
How to design the entrance? Grasp these design points, practical and durable, you can't go wrong!

author:Eyebrows are a few controversial

The feeling of coming home, you know, the tiredness of the day is forgotten the moment you open the door of the house, and it is replaced by a feeling of warmth and tranquility. I am Qi Jia An'an, a person who is deeply immersed in the charm of home design, today, let me take you into the small world of entrance design, to create a practical and beautiful first impression of the home. Have you ever thought that the entrance is actually like a person's face to the home. The scenery as soon as you enter the door can reflect the taste and life attitude of the residents. It's not just about beauty, it's about mood, it's about the art of life. Let's start with the most practical element – the entryway cabinet. Choosing a large cabinet that stands tall on the sky, do you feel an indescribable sense of grandeur? Indeed, behind the tall cabinet, it means a strong storage force. But the devil is in the details, have you thought about the depth, and don't worry, around 350mm can easily fit your oversized sneakers.

How to design the entrance? Grasp these design points, practical and durable, you can't go wrong!

Now, we're going to uncover the first secret of arranging the entryway: the hollow floor. Imagine such a scene, you have a lot of things on hand, how can you open the cabinet door empty-handed? If the entrance cabinet has an open middle floor, wouldn't it be beautiful? Small objects and decorations can be easily placed, and at the same time, this can also become a small charging station, where the socket is hidden, which is both hidden and convenient. The second secret is about hooks. Maybe you didn't pay attention, but they really are the big heroes in the details. Thinking about the embarrassment of changing shoes - the bag behind me slipped inexplicably. Hooks, my friend, were born to solve this problem. Simple, straightforward, efficient, and they add to the cleanliness of the hallway. Let's move on to the third secret – the stool for changing shoes. Changing shoes may sound like a small thing, but with a comfortable stool, it can turn into a small moment of relaxation throughout the day.

How to design the entrance? Grasp these design points, practical and durable, you can't go wrong!

The elderly, children, and even anyone deserve such a moment. A small cabinet under the stool can provide more storage space. Leave the bottom of the entryway cabinet blank and add a light strip, which is the next careful machine. Leaving the entrance empty makes the entrance look less heavy, and the addition of the light strip, every time you go home and push the door, there will be a warm and bright welcome. It's not just about practicality, it's also about the temperature of home. As for the movable panel layer of the shoe cabinet, its importance is self-evident. Think about those shoes that rotate in four seasons, if the shelves can be freely adjusted according to the height of the shoes, do you feel that the use of space has gone up a notch? Color, pattern, texture, the combination of these elements can make your hallway from practical to artistic. See, arranging the hallway is not as simple as placing a few pieces of furniture. It is the embodiment of thinking, design, and life aesthetics.

How to design the entrance? Grasp these design points, practical and durable, you can't go wrong!

Years of exploration and practice have allowed me to accumulate a lot of experience. Now, I'm sharing them with you in the hope that they will help you create your own perfect hallway. Finally, remember the saying: a good home begins with a carefully arranged entrance. I am An'an of the Qi family, and I hope that my sharing can make you feel the warmth and peace of your own as soon as you open the door after being busy and stressed. In the busy urban life, the entrance, as the first scenery of home, is not just a simple entrance, it is a showcase of personality and taste, and a warm embrace to welcome us every time we return home. However, when it comes to the decoration of the entrance, many people may still stay on the traditional tiling, but did you know that there is now a new decoration style that is quietly popular, which redefines the aesthetics of the entrance in a unique way.

How to design the entrance? Grasp these design points, practical and durable, you can't go wrong!

Imagine that when you open the door of your home and step into the hallway, the first thing that catches your eye is no longer the same, cold and monotonous tiles, but the colorful and different patterns of hexagonal tiles. These irregular patterns seem to tell mysterious stories, and people can't help but be attracted to curiosity and desire to explore. These tiles, with their unique messy beauty, add an indescribable artistic atmosphere to the entrance. The selection and stitching of tiles is an art, and each tile is like an artist's canvas, painting different emotions and stories. And when these tiles are spliced together, they echo each other and weave a unique picture of the entrance. This design not only highlights the unique taste of the owner's home, but also an expression of personality, which tells visitors that this is a home with a story and a feeling. However, a hallway full of personality is not limited to the decoration of the floor.

How to design the entrance? Grasp these design points, practical and durable, you can't go wrong!

Imagine being able to groom yourself in front of a full-length mirror every time you go out and make sure you look your best. This mirror is not only a practical piece of furniture, but it also has a reflective function that can blur and expand the space of the hallway, creating a feeling of openness and brightness even in small apartments. Of course, the details reflect the ingenuity of the designer. Imagine returning home at night, before you have even touched the switch, a sensor light will automatically turn on, like a warm messenger telling you: "Welcome home." "It's a heartwarming experience, and you don't have to worry about finding a switch in the dark. This change in the way you live your home may make you think that our definition of home has quietly changed. The entrance is no longer just a transitional space, it has become an important window to show our pursuit of quality of life. The careful design of the details has virtually enhanced our requirements and enjoyment of life.

How to design the entrance? Grasp these design points, practical and durable, you can't go wrong!

This is not only a topic about aesthetics, but also a pursuit and reflection on a comfortable lifestyle. Of course, this kind of decoration style is not suitable for everyone, it requires more time for us to select, match, and more effort to maintain. However, it is only when we are willing to put more passion and creativity into life that we can truly have a small world of our own. A tasteful hallway decoration may be the beginning of your personal taste to the world. In this era of fast consumption, many people are pursuing a quick and simple lifestyle, but ignore the importance of home. Home is not only our safe haven, it is a reflection of our attitude towards life. When we are willing to work the design of the entrance, it is not only for the sake of beauty, but also to show our love and respect for life to every self who returns home, and even every friend who visits.

How to design the entrance? Grasp these design points, practical and durable, you can't go wrong!

Under the guidance of this concept, the future home decoration style will pay more attention to personalized and emotional expression. It is no longer a cold tile and color, but an art that can talk to people. Starting from the entrance, let's feel every corner of the home with our hearts, and create a warm and story-telling place with our hearts.

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