
The table tennis league women's team finals are about to start, and the peak duel between Wang Manyu and Sun Yingsha has attracted much attention

author:Erudite little safflower He6
{"info":{"title":{"content":"乒超联赛女团总决赛即将开战,王曼昱与孙颖莎的巅峰对决备受瞩目","en":"The table tennis league women's team finals are about to start, and the peak duel between Wang Manyu and Sun Yingsha has attracted much attention"},"description":{"content":"2023年乒超联赛女团总决赛将在不久后拉开帷幕,这场比赛引发了广泛关注。山东鲁能和深圳大学两支劲旅将展开激烈的较量,而王...","en":"The 2023 Table Tennis Super League Women's Team Finals will kick off soon, and this match has attracted widespread attention. Shandong Luneng and Shenzhen University will have a fierce competition, and Wang..."}},"items":[]}