
"Happy home", hello!

author:Thoughtful client

The family is happy, the country is safe, the home is the smallest country, and the country is the most everyone. How to leave more good memories for children's growth? How to create a harmonious and peaceful family atmosphere? How to let a harmonious small family drive harmonious everyone? In the "Family Happiness" activities in Xuhui District, they found the answer and gained full of "family happiness".

"Happy home", hello!

This year, during the visit of the Xuhui District Women's Federation, 66% of the chairpersons of the grassroots women's federation reported that they hoped to carry out family-oriented service project support. Through the analysis of 874 questionnaires from the grassroots, 100% of the respondents hope to have family activities at their doorstep, and 58% look forward to parent-child handicraft family activities. In response to the concerns of women, children and families, the Xuhui District Women's Federation developed and designed the "Family Happiness" platform project.

"Happy home", hello!

On December 22, the launching ceremony of the "Family Happiness" project in Xuhui District was held in Shilong Party and Mass Service Center. Shen Quan, Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee, Luo Huapin, Deputy District Mayor and Director of the District Women and Children's Working Committee, Zhang Qingling, Vice Chairman of the Municipal Women's Federation, Yu Weixing, Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Municipal Children's Fund, and other leaders participated in the launching ceremony of the "Family Happiness" 100 projects and 100,000 projects into 10,000 homes.

"Family Happiness" responds to the needs and expectations of the majority of women, focuses on the family, and develops and designs 100 family activities, with 10 activities each, a total of 1,000 events, covering 306 women's homes in residential areas in the district, and directly benefiting 20,000 families every year.

"Happy home", hello!

As a pure public welfare project, it has received strong support from all parties since its launch: money, effort, and technology. A total of 100 "Home Happiness" projects were claimed by 50 companies.

At the event, the "Family Happiness" advisory group and volunteer group, the "Family Happiness" Women's Home Alliance, the Public Welfare Partner Alliance, and the Caring Enterprise Alliance were set up to jointly escort the implementation of the project.

"Happy home", hello!
"Happy home", hello!
"Happy home", hello!
"Happy home", hello!

In terms of project design, the Xuhui District Women's Federation takes family education and family style as the foothold, edutains and entertains, and promotes traditional family virtues. For example, families aged 4-12, as the most anxious and urgent group, have "tailored" 700 parent-child activities and 300 activities for mothers-in-law, husbands and wives, and grandchildren. In terms of the selection of activity forms, the 100 family activities are all hand-made, interactive and immersive, presented through more than 100 carriers such as mosaic vases, tie-dye scarves, kites, solar cars, and parent-child sports meetings.

Subsequently, the experience activity of "Creative Lighting, Beautiful Life - Colorful Small Table Lamp Making" was carried out at the event site. Nie Juan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Shanghai Aileyi Public Welfare Development Center, the organizer of the experiential activities, said: "In the long-term activities, we have found that handicraft activities can allow parents and children to participate together. Because the production of small table lamps is an environmentally friendly waste utilization activity. Then you can let the family integrate and participate together, promote a better family relationship, and make the family happier and more satisfying. ”

"Happy home", hello!

Under the leadership of the teacher, the parent-child families from Caohejing Street learned Xi understand the working principle of the colorful small table lamp and participated in the production by themselves. In the participation, the parents at the scene immersed themselves in how to accompany them scientifically, discover the shining points of their children, and enhance the parent-child relationship.

"I think it's great to be able to participate in this kind of activity at my doorstep, not only to take my children to experience this kind of technology handicraft activity, but also to have the opportunity to do something with my children and promote parent-child interaction. Ms. Zheng, a resident of the surrounding area who participated in the event, told reporters.

It is reported that since the trial operation of "Family Happiness" on December 1, it has been warmly welcomed by the majority of women and families. The Xuhui District Women's Federation plans to complete 320 deliveries by the end of March 2024 and nearly 700 by the end of September.

Source: Shanghai Xuhui