
Sensitive and easy to leak, the miraculous medicine is right, the two drugs are combined, the attack is invincible, and the battle is invincible

author:Ba Min Chinese medicine said

In the thousand-year-old history of Chinese medicine, yang deficiency refers to the inability of the human body to function normally due to various reasons, such as fatigue, fear, or excessive cold. This state has a deep relationship with the heart, liver, spleen, and kidneys. Common symptoms such as body cold, lack of energy, fatigue, backache, etc., are all related to kidney yang deficiency, spleen deficiency, liver qi stagnation, and high heart fire.

In practice, the rational combination of Chinese medicine is the key to achieving the best therapeutic effect.

Sensitive and easy to leak, the miraculous medicine is right, the two drugs are combined, the attack is invincible, and the battle is invincible

◎ Cuscuta + wolfberry

Cuscuta is regarded as the essence of the liver and kidney, and has the effects of invigorating qi, nourishing yin, benefiting the kidneys, and brightening the eyes. The wolfberry is a commonly used medicine for tonifying the kidney and brightening the eyes. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "Goji berries nourish yin and kidney, protect liver and intelligence, nourish beauty and anti-aging." "The combination of the two can be said to be the perfect partner for traditional Chinese medicine.

◎ Eucommia ulmoides + psoralen

Eucommia, also known as cashew nut tree, has the main function of strengthening muscles and bones, and benefiting the liver and kidneys. psoralen is mainly used to tonify the kidney and strengthen yang, solidify essence and shrink urine. When the two are combined, it has a significant therapeutic effect on kidney yang deficiency and muscle and bone pain.

◎ Fairy spleen + fairy grass

Fairy spleen, commonly known as epimedium is beneficial to the kidneys and aphrodisiac and rheumatism. Xianmao is mainly used to warm the kidneys and aphrodisiacs, dispel wind and dehumidify. When used in combination, it can form the "Twin Immortal Technique", which has a good effect on various male diseases caused by kidney yang deficiency.

Sensitive and easy to leak, the miraculous medicine is right, the two drugs are combined, the attack is invincible, and the battle is invincible

◎ Chimo + Huang Kashiwa

Zhimu is famous for its cold properties, which has a good effect on nourishing yin and reducing fire, nourishing the lungs and clearing the heart. Cork is mainly used to clear away heat and dampness, nourish yin and reduce fire. The combination of the two can be said to be a perfect match for clearing fire and dampness.

Short story time:

Mr. Zhang, aged 32, is a teacher. Due to the pressure of work and the fast pace of life, I have been feeling physically tired and mentally poor lately. At night, he felt soreness in his legs, back pain, and frequent nocturia. In the end, he chose traditional Chinese medicine for treatment and was diagnosed with "kidney yang insufficiency".

Traditional Chinese medicine physicians give herbal formulas: jujube peel, Chuanxiong, mountain ginseng, atractylodes, rehmannia, wolfberry, lovage, aconite, cinnamon branch, epimedium weed, nootropic kernel and zexiao. After a week, Mr. Zhang's physical condition has improved greatly, and his backache and leg pain symptoms have been significantly relieved.

In short, the yang deficiency constitution requires us to use the right way to recuperate. As long as the patient and the physician work together, it is believed that one day a full recovery will be achieved.

Sensitive and easy to leak, the miraculous medicine is right, the two drugs are combined, the attack is invincible, and the battle is invincible

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