
This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

author:Social fear melon
This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

On December 19, a magnitude 6.1 earthquake struck Jishishan County, Gansu Province, ruthlessly breaking the tranquility of the land in the early hours of the morning.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

Thousands of people were awakened in their dreams and faced with a devastating moment. When people from all over the country heard the news, they expressed their grief for the people in the disaster area.

In the aftermath of the earthquake, emergency relief operations were quickly launched, but more support was needed in the face of such a devastating disaster.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

As an organization that actively participates in public welfare, the Han Hong Foundation took immediate action and decided to provide help to Jishishan County, Gansu Province.

Han Hong personally led the rescue team and quickly rushed to the disaster area.

She not only donated 1 million yuan and 1 million yuan of relief materials to the disaster area, but almost all of the donated materials were cold protection supplies.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

Considering that the temperature in Gansu has dropped to more than 10 degrees below zero, this donation shows Han Hong's deep concern for the people in the disaster area.

Han Hong did not stop there, she noticed a detail: among all the donors, she was the only one who paid attention to the specific materials needed by the people in the disaster area.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

Although her donation is not the largest, she actually takes into account the most urgent needs of the people in the affected areas.

The stars of the entertainment industry also responded to Han Hong's call, Di Lieba, Wang Yibo and others donated materials one after another, and the donation amount has reached more than 7 million yuan.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

In addition, two music companies have joined the donation to support the affected areas.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

This earthquake is not the only disaster, and another 4.1 magnitude earthquake occurred on the 21st, making Jishishan County even more dangerous.

However, at this critical juncture, Han Hong showed extraordinary courage and responsibility, leading the Foundation's personnel to rush to the disaster area, set up a consultation tent, distribute supplies to the people in the earthquake area, and conduct simple diagnosis for them.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

The reason why Han Hong was able to devote herself so decisively to the rescue work in the disaster area is inseparable from her public welfare experience over the years.

Looking back on her road to fame, Han Hong was not an instant hit. After releasing her first album, Snowy Plateau, she disappeared for a while.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

It wasn't until the CCTV 3.15 party in 2000 that Han Hong sang the song "It's Dawn", which gradually became popular.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

However, even more impressive was the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Han Hong not only set up a caring rescue team, but also personally went to the disaster area for rescue.

This experience made her deeply feel the destruction of human beings by disasters, and also made her determined to set up a foundation to do more public welfare for the society.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

Not only the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, as early as 1999, when the Guizhou cable car incident occurred, Han Hong went to the disaster area to rescue, and adopted a young boy in that accident.

Her song "It's Dawn" was inspired by this experience.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

In 2012, Han Hong officially established the Han Hong Charity Foundation.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

This foundation is unique in that it is not only the first foundation to be established as an entertainer, but also focuses on providing a channel for donations for entertainers.

Considering that the income of most entertainers is relatively high, Han Hong sees that this special group needs a more convenient and intimate donation platform in the face of natural and man-made disasters.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

However, the operation of the Foundation has not been smooth sailing.

In early 2020, a real-name user questioned Han Hong on Weibo, claiming that the Han Hong Charity Foundation's accounts are not publicized, annual audits are not conducted, and the amount of donors will be discounted when they are donated again in the hands of the foundation.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

What's more serious is that he accused Han Hong of misappropriating 300 million yuan of donations for himself, and publicly posted a photo of Han Hong on Weibo.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!
This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

The real-name user's questioning caused a storm, and many people initially sided with Han Hong, believing that the real-name user was using public welfare to hype up his account.

However, he continued to dig deep into the details of the Han Hong Foundation in the past few years, and wrote a large number of articles slandering Han Hong.

As a result, the relevant authorities have launched an in-depth investigation into the foundation's accounts.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

As the investigation unfolded, the Foundation's operations were repeatedly delayed. Misled by some well-intentioned people and water armies, some netizens also began to stand on the opposite side of Han Hong, accusing her of using public welfare undertakings to make huge profits.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

In the face of these accusations, Han Hong chose to remain silent, she did not make any response, but did her best to cooperate with the investigation of the relevant departments, hoping to clear her foundation of suspicion and enable it to work normally.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

Although this accusation failed to shake Han Hong's image in the public mind in the early days, the deepening of the investigation hit the foundation hard.

In the process, the Foundation's business came to a standstill and was hit hard.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

Han Hong still maintains a firm belief and says that she will still insist on doing public welfare.

She knew that her heart was driven by a deep understanding of the devastation that disasters could take on humanity.

Therefore, she worked hard to assist the relevant departments in the investigation, hoping to clear her foundation of suspicion as soon as possible, so that the public welfare can operate normally.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

However, the clouds of doubt have not dissipated. Some people have always questioned Han Hong, especially on social media, and there have been persistent attacks on her.

During this period, Han Hong still adhered to the public welfare post in the midst of infamy.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

It wasn't until this year that when Han Hong was invited to attend a variety show, she talked about it in front of the public for the first time. She admits that she has never done charity for personal reasons, but is well aware of the destruction of humanity caused by disasters.

She said that when she has the ability after becoming famous, she must make the best use of herself.

Regarding the doubts she was subjected to, Han Hong's eyes were red for a while, saying that she didn't know what the intentions of these people were.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

She reflected on the current social attitudes, questioning whether these people hacked her for the sake of hype, and the impact on the Foundation was even more painful.

In her opinion, these statements were not well thought out, and the work of the Han Hong Foundation could not function properly, which was the most shocking part.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

In the face of all this, Han Hong expressed her determination to still insist on doing public welfare.

She believes that the public good is her everything, and she doesn't care about the attacks of individual people. She is willing to use her practical actions to prove her dedication to public welfare.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

In the midst of the Gansu earthquake, Han Hong once again used hands-on practice to fight back against those who had questioned her.

She gave up her career as a singer to devote her heart and soul to charity. Such a star who is keen on public welfare is really valuable.

This time, Han Hong was reported as a "fake charity" by her real name, and the result once again impressed the world!

However, social public opinion is complicated, for Han Hong, perhaps, sooner or later, the doubts of society will gradually fade with the passage of time, and Han Hong's public welfare undertakings will become more and more solid because of her real dedication.

Everything she has experienced has become a touching story of dedication, responsibility and perseverance, and it has also made more people think about whether they can also contribute to society within their own capabilities. But what is certain is that Han Hong's story is a story about original intention, responsibility and perseverance.

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