
The influence of Shih Tzu's clothing and makeup in ancient society

author:Three pages of history

In the long history of China, there are many beautiful female images. Among them, the most famous is Xi Shi, one of the four beauties. As the most beautiful woman in ancient Chinese legends, her beauty and talent have become the object of imitation by later generations. However, in addition to her incomparable looks, should we also pay attention to her dress and makeup, after all, in a time when a woman's image was not only reflected by her appearance, but also by her dress.

The influence of Shih Tzu's clothing and makeup in ancient society

Xi Shi lived during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, when China was in a critical stage of its transition from slavery to feudalism. In this historical context, various cultural elements blended and collided to form a unique aesthetic. And Shih Tzu's costumes fully reflect this. Her clothes were often made of silk and were brightly coloured and layered, features that were very popular in the clothing world of the time.

The influence of Shih Tzu's clothing and makeup in ancient society

In addition, Shih Tzu also paid special attention to the choice of headdress. She often wears a hairpin called "Bu Shao", which is loved for its lightness and flow. Moreover, the name "Bu Shao" itself can reflect the elegant temperament when Xi Xing walks, which makes people can't help but be moved.

The influence of Shih Tzu's clothing and makeup in ancient society

As for makeup, although there is no clear record in the history books, we can learn some information through some indirect sources. First of all, Shih Tzu must know how to take care of the skin. Legend has it that she washes her face with pearl powder every day, which not only keeps her skin delicate and smooth, but also makes her complexion fairer and more rosy. Secondly, judging from the various accessories she often wears, we can infer that she also pays considerable attention to makeup. For example, flashy hair accessories such as "step shake" may need to be matched with specific eyeshadow and lipstick shades.

Shih Tzu's clothing and makeup style undoubtedly led a fashion trend at the time. Whether it is the brightly colored clothes or the delicate and intricate headdress, they all show her unique life taste and aesthetic pursuit. More importantly, these images not only make people have a deep admiration for Xi Shi himself, but also provide many inspirations for later generations of women. They can learn from Shih Tzu's dressing style and try different makeup effects to show off their personality.

Of course, we should also understand that a person's worth should not be determined solely by appearance, regardless of the era. Inner beauty is truly timeless beauty. Therefore, while appreciating Xi Shi, we should learn from her intellectual and elegant spiritual qualities Xi strive to become a person who cultivates both inside and outside. In this way, we can better understand the cultural heritage left by the ancients and pass it on.

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