
The best way to nourish qi is specially designed to deal with prolapse and uterine prolapse!

author:Dapan Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hello everyone, I am Da Pan, today I want to share with you an ancient Chinese medicine secret recipe, this secret recipe is called "Buzhong Yiqi Soup", it is specially used to treat prolapse and uterine prolapse, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you are young or old, you can benefit from it.

The best way to nourish qi is specially designed to deal with prolapse and uterine prolapse!

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of this secret ingredient, let me give you an example. Imagine you're busy at home and suddenly feel a wave of discomfort, as if something is sagging, and this feeling makes you very anxious. At this point, you may be thinking, "What's going on? Could it be that I have anal prolapse or uterine prolapse?" Don't worry, this question is not uncommon, and there is an ancient Chinese medicine prescription that can help you.

Anal prolapse and uterine prolapse are usually caused by depression of the air. Zhongqi, or the qi of the spleen and stomach, plays a very important role in TCM theory. It supports our internal organs and maintains the normal functioning of the body. If there is not enough central qi, it can easily lead to various problems, including prolapse of the anus and uterine prolapse.

Now, let's learn about the origin of "tonifying and nourishing qi soup". This recipe was first developed by Dr. Li Dongyuan in the Jin and Yuan dynasties, who was one of the four great physicians. His medical book, The Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach, is one of the classics of Chinese medicine, which details the recipe and usage of this recipe. Dr. Lee Dong Won was a very influential physician whose contributions are still highly recognized by the medical community.

The best way to nourish qi is specially designed to deal with prolapse and uterine prolapse!

Now, let's take a look at the specific recipe and production method of "Buzhong Yiqi Soup". You can make your own or buy the Chinese patent medicine "Buzhong Yiqi Pill".

Recipe and dosage (homemade):

- Astragalus 18g - Glycyrrhiza Root 9g - Ginseng 6g - Angelica Sinensis 3g - Tangerine Peel 6g - Cimicifuga 6g - Bupleurum 6g - Atractylodes Macrocephalus 9g

Add the above herbs to decoction with water, one dose per day.

These herbs have their own effects, astragalus, ginseng, cimicifuga, etc. can replenish the qi and blood in the body, enhance physical strength and resistance, angelica has the effect of invigorating blood and nourishing blood, helping to restore the normal position of the uterus, and orange peel, bupleurum and atractylodes help to regulate the spleen and stomach and improve the middle qi.

If you choose to buy the Chinese patent medicine "Buzhong Yiqi Pill", it has been made according to the correct proportions, which is very convenient.

Now, let's take a look at the actual effect of "Buzhong Yiqi Soup". I once met a female patient who was in agony due to uterine prolapse that affected her daily life. After several weeks of continuous use, she felt that her uterus gradually returned to its normal position, she no longer felt the discomfort of sagging, and her physical strength was also enhanced.

This case tells us that "Buzhong Yiqi Soup" is a very effective Chinese herbal prescription that can help treat rectal prolapse and uterine prolapse. But keep in mind that TCM treatment takes time, and everyone's constitution is different, and the results may vary. If you have similar problems, it is recommended to consult a professional TCM doctor to adjust the treatment plan according to the individual situation.

The best way to nourish qi is specially designed to deal with prolapse and uterine prolapse!

In closing, I would like to say that sharing is a virtue. If you find this herbal formula helpful to you or someone you know, please don't be stingy and spread the word about it. As the saying goes, "Give people roses, hands have fragrance", so that more people can benefit from the wisdom of Chinese medicine and enjoy a healthy and happy life together. If you have any questions about TCM prescriptions or TCM health preservation, please feel free to ask me. Wishing you all health and happiness!