
Zhou Qi was injured in a thrilling way! The thrilling scene on the court shook the audience

author:Top sea breeze Tsj

As a hot figure in the domestic basketball world, Zhou Qi has always attracted the attention of fans. However, in a recent fierce match, an unexpected event made people sweat for him.

Zhou Qi was injured in a thrilling way! The thrilling scene on the court shook the audience

At the critical moment of the game, Zhou Qi launched a fierce scramble with his opponent, but unfortunately fell to the ground. His moans were immediately heard on the field, and the scene was tense for a while. Teammates hurriedly carried him on a stretcher onto the field and carefully carried him out to the hospital. The game was interrupted for a full five minutes.

Zhou Qi was injured in a thrilling way! The thrilling scene on the court shook the audience

This heart-wrenching scene shocked the audience, including Zhou Qi's old opponent Wang Zhelin couldn't help but be stunned, he looked at Zhou Qi who was carried away on a stretcher, and his eyes revealed his concern for his friend. Similarly, the fans at the scene joined together in prayer, hoping that Zhou Qi could recover soon.

Zhou Qi was injured in a thrilling way! The thrilling scene on the court shook the audience

Zhou Qi's condition has aroused concern, and fans have called for greater awareness of sports safety

Zhou Qi's injury has once again aroused people's concern about sports safety. Whether you are a professional athlete or an amateur football fan, you should always be vigilant when participating in sports activities and strengthen your awareness of protecting your own safety.

Zhou Qi was injured in a thrilling way! The thrilling scene on the court shook the audience

The rush to win often makes people overwork in competitions, but we can't ignore the risk of sports injuries. Before engaging in high-intensity exercise, it is important to warm up and stretch your muscles well, wear appropriate sports equipment, and pay attention to the safety environment of the venue. More importantly, don't overload yourself and avoid excessive fatigue.

Zhou Qi was injured in a thrilling way! The thrilling scene on the court shook the audience

Prevention and rehabilitation of sports injuries are equally important. Receive professional training and guidance, use sports equipment correctly, and maintain good physical strength and flexibility. At the same time, timely medical attention and recovery training are key. Sports can only develop sustainably on the basis of safety, let us pay attention to Zhou Qi's situation, and at the same time remind ourselves to continuously strengthen the awareness of sports safety.

Zhou Qi's injury triggered a team reorganization, and preparations still need to continue

Zhou Qi's injury is undoubtedly a heavy blow to his team, but as the game continues, the team still needs to adjust and restructure to meet the next challenges.

One teammate said: "Zhou Qi is a core player in our team, and his injury makes us feel very sorry and heartache. But we can't wait, we have to readjust our tactics and play as a team. Everyone has to improve their performance and fill the void left by Zhou Qi's departure. ”

Zhou Qi was injured in a thrilling way! The thrilling scene on the court shook the audience

This unexpected incident also tested the tacit understanding and team spirit between the team members. In the face of setbacks, the team needs to work closely together and support each other to get through the difficulties together. This is not only a test of the individual ability of the players, but also a test of their team cooperation and cohesion.

Despite the difficulties and challenges, the injury did not dampen the team's morale. They will continue to prepare for the game with stronger faith, fight for the honor of the team, and also pray for Zhou Qi's speedy recovery.

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