
"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

author:Qiuqiu talks about facts


In this era of information explosion, everyone can be the protagonist of the news, whether it is an anonymous minor character or a high-ranking dean. Recently, a video of "Guigang Aier Eye Hospital Doctor beating a patient on the operating table" on social platforms became popular, and the driving force behind this turned out to be the emergency sunflower Ai Fen that we are familiar with. This name is well-known for netizens who pay attention to the medical circle. However, the turmoil of this incident is far more than that, Dean Feng and his leaders are afraid that it is really a big deal!

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

In this controversial turmoil, Aifen's role is particularly compelling. She is not only the director of an emergency department, but also a battle-hardened doctor who has fought bloodily on the front line before the fight against the epidemic. Her name, because of this incident, was once again pushed to the center of public view.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

The feud between Ai Fen and Aier Eye Hospital can be traced back to an unfortunate experience of her own. Ai Fen suffered from eye disease caused by overwork and chose Wuhan Aier Eye Hospital for treatment. However, shortly after the surgery, her eye disease recurred, sparking a series of disputes. Ai Fen insisted that the hospital's negligence caused her relapse, which the hospital denied.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

As the situation intensified, Ai Fen began to publicly expose the problems of Aier Eye Hospital on social media. She refused to be investigated by medical evaluations and government departments, choosing her own way – speaking out online. Her persistence and bravery have won the support of many netizens. But at the same time, there are voices questioning her motives and methods.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

In the dispute between Ai Fen and Aier Eye Hospital, the law also played a role. In June 2023, the Wuhan Intermediate People's Court ruled to put an end to the dispute, and Ai Fen lost the case. The court found that her allegations contained elements of exaggeration and distortion of facts. Despite this, Ai Fen has not stopped her efforts to defend her rights, and she said that she reserves the right to continue to appeal.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

Just when everyone thought that this turmoil would subside, Ai Fen once again became the focus of attention. This time, she released a video that shocked the four seats—Dr. Feng from Guigang Aier Eye Hospital committing violence against a patient on the operating table. This move undoubtedly adds fuel to the controversy.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

The release of the video has aroused widespread public attention and strong condemnation. Dr. Feng and his hospital are facing unprecedented pressure because of this video. Aier Eye Hospital is anxious to clarify, but it seems that it has struggled to regain the public's trust.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

At the same time, there is also a lot of speculation about the leak of the video. There is an opinion that this may be related to competition and contradictions within the hospital. At a critical time when there is fierce internal competition during the critical period of health title review, this video may be a means for some to use Ai Fen to crack down on competitors.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

Regardless of the truth, this incident has had a huge impact on Aier Eye Hospital. Their outrage was expressed by the hospital's statement, which threatened to hold those responsible for leaking the video accountable. However, Ai Fen made these responses public, seemingly protecting the leakers while continuing to put pressure on the hospital.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

Ai Fen's actions are undoubtedly a challenge to the traditional doctor-patient relationship. In her own way, she tries to expose the dark side of the medical industry. Although her approach has been controversial, her courage and persistence have also provided the public with another perspective for thinking.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

At the same time, the response of Aier Eye Hospital has also attracted much attention. They expressed outrage at the leak of the video and threatened to hold those responsible accountable. But with Ai Fen's steadfastness and public attention, their actions seem to be inadequate.

"Please Dean Feng show up" The master behind it is actually her! This time, Feng and the leader have a big deal

This incident is not only a dispute between doctors and patients, but also a contest of public opinion and power. Ai Fen, a strong woman in the emergency department, has shown the world in her unique way the courage and determination of a doctor in the face of injustice. And President Feng and his hospital have made a big deal in this turmoil.

The dispute is still inconclusive, but it is certain that the war between Ai Fen and Aier Eye Hospital is far from extinguished. We'll see what the future holds.