
Vincent will be out for eight weeks after knee surgery to win the midseason championship + $500,000

author:818 Sports

On December 24, according to the latest reports from the American media, Lakers guard Vincent is considering knee surgery and may be out for 6 to 8 weeks!

Vincent will be out for eight weeks after knee surgery to win the midseason championship + $500,000

On Dec. 24, The Athletic's Shams reported that Lakers guard Vincent is considering knee surgery and could be out for six to eight weeks.

Shams said Vincent's knee injury had been recovering for two months, but the swelling had recurred, making surgery a very likely option.

Another well-known NBA reporter, Dave McMenamin, said that Vincent's team tried all other options before deciding to undergo surgery, and they had run out of options.

Vincent will be out for eight weeks after knee surgery to win the midseason championship + $500,000

It is worth mentioning that in the NBA playoffs last season, there was one player who attracted the attention of many fans with his excellent defensive ability and positive performance, and he was Vincent. The Heat's defensive core joined the Lakers this summer and has high hopes.

However, Vincent has only played 5 games for the Lakers this season due to knee effusion, averaging 5.4 points, 1.0 rebounds and 3.0 assists per game.

In the NBA midseason finals, Vincent watched the game on the sidelines in casual clothes.

Vincent will be out for eight weeks after knee surgery to win the midseason championship + $500,000

At the post-game award ceremony, Vincent also led the Lakers to receive the medal from the award presenters, and he has already received a $500,000 championship prize like the rest of the team!

It is worth mentioning that Nunn, who joined from the Heat last season, was basically recovering from injuries for a season, Nunn just left, and came to Vincent again!

Vincent will be out for eight weeks after knee surgery to win the midseason championship + $500,000

In this regard, netizens have said, "The guard produced by the Heat must be a waste product"

"Take good care of your injuries and get back to the heat!"

"I'm going to cheat !!!! Lakers directly!"

"The Heat Scam Group, go and come again, it's endless"

"Who in the league will dare to trade with the Heat in the future, and a stretcher will become a stretcher and sell you in the next year"

"We've probably watched Vincent's last game in a Lakers jersey"

"The Nunn who came to the Heat last time, this is Vincent again, and the Lakers have money. ”

"I can't stand him anymore after a fight and a two-month break"

"If you give Schroder this price, he will play hard to repay the Lakers."