
How to look at the feng shui of your own house


How to look at the feng shui of your own house

How to look at the feng shui of your own house

1. Choose an auspicious day to check in

We all know that "auspicious people are in the sky, and the lucky stars are shining", and choosing a good day to live in a new home means the beauty and auspiciousness of a new life. So, before moving, we need to choose an auspicious day and avoid the unlucky ones in order to please the lottery. Of course, this is just a psychological comfort, and it is not impossible to choose a suitable day to move.

Second, the feng shui layout of the living room

The living room is a common space in the home and a place to receive guests. In the feng shui layout of the living room, we need to pay attention to the following points: first, the orientation of the living room should be appropriate, it is best to choose a sunny, ventilated, and well-lit location; secondly, the color matching of the living room should be harmonious, not too dazzling or dark; finally, the furniture placement of the living room should also be exquisite, and it should meet the requirements of feng shui. For example, the sofa should be placed in the auspicious position, not under the beam or facing the door, the TV cabinet and the TV should be kept at a certain distance, not directly facing the sofa or bed, the coffee table and chairs should be placed in a stable position, not next to oblique angles or sharp objects, etc.

3. Feng Shui layout of the bedroom

The bedroom is a place for the family to rest, and it is also an important place for the couple's relationship. In the feng shui layout of the bedroom, we need to pay attention to the following points: first, the position of the bed should be appropriate, not directly facing the door or under the beam, second, the color matching of the bedroom should be warm, comfortable and harmonious, and finally, the layout of the bedroom should be reasonable, not too crowded or cluttered. In addition, some feng shui items can also be placed in the bedroom, such as crystal balls, green plants, fish tanks, etc., which can increase the aura and vitality of the bedroom.

How to look at the feng shui of your own house

Fourth, the feng shui layout of the kitchen

The kitchen is an important place for family meals and an important guarantee for the health of family members. In the feng shui layout of the kitchen, we need to pay attention to the following points: first, the location of the kitchen should be reasonable, not facing the door or bathroom, second, the color of the kitchen should not be too harsh or dark, and finally, the stove in the kitchen should be placed on the auspicious position, not next to the faucet or refrigerator, etc. In addition, some feng shui plants or mascots can also be placed in the kitchen, such as Fugui Bamboo, Fortune Tree, Golden Toad and so on.

5. Feng Shui layout of bathrooms and balconies

Bathrooms and balconies are two of the more overlooked areas of the home. In the feng shui layout of bathrooms and balconies, we need to pay attention to the following points: first, the color of the bathroom should not be too harsh or dark, second, the balcony should not be directly facing the door or bedroom window, and finally, the plants and feng shui items on the balcony should not be too many or too cluttered. In addition to this, plants and feng shui items on the balcony can also bring good luck and vitality to the family.

Sixth, the feng shui layout of wealth

Wealth is an important place for family wealth, and it is also an important guarantee for the family's wealth fortune. In the feng shui layout of the wealth position, we can place some fortune items or mascots to increase the wealth fortune of the family. For example, place a fish tank or a beckoning cat, etc. It should be noted that the placement of wealth should be in line with the requirements of Feng Shui, and it should not be placed in an unfavorable position.

How to look at the feng shui of your own house

In conclusion, "Feng Shui" is a cultural phenomenon and psychological comfort. When looking at the feng shui of our own house, we need to look at its role and significance rationally. At the same time, we also need to focus on the health and well-being of our family members. Only when the health and happiness of family members are guaranteed can the beauty and harmony of the family be truly realized.