
Why do domestic horses have horseshoes but not mustangs? Is horseshoes a burden to horses?

author:Blossom Rich 27L

Through the jungle and over the mountains, they gallop and gallop across the land. Yes, we're talking about horses. Have you ever wondered why our horses need horseshoes, but wild wild horses don't need to be so "cumbersome"? Let's unravel this mysterious "iron shoe mystery".

Why do domestic horses have horseshoes but not mustangs? Is horseshoes a burden to horses?

Horses are one of man's most loyal companions, they accompany us every day, carrying our dreams and hopes. However, some horses need to wear a horseshoe under our care. This is not a problem of horses, but an inevitable consequence of the environment and its use.

First, let's take a look at why domestic horses need horseshoes. Domestic horses live in artificial environments, and they often have to cross different terrains and roads, such as stones, mud, deserts, etc. These terrains are very challenging for horseshoe. Horseshoe can increase the hardness and wear resistance of the horse's hoove, and protect the horse's hooves from terrain friction. They are like the horse's exclusive "protective shoes", providing the horse with additional support and protection, reducing the potential for wear and tear and injury to the horse's hooves.

Why do domestic horses have horseshoes but not mustangs? Is horseshoes a burden to horses?

However, wild horses live in a natural environment, and the terrain and road surfaces they face are relatively simple. Wild horses usually live in open grasslands with relatively flat ground, free of sharp objects and muddy ground. In such an environment, the hooves of wild horses can naturally adapt and support their bodies well. The hooves of wild horses have been adapted for a long time and already have good elasticity and resistance, and do not need additional protection.

Of course, there is another factor worth mentioning, and that is the lifestyle of the wild horses. Wild horses are usually dominated by running and evading, they have strong muscles and good physical condition. This makes them more able to cope with a variety of terrains and scenarios, without relying on horseshoes for enhanced stability and protection.

Why do domestic horses have horseshoes but not mustangs? Is horseshoes a burden to horses?


Horseshoes are designed to protect the hooves of domestic horses, providing them with additional support and protection in complex artificial environments. Wild horses live in a relatively simple natural environment, and their hooves have adapted to such an environment and do not need additional protection. Therefore, we need to decide whether to wear a horseshoe according to the different living environments and uses of the horses to ensure their health and safety.

So, whether it is a domestic horse or a wild horse, they all have their own adaptability and characteristics. In the process of living with horses, we need to respect their nature and needs, and give them proper care and affection.

I hope that through this article, you will better understand why domestic horses need horseshoes and mustangs don't. At the same time, I also hope that you can keep your respect for these great animals and let them continue to accompany us to create a better future together.