
Biography of the Three Kingdoms Yin Reward

author:The Autumn That Passed
Biography of the Three Kingdoms Yin Reward

Yin Reward (year of birth and death unknown)

Tianshui Warlord. Originally serving the State of Wei, he later surrendered to the State of Shu.

Yin Reward, birth and death year unknown, word ZiXin!

A native of the Yang clan of Julu (present-day Ningjin, Hebei), he was a Ku official of the Western Han Dynasty. Yin Xiang was initially a county magistrate, and later promoted to the governor of Loufu County because of his clear and honest official. Later, xiucai, he served as the commander of Suyi County. Later, due to the recommendation of Zuo Feng Yi xue xuan, he was transferred to The Order of Pinyang County, and later dismissed from office for disabling criminals due to torture. Later, he was recommended by Yushi and served as the county commander of Zheng County.

At that time, in the Chang'an area, outlaws and lawbreakers were rampant, killing officials and robbing pedestrians. Yin Reward served as a temporary Chang'an County Commandery, punishing Chang'an with the punishment of "Tiger's Den", so that Chang'an could be at peace. After the flood of thieves, Yin Xiang once again served as the Taishou of Jiangxia. Yin Reward hunted and killed a large number of thieves, and was later dismissed from office for the crime of "cruel thief". At that time, the Nanshan group of thieves sprang up, and Yin Reward was again appointed as the right auxiliary lieutenant and the chief jinwu, responsible for supervising the great traitors. The three auxiliary officials were very afraid of him. A few years later, Yin Xiang died in office.

Yan is a friend of Jiang Wei. When Zhuge Liang attacked Tianshui, he made contact with Jiang Wei, who had surrendered to the Shu state first. When the Shu army attacked, he conspired with his colleague Liang Xu to open the city gate to meet the Shu army.

When Zhuge Liang attacked Tianshui, he was suspected by Tianshui Taishou MaZun of having two hearts. After Ma Zun fled, he surrendered along with Jiang Wei, Liang Qian, and Liang Xu. He died before the fall of the Shu kingdom.

During the Yongshi and Yuan Yan dynasties, the Hancheng Emperor slackened the government, the foreign relatives were arrogant and wanton, and the Hongyang Changzhong brothers colluded with rangers to take in outlaws. However, the great high-ranking merchants and merchants in the north tried to report their personal grievances, killed the governor of Yiqu County, his wife and children, a total of six people, and traveled to and from Chang'an City. The chancellor and the imperial history sent subordinate officials to pursue the thieves, and the imperial court also issued an edict ordering it to be captured, and it took a long time to capture it. There are many thieves and traitors in Chang'an City, and the wandering teenagers in the alleys have collaborated to kill officials, and some of them have also accepted bribes to avenge people, they have made red, black, and white projectiles to be touched by each person, and those who get red projectiles go to kill military officials, those who get black projectiles go to kill civilian officials, and those who get white projectiles govern funerals for the same party members who were killed; for a time, the city is full of smoke, thieves rob pedestrians on the road, and dead bodies on the street block the way. Drums are heard all over the city.

Yin Xiang was selected as a temporary Commander of Chang'an County as a third assistant gaodi, and was given the privilege of doing so at random. After Yin Xiang arrived, he built the Chang'an Prison, and he ordered many deep holes to be drilled into the ground, each several inches deep, and the soil taken out was built around the earth, and then built on the mouth of the cave with large stones, and called these holes "Tiger's Den". After completion, he deployed Hu Cao, subordinate officials, as well as subordinates such as township officials, pavilion chiefs, Li Zheng, fathers and elders, and Wu Ren, and asked them to report the frivolous teenagers and bad children who disobeyed discipline in various parts of Chang'an City, and to deal with the local household merchants and craftsmen, and those dressed in dangerous clothing such as boring armor and arm clothes, armed with swords and arrows, were also checked, and hundreds of people were also counted, totaling hundreds of people.

The following day, Yin Reward gathered officials of all sizes in Chang'an and prepared hundreds of carriages and horses, and ordered them to separately arrest those who were found, believing that they were all thieves who endangered social order. Yin Xiang personally cast a blind eye, each plate saw ten people let go of one person, the rest were thrown into the tiger's den in turn, each cave was about a hundred people, and finally covered the opening with a large stone. A few days later, people opened the stone to inspect and saw that the people below had all died lying on the ground, so they took out the bodies, buried them on the east side of the temple gate, and inserted wooden stakes and wrote their names, and after a hundred days, they let the families of the deceased dig up the corpses and retrieve them. The family members cried loudly, and the passers-by also sighed. A song in Chang'an City sang about this, saying, "Where to find the corpses of children?" Huabiao East Junior Field. Before death, the adulterers do not cultivate themselves, where are the dead bones buried after death? "Yin Reward released old acquaintances who had deep friendships with him. Or the children of the old officials and good people who had an affair with the thieves because of a momentary nonsense and were willing to correct themselves, there were dozens and nearly a hundred people, and Yin Reward gave them a suspended sentence and ordered them to make meritorious contributions to redeem themselves. Among them, those who work hard to be self-motivated are also adopted by Yin Reward as minions, they are good at hunting down bad people, understanding the likes and dislikes of thieves and their whereabouts, and are much better than ordinary people in this regard. Yin Reward went to Chang'an to see things for several months, and the thieves stopped their activities, and the foreign thieves did not dare to spy on Chang'an because they were afraid to flee back to their original homes.

Due to the proliferation of thieves in the jianghu, Yin Xiang was once again appointed as the Taishou of Jiangxia, and he hunted down and killed a large number of thieves and officials and people, and was dismissed for the crime of "cruel thief". A swarm of thieves in the Nanshan area sprang up, and Yin Reward was appointed as the Right Auxiliary Governor, and later transferred to the post of Jingo, who was responsible for supervising the Great Traitors. The three auxiliary officials and the people were very afraid of him.

Died in office

A few years later, Yin Xiang died in office. When Yin Xiang was sick and dying, he warned his children: "When the eldest husband is an official, he is not afraid of being dismissed for the crime of 'cruel thief', and after thinking about his effects, he will be reappointed." And when one is dismissed from office for weakness and dereliction of duty, and is abandoned for life and never again useless, this humiliation is far worse than committing the crime of embezzlement and concealment. Be careful not to be derelict in your duties! Yin Xiang's four sons were all officials to the county shou, and the eldest son, Yin Li, served as Jing Zhaoyin, and they all admired majesty and had a reputation for being good at governance.