
Jia Lun revealed that he was healthy in the system, and his monthly pension was as high as 12,000, so he had to sigh

author:Hengyu chats about entertainment

In the latest hot live broadcast, the cross talk giant Jia Lun gave us a hot topic of benefits and told his "pension story". Hearing these remarks, netizens instantly boiled and expressed their shock at this "sky-high" pension.

Jia Lun revealed that he was healthy in the system, and his monthly pension was as high as 12,000, so he had to sigh

Jia Lun claimed that he was a national first-class and third-class actor, enjoying a higher salary than the bureau level, and his pension was as high as 12,000 yuan per month, which made people's eyes widen, and they set off discussions about him and other cross talk actors on the Internet.

Jia Lun revealed that he was healthy in the system, and his monthly pension was as high as 12,000, so he had to sigh

Some netizens questioned why the treatment of these cross talk actors should be paid for by the state, thinking that this should have been a market-oriented profession. Is this the so-called "cultural industry"? Many people have expressed strong dissatisfaction and doubts about this. Could it be that in this highly competitive society, they are one of the few people who can live a "self-made" life "carefree"?

What's even more amazing is that Jia Lun's pension is as high as 12,000 yuan, which is an astronomical amount in the eyes of ordinary people. Some people said that in Beijing, to get such a pension is almost an "unattainable" dream for enterprise employees. And this cross talk master, who can receive so much in a month, is really envious, jealous and hateful.

Jia Lun revealed that he was healthy in the system, and his monthly pension was as high as 12,000, so he had to sigh

But the crux of the problem is not only the level of pension, but also whether these cross talk actors really deserve such treatment. Jia Lun himself said that he is well-known, and the famous works he creates do not seem to be very common, which inevitably raises questions about his cultural level and artistic contributions. The disciple of the cross talk master Hou Yaowen, but why haven't I heard of his cross talk? Is it because the teacher is not proficient, or is it because he has not worked hard enough? These are all puzzling questions.

What is even more absurd is that it is not so much an artistic contribution as a group of people who "enjoy national dividends". The pension of cross talk actors really shouldn't be compared with old farmers, old educated youth, and old town residents. Some people have even suggested that they should be paid according to their contributions during their employment and treated equally after retirement, so as to reflect fairness.

Jia Lun revealed that he was healthy in the system, and his monthly pension was as high as 12,000, so he had to sigh

As for Guo Degang, it is normal for some people to have opinions about him, but it seems that the only people who really hate him are those who have been "served an iron rice bowl" by him. The suppression of the cross talk actor system is also incredible, as if Guo Degang has become a "dragon slayer warrior" and challenges the bottom line of the system.

Finally, the discussion of pension policy has also become the climax of the topic. Doubts have been raised about the possibility of introducing the same age retirement at 65 in the future, raising concerns about the reasonableness of this age. With an average life expectancy of 78 years in China, retiring at 65 means a long retirement life, and high pensions can also cause social dissatisfaction and controversy.

Jia Lun revealed that he was healthy in the system, and his monthly pension was as high as 12,000, so he had to sigh

On the whole, the pension issue of cross talk master Jia Lun has triggered a deep reflection in society. This is not only a personal problem, but also reflects the treatment of the entire cultural industry and the inequality within and outside the system. Perhaps, we need to re-examine the recognition and remuneration of different professions in this society in order to achieve true fairness and social justice.