
Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

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There are many acupuncture points in the human body, like a treasure, containing endless health secrets. However, we don't need to explore them all, the Hegu Cave introduced to you today is called the "Universal Cave", and it must be mastered!

Hegu acupoint, this magical acupuncture point, comes from the traditional Chinese medicine classic "Lingshu Ben Lose", which belongs to the Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Meridian. It is located at the junction of our palms and fingers, like a gap between valleys, hence the name "Hegu".

Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

Hegu Acupoint is revered as the "Universal Acupoint", and it has a wide range of conditioning and can deal with various diseases. Whether it's headache, fever, cough, sore throat, or common problems such as constipation, diarrhea, and stomach pain, Hegu acupoint can exert miraculous healing effects.

Insist on moxibustion and acupuncture for 25 minutes a day, so that all major and minor illnesses can be gone! This is a simple and effective way to maintain health, without spending a lot of time and money.

As long as you master this acupuncture point, you can infuse your body with healthy power anytime and anywhere.

How to reflect the effect of Hegu acupoint? And how to dredge? Next, let's find out together!

Hegu Cave has 6 miraculous effects!

Pain-relieving acupoint

Hegu meridian qi is vigorous, the pain relief effect is good, it is the "pain reliever" on our body, almost all pain can be solved by Hegu acupoint, moxibustion or use the thumb to pinch this acupoint to relieve pain.


Massage therapy with Hegu acupoint can achieve good results.

Since the Hegu acupoint is an important acupuncture point on the large intestine meridian, the large intestine meridian passes from the index finger through the hands, arms, shoulders, neck, and all the way to the head and face. "Where the meridians pass, the main treatment reaches", so the pain and discomfort in these parts can be relieved by the Hegu acupoint.


Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

Because the large intestine passes through the lower gums, the pain will be reduced when the lower teeth are painful and pressed for 5 minutes.

In the treatment of the right toothache, moxibustion or rubbing the Hegu acupoint of the left hand, if the left toothache is painful, moxibustion or rubbing the Hegu acupoint of the right hand.

If gingivitis causes swollen and painful gums and recurs, frequent pressure on the Hegu point can also have unexpected results.


The large intestine meridian is also a meridian with more blood and more qi, so massaging the original acupoint of the large intestine meridian and the Gu acupoint can also promote qi and blood, and effectively regulate the pain of menstruation.

Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

Intestinal and stomach medicine

Hegu acupoint is the original acupoint of the large intestine meridian, which is the place where the original qi of the large intestine is infused, and the large intestine meridian lung passes through the stomach belongs to the large intestine, so it can regulate the gastrointestinal function, and has the function of lowering gas, regulating and relieving pain, clearing the intestines and diarrhea heat, and can regulate various gastrointestinal problems.

For example: stomach pain, vomiting, constipation, hiccups, diarrhea, etc.

Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

Antipyretic and strong lung medicine

Moxibustion and Gu acupoints can penetrate qi and blood, promote the rise of yang qi, help correct and dispel evil, and enhance the body's immunity. At the same time, we know that the lungs are the same as the large intestine, and the main qi of the lungs belongs to the guard, the outside and the fur.

Moxibustion or tapping on the Hegu acupoint can develop the intestines, promote the hair holes, clear the qi, and divide the heat, so as to strengthen the heat-clearing effect of relieving surface sweating, so it can receive good results in the prevention and conditioning of colds.

ENT medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine acupuncture and moxibustion "Song of the Four General Acupoints" says: "The abdomen and abdomen are left for three miles, the waist and back are entrusted, the head item is missing, and the face and mouth are harvested."

The so-called "face and mouth are harvested" means that all diseases of the head and face, such as headache, toothache, fever, dry mouth, nosebleeds, neck pain, sore throat, and other ENT diseases. By stimulating the Hegu acupoint, it can be conditioned and relieved.

Women can massage this acupuncture point to relieve facial skin problems such as acne, dull complexion, melasma, acne, enlarged pores, skin allergies, etc.

Prevention of stroke and high blood pressure

The occurrence of stroke is very closely related to the liver, from the perspective of the five elements, the lungs and large intestine belong to gold, gold and wood, and liver belongs to wood.

When the lungs and large intestine are dysfunctional, the liver loses its restraint, resulting in liver-related conditions such as stroke, convulsions, crooked mouth and eyes, dizziness, vertigo, etc.

If you often use moxibustion or massage the Hegu acupoint to keep the qi of the lungs and large intestine smooth, once the liver fire is generated due to emotional or dietary reasons, the smooth qi of the lungs and large intestine will calm down the liver fire. Thus preventing problems such as stroke.

Proper stimulation of Hegu acupoint can also improve coronary blood circulation, have a two-way regulating effect on blood pressure, and achieve the purpose of invigorating blood and lowering blood pressure.

First aid acupuncture

Hegu acupoint is also a first-aid acupoint. If fainting is caused by heat stroke, stroke, collapse, etc., you can use your thumb to pinch the patient's Hegu acupoint for two or three minutes, and the syncope can generally be relieved.

If you pinch the acupoint with your fingertips at the same time, the effect of awakening the brain and returning to the su is better.

Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

In addition to the above 6 major effects, Hegu acupoint can also treat eczema, scraping around Hegu for 5 minutes.

Generally, as soon as the sha comes out, the eczema will be reduced, and then scraped twice in a row, and the less serious eczema will be basically cured.

When hemorrhoids occur and blood in the stool, you can massage or knead the valley, or you can use fingertips and refills to stimulate, and it is better to have a feeling of soreness.

Dredging the valley acupoint, the method is exquisite


Use the thumb of one hand to tap the Hegu point of the other hand to conduct the sensation downward for about 30 seconds;

You can also rub the Hegu acupoint of the other hand with the thumb of one hand, press until there is a feeling of soreness, about 1 minute, alternating the two hands.

Note: Do not stimulate this acupoint during pregnancy to prevent strong uterine contraction and miscarriage.


Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

Use 1 .8cm diameter or more of Chen moxa sticks, suspension moxibustion, ginger moxibustion or moxibustion box moxibustion, moxibustion Hegu acupoint for 25-35 minutes, slowly extended, once a day, moxibustion for 11 days and 3 days of rest.

The effect of adding acupuncture points is good

Hegu acupoint + Fuyo acupoint: adjust less sweating or more sweating

Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

The Hegu acupoint belongs to the main surface of the yang, and the compound acupoint belongs to the yin main li, and the compound Gu acupoint and the Epsom Fuyu acupoint are used to show that there is no sweat;

The Acupoint of Epsom Valley and the Acupoint of Replenishing and Returning to the Slip are used for body weakness and excessive sweating.

Hegu acupoint + Quchi acupoint: Adjust arm weakness

Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

"Su Wen and Theory of Impotence": "The treatment of impotence is the only way to obtain yangming", and it is commonly used in clinical practice to use Hegu acupoint with Quchi acupoint to regulate impotence syndrome, such as arm weakness.

Hegu acupoint + Sanyin Jiao acupoint: regulate amenorrhea

Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

Complementing the valley acupoint and the three yin points have the effect of inducing labor. It is often used for dystocia, placental retention, amenorrhea and other diseases, and is now also used for labor analgesia and shortening the labor process.

Hegu + Taichong: Calm and calm the nerves

Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

Hegu with Taichong, called Siguan acupoint, has the effect of calming and calming the nerves, calming the liver and quenching wind, and the main tone is madness, headache, dizziness, and high blood pressure.

There are so many effects of Hegu acupoint, as long as we stimulate it in the right way, it can play a good role in health care!

Hegu + cheek car, Yingxiang: through the meridians and active meridians

Reveal the first acupoint of the human body, moxibustion for 25 minutes a day, all diseases will be dissipated, and the body will be at ease!

It has the effect of activating meridians and relieving pain, mainly regulating toothache, facial pain, and facial paralysis. It can relieve the wind, promote the lungs, and mainly regulate colds, headaches, fevers, and nasal congestion.

Raigen: Gihuang Gakusha