
He brought back loved ones for 360 families!

author:China Police Network


He brought back loved ones for 360 families!

He created the "Brother Xun Appointment" online platform to devote himself to public welfare, and set up a volunteer service network with more than 4,000 people all over the country and 24 hours a day, and found relatives for 360 families - he is an enthusiastic and selfless public welfare policeman;

poured his love into the physical and mental health of minors, helped more than 100 troubled teenagers recalibrate the course of their lives, and made them believe in love and their hearts are sunny - he is a caring and sincere good person "Brother Xun";

He led the public welfare network to integrate into grassroots social governance, obtained more than 190 case clues, resolved more than 300 contradictions, and solved more than 2,500 problems for the masses, so that the "Fengqiao Experience" could bear new results - he is a reliable and reliable safety guard.

He is Lu Xun, the first-class sergeant of the E-commerce Industrial Park Police Station of the Suyu Branch of the Suqian Public Security Bureau of Jiangsu Province, and everyone calls him "Brother Xun" online and offline.

From black hair to frost-dyed temples, he has been practicing his belief in the police for 28 years: "Use half of your life to be happy for the people." ”

He brought back loved ones for 360 families!

From "1" to "4000", "Brother Xun has an appointment" makes great love flow

Walking into the "Brother Xun Appointment" studio, the pennants from all over the country are particularly eye-catching. On the pennant, they all thanked the same person - police officer Lu Xun.

28 years ago, Lu Xun was admitted to the police force, from the first day of work, he insisted on writing down the problems and help information fed back by the masses in his diary every day, and then promoted the resolution through various channels.

"After all, the power of the police is limited, but the things entrusted by the people often have to be done quickly, and they must come up with new ways to solve problems. In 2006, Lu Xun began to set up a QQ group, sent questions to group friends, and invited acquaintances from all walks of life to give advice, and the effect was obvious.

After tasting the sweetness, he took advantage of the situation, strengthened the service with the "Internet +" thinking, founded the "Brother Xun Appointment" public welfare website at his own expense, and set up the first volunteer service team, which integrates the masses for help, the police and the people, the popularization of law, policy consultation, and public welfare activities...... The range of services provided by the volunteer team is constantly expanding.

On September 28, 2022, Lu Xun received a request for help from the Zhuhai aid station to find relatives for Lin Yue'e, an elderly man who is nearly seventy years old and has been separated from his family for 29 years. He immediately mobilized volunteers to make a video of searching for relatives overnight and posted it on the Internet, and soon caring people carefully distinguished Lin Yue'e's accent and judged that she was speaking Hakka. Because Hakka is difficult to understand, Lu Xun immediately set up a WeChat group of "Lin Yue'e Looking for Relatives", and volunteers from Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangxi and other Hakka-dense areas joined one after another, and a relay to find relatives began.

The hard work paid off, and the good news kept coming, and the hometown of the old man Lin Yue'e was found. On October 15, the old man's son, nephew, granddaughter and other relatives rushed to the Zhuhai aid station, and their relatives who had been separated for 29 years were reunited after a long absence.

According to statistics, in the past 10 years, the "Brother Xun Appointment" public service team has grown to more than 4,000 volunteers, handled more than 2,500 requests for help from the public, raised more than 220 yuan in donations and materials for the needy, helped 360 families in 18 provinces find their relatives, and resolved the danger of their relatives getting lost for more than 800 families.

Cheng Chunfang, 56 years old this year, is a volunteer of "Brother Xun's Appointment", she was depressed because she was found to have metastasized and spread cancer cells, and met Lu Xun by chance at the bus stop when she went out. In the chat, knowing Cheng Chunfang's troubles, Lu Xun said enthusiastically: "Don't be afraid, I'll help you!" And at about 11 o'clock that night, Cheng Chunfang, who was almost emotionally broken, dialed Lu Xun's phone: "Brother Lu, am I going to die tomorrow......!" Lu Xun comforted her while contacting experts in Nanjing overnight. Under Lu Xun's careful arrangement, Cheng Chunfang rushed to Nanjing for follow-up, and it was finally determined that it was a false alarm.

After this incident, Cheng Chunfang was reborn, determined to help others, and decisively joined the "Brother Xun has an appointment" volunteer service team. Today, among the more than 4,000 volunteers, nearly 1,000 of them have been helped by Lu Xun and moved by his public welfare spirit and took the initiative to join.

In February 2022, Suqian citizen Wang Wanchong failed to rescue due to acute myocardial infarction, and his family donated organs in accordance with his wishes, giving six people a new life. "Wang Wanchong was also a part of us during his lifetime, he was passionate about public welfare, and he left behind two young children after his death. After Lu Xun learned about it, he coordinated with all parties to include Wang Wanchong's two children in the "red shirt class" of the Suyu Red Cross Society to ensure free schooling.

"In the past, 'Brother Xun' was me alone, and now 'Brother Xun' is a team and a symbol of love. Lu Xun said that our team continues to grow, and it also makes love flow and relay, emit more light and emit more heat.

He brought back loved ones for 360 families!

Persist for 20 years and tie the buttons for the growth of the children

"Are you Officer Lu? I really can't help her, please help me!" One night in August 2023, a strange and urgent, crying phone call came to Lu Xun's mobile phone. Lu Xun immediately comforted: "You bring the child over, I'll try to talk to her." ”

That night, the mother and her 10-year-old daughter sat in the studio of "Brother Xun's Appointment". The white-haired Lu Xun always kept smiling, patiently listened to the mother and daughter, and began to do emotional counseling for the girl in the rebellious period of youth, listing the stories around her, through 3 hours of communication, the girl's heart knot finally opened, apologized to her mother for her words and deeds, and hugged her mother.

In the next period of time, Lu Xun continued to pay attention to the girl's state, and invited her to participate in social practice activities in the cabin of the "Brother Xun Appointment" Guangong Station, and had extensive contact with the volunteers.

"Brother Xun" said frankly that over the years, what he has been most concerned about is actually the children. In order to better help minors, in December 2022, as the first care workstation directly under the Guan Working Committee of the province's public security system, the "Brother Xun Appointment" care workstation located in Suyu Thousand Bird Park Square was officially launched. Taking this as the fulcrum, Lu Xun took the lead in establishing a network of 12 care "window" chain work sites in the region, which were operated in a physical manner to promote the protection of minors.

"After all, it is a child, adolescence will inevitably have mood swings, encounter different problems, each child is unique, I would like to be an outlet for their emotions at a stage of life. Nowadays, "Brother Xun" has become a children's New Year's friend, and if there is anything on their minds, they often talk to him first. "Children's affairs are big things, whenever I receive a call for help, my first thought is that I can't live up to the trust of parents or children in the police, even if it is a small matter, I must take it seriously, see me at any time, and never miss the appointment. "Brother Xun" said with deep feelings.

One day in February 2020, two brothers, Gang (pseudonym) and Tao Tao (pseudonym), from a single-parent family, were caught for theft. After learning of the situation, Lu Xun rushed to the police station overnight. In addition to the normal enlightenment, he also arranged a "special" experience session for the mother to handcuff the two children. At that moment, the mother's hands trembled, and the children were deeply shocked, realizing the cost of breaking the law and committing crimes, "not only the loss of freedom, but also the heartbreak and concern of their loved ones." Now, with Lu Xun's continuous attention and follow-up, these two children are Xi serious in school, and they often participate in volunteer activities and are on the right path.

In the process of helping minors, Lu Xun explored and summarized the "Looking, Hearing, Asking, Cutting-Targeted Therapy", that is, looking at the mental state, smelling the feelings of others, asking about their own troubles, and cutting the crux of the problem. He classified and registered minors who came to seek help, one file per person, and one book per person. Since 2023 alone, Lu Xun has set up files and cards for more than 50 minors to accurately relieve difficulties.

"Words are better than examples, so that children can participate in social welfare undertakings, cultivate their willpower, and establish the values of goodness and beauty. In June 2018, Lu Xun founded the "365 Good People and Good Deeds Competition" with parent-child families as the participating units. Since the implementation of the project, 1,620 families have participated in the competition, more than 12,000 teenagers have participated, more than 15,000 good deeds have been done, and more than 50 children's essays have been bound into books.

The combination of "governing the present" and "long-term establishment", the "6+6+X" work method (six into six to send X field activities), the "three-link" mechanism of police linkage, police academy linkage, and social linkage, classified registration and file management, according to specific cases, determine the "three diagnosis" intervention mechanism of emergency, outpatient and consultation...... A set of long-term mechanism methods has brought precise intervention, opening another "window" for the protection of the healthy growth of minors. So far, "Brother Xun" and volunteers have helped more than 100 troubled teenagers regain their confidence and regain their lives.

He brought back loved ones for 360 families!

More than 300 conflicts are resolved every year, and the public welfare network helps grassroots governance

Lu Xun likes small flat heads, and feels so spirited. Today, at the age of 50, he is full of silver hair, whether he is doing public welfare undertakings or taking root in grassroots governance, he still works like a young man, full of passion for doing things.

But few people know that he had a gallbladder removal many years ago. But Lu Xun never positioned himself as a patient, but positioned himself as a "shopkeeper" who helps grassroots social governance and serves the people.

One day in April 2023, Lu Xun received a message through the public welfare network platform: Zhang's eldest brother died in a car falling into the river, and the family was suddenly in trouble. But his eldest brother lent a lot of money before his death, and Zhang helped to ask for debts many times to no avail, and his mood was close to collapse. Lu Xun immediately found the local police station and came to communicate with Zhang to stabilize his mood. Subsequently, Lu Xun found the debtor again and again to explain the stakes, and it took two months to successfully settle most of the arrears.

As a grassroots police officer, Lu Xun firmly established the concept of "main defense of the police station", and integrated the "Brother Xun has an appointment" public welfare network into grassroots social governance, resolving conflicts, mediating disputes, publicizing anti-fraud, and popularizing the law...... We should make full use of the advantages of the public security organs' "grid-based" social management, so that in the process of resolving conflicts together, they should be dealt with as soon as possible and that contradictions should not be handed over; and in a single case, the people should be relieved of their worries and that no accidents should be safe.

In February 2020, a migrant worker Shi Mou was operating beef soup in Suyucheng District, and was deceived by a "regular customer" Ge into investing 260,000 yuan in the name of partnership business, and begged for only 20,000 yuan many times. The desperate waiter found Lu Xun and hoped that he could help solve it.

After Lu Xun learned about the situation, he quickly took Shi to the Suyu District Legal Aid Center. Taking into account the actual situation, the Legal Aid Center agreed to help him take legal steps to protect his legitimate rights and interests. After a month of hard work, Shi and Ge reached a civil mediation repayment agreement.

There are many more such examples. Wang Quan (pseudonym), a 38-year-old citizen, failed to invest online, and still owed more than 80 yuan after selling his real estate, and his family was on the verge of collapse. After receiving the clues provided by the public welfare volunteers, Lu Xun took the initiative to come to the door for a long talk, helped him regain his confidence, found jobs for him and his lover, and took his two daughters to Nanjing to participate in the winter camp activities for free. Thanks to his efforts, the life of Wang Quan's family has been resettled.

Today, the "Brother Xun Appointment" volunteer service team has attracted a group of "five old" party members, caring people, community grid members, and lawyers to join, and its service and information tentacles have been continuously extended, becoming a good helper for deepening grassroots social governance in the local area. With the support of relevant departments, Lu Xun opened an online citizen school through the "Brother Xun Appointment" online platform, released various early warning information, strengthened safety publicity and prevention, and accepted the public's requests for help on a regular basis, becoming a new platform for online mass work.

According to statistics, since the opening of the "Brother Xun Appointment" online platform, it has received more than 27,000 consultations of various kinds, issued more than 26,000 early warning messages, and since the beginning of this year, more than 400 community conflicts and disputes have been resolved, more than 90 clues of various kinds have been provided, and 18 suspects have been arrested.

For more than 20 years, Lu Xun has seamlessly connected public welfare services with public security work, let love flow, let power be transmitted, and let love and law be integrated, explore a new path for grassroots police to participate in social governance, and add luster to the most beautiful "Feng Police" line. The radio drama "Passionate Responsibility" based on himself won the "Five One Project" Work Award in Jiangsu Province, and the "Brother Xun Appointment" volunteer service organization was commended as a national outstanding volunteer organization.

He brought back loved ones for 360 families!

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