eat, and eat hard in winter

Recommended recipe 1: yam and red date balls and egg drop soup

Ingredients: yam, red dates, glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, eggs.

Here's how:

1. Wash and peel the yam, cut it into sections, and steam. Mash the steamed yam into a puree, wash and remove the core of the red dates, chop them, sprinkle them on the yam puree, add an appropriate amount of glutinous rice flour, stir well, knead them into a ball, and then knead the balls into small balls.

2. Put the small balls into a pot of boiling water, add an appropriate amount of brown sugar, cook the yam balls, pour the egg mixture into the pot, and stir into egg drops.

"Eat roots in winter, stand firm", share 3 practices, adults and children love to eat, and eat hard in winter

This yam and red date balls and egg drop soup not only have a unique taste, but also are rich in the nutrients of yam. Yam is rich in mucin, dietary fiber, vitamins, etc., which help regulate the spleen and stomach and enhance the body's immunity. Red dates have the effect of nourishing blood and beauty, making this soup more nourishing.

"Eat roots in winter, stand firm", share 3 practices, adults and children love to eat, and eat hard in winter

Recommended recipe 2: Stir-fried oyster mushrooms with yam and carrots

Ingredients: yam, carrot, oyster mushroom, green onion, ginger, salt, light soy sauce, cooking oil.

Here's how:

1. Wash and peel the yam and cut it into thin slices, wash and peel the carrots, cut them into thin slices, wash the oyster mushrooms, tear them into long strips, put them in a pot of boiling water, blanch them and remove them for later use.

2. Heat the pan with cold oil, add the green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, put the yam slices and carrot slices into the pot, stir-fry evenly, add oyster mushrooms, add an appropriate amount of salt and light soy sauce, and continue to stir-fry evenly.

This dish of fried oyster mushrooms with yam slices and carrot slices is rich in color and refreshing in taste. The crisp texture of yams and carrots is combined with the aroma of mushrooms, which not only retains the original flavor of the ingredients, but also highlights the nutritional characteristics of each ingredient.

"Eat roots in winter, stand firm", share 3 practices, adults and children love to eat, and eat hard in winter

Recommended recipe 3: Pork soup with shepherd's cabbage and yam

Ingredients: Capsule, yam, carrot, pork pieces, salt, light soy sauce, sesame oil, cooking oil.

The steps are as follows:

1. Wash the shepherd's cabbage, blanch and chop it. Wash and peel the carrots and cut them into small pieces, wash and peel the yams and cut them into small pieces.

2. Heat the oil in a hot pan, add the green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, add the pork pieces, add an appropriate amount of light soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, add the yam and carrots, stir-fry evenly, pour in an appropriate amount of water, bring to a boil over high heat, turn to medium heat and cook for 2-3 minutes, then turn off the heat. Add an appropriate amount of salt to taste, drip in sesame oil, and add fragrance.

"Eat roots in winter, stand firm", share 3 practices, adults and children love to eat, and eat hard in winter

This dish of pursed cabbage and yam pork soup is not only delicious, but also a nutritious product that is beneficial to the body. The combination of yam and carrot not only retains their original flavor, but also uses the fresh aroma of light soy sauce in seasoning. The pork cubes add a rich protein to the soup base, making the soup more nutritious.

"Eat roots in winter, stand firm", share 3 practices, adults and children love to eat, and eat hard in winter

In general, as a common ingredient, the application of yam in dishes can not only increase the diversity of taste, but also provide a variety of nutrients for our body. Through the introduction of the above yam delicacies, we can not only feel the unique flavor of yam, but also enjoy its benefits. In a busy life, choosing such ingredients that help your body not only satisfy your taste buds, but also inject a steady stream of vitality into your body. Let's enjoy the beauty of life in good food.