
This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!

author:South + client
This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


Liu Wei: Shouldering the responsibility of the west, Jiujiang must not only run fast but also be able to turn

With the implementation of the "Millions and Millions Project", Jiujiang has ushered in an important opportunity. At present, looking west is becoming a strategic deployment of the city and district in lockstep, and the location advantage of Jiujiang, which is located in the western part of the South China Sea, is being reshaped at an accelerated pace.

Seizing the strategic opportunity, Liu Wei, secretary of the Jiujiang Town Party Committee, said that Jiujiang will anchor the new track of industrial development, open up a new space for the westward expansion strategy, shoulder the new responsibility of the rise of the western region, and promote the "Millions and Thousands of Projects" to go deeper and more practical.

In this process, Jiujiang should not only grasp the speed, but also turn around, focus on industrial upgrading, the construction of the business card of the poetry and wine fishery and the protection of people's livelihood, innovate the way of thinking about work, lead by party building and gather the strength of the whole people, grasp the "most Lingnan" charm of Jiujiang village, make Jiujiang characteristics, and highlight Jiujiang's responsibility.

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


Li Yijia: Six "grasping" to explore the path of Xiqiao

Since December 8, Xiqiao has anchored this "number one project", and successively held on-site meetings to promote the "Millions of Projects" and deepen grassroots governance, and the on-site meetings of the "Millions of Projects" to consolidate the foundation and strengthen the foundation, etc., and made it clear that the linkage of towns, villages and communities, gathering strong consensus and joint efforts, and understanding, implementing and promoting relevant work with the highest standards, the most practical measures and the fastest speed.

Recently, Li Yijia, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiqiao Town, was interviewed by Nanfang Daily, sharing his understanding of the "Millions of Projects", and talked about the next relevant work ideas and measures of Xiqiao with the title of six "grasping".

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


Cen Zhuoxiong: Take advantage of the situation to build a 100-billion-level "central Dali"

Town economy has always been one of the characteristics of the development of the Pearl River Delta. In the "Millions and Thousands Project", the town is a key part of the Liancheng Belt Village. As an industrial town with a GDP of more than 60 billion yuan and is moving towards 100 billion yuan, Dali Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City, is striving to promote the "Millions and Thousands Project".

"The 'Millions and Millions Project' has become the most important driving force for our high-quality development, and we must persevere and leverage the momentum to make our planning goals land. Recently, Cen Zhuoxiong, member of the Standing Committee of the Nanhai District Party Committee and secretary of the Dali Town Party Committee, shared his understanding of the "Millions of Projects" and the layout of Dali in an interview with Nanfang +.

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


Huang Weiming: Based on the pole of the Bay Area, we will build a gateway to the same city of Guangzhou-Foshan

A few days ago, the list of the first batch of typical counties, towns and villages of the "Millions and Thousands Project" in Guangdong Province was announced, and five towns in Foshan were selected, and Lishui was one of them. How to find out its own characteristics and advantageous positioning, and explore the samples of Lishui in typical towns has also become a key task of Lishui.

"Lishui Town will promote the 'Millions Project' as the 'number one project'. Huang Weiming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lishui Town, said that the next step will be to focus on the "Ten Actions" of the "Millions of Projects" put forward by the Foshan Municipal Party Committee, find the combination point of Lishui from the overall situation of the city, and build a town sample that implements the new development concept as a breakthrough to promote the "Millions of Projects" to be new and brilliant.

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


What kind of city does Danzao, which nurtures two new 100 billion clusters, want to build?

Recently, Danzao Town promoted the "Millions of Projects" and the Urban Development Conference was held, marking the official sounding of the horn of the high-quality development of Danzao City, and Danzao took the "number one project" to promote the "Millions of Projects", and took the lead in investing 18.8 billion yuan in the next three years to promote urban upgrading, and launched the gold-lettered signboard of "China's Hydrogen Capital, Science and Technology Innovation Danzao".

In recent years, with the rapid development of emerging industries represented by hydrogen energy and the rapid accumulation of innovative resources represented by academician projects, the development momentum of Danzao has become more and more optimistic. At this point in time, Danzao set its sights on the city, what is the basis for making this judgment? How to understand the positioning and path of Danzao's urban development in the future, and what can the improvement of the city's energy level bring to Danzao?

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


Southern + Visual Review|The new Danzao is here!

To build a charming city that young people like to see, Danjin New City is built in this way


Three new clusters will accelerate to 100 billion

To promote the "Millions of Projects", industry is an important support. At the on-site meeting held in Nanhai District a few days ago to promote the "Millions of Projects" and deepen grassroots governance, Gu Yaohui, Secretary of the Nanhai District Party Committee, proposed to focus on developing the industry and enriching the people, shaping new advantages in industrial development, and accelerating the construction of three 100-billion-level industrial clusters of information equipment manufacturing, hydrogen energy and hydrogen ammonia fusion equipment manufacturing, and intelligent safety emergency response, so as to provide strong support for the "two highs and four new" modern industrial system.

If the industry is prosperous, all industries will be prosperous. In the "two highs and four new" industrial system, Nanhai chose these three industries as the entry point and breakthrough, not only because they have a strong industrial foundation and good development prospects, but also because the three 100 billion industrial clusters will be a strong support for Foshan to promote the implementation of the northbound strategic action.

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


To build a typical village with "Ten Ones", Nanhai held a "Millions of Projects" promotion meeting


In the heart of the metropolis, how to retain the pastoral nostalgia?

In a huge farmland, all kinds of vegetables grow luxuriantly. In the farmhouse at the edge of the field, "the sound of chickens and dogs is heard". In several farmhouses, new centralized collection points for agricultural waste, which have been built by the community, are being built brick by brick.

It's hard to imagine such a scene in the heart of a metropolis, but it is. This is a corner of the Dazhen community in Dali Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City.

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


How can this community share its experience with the whole city on behalf of Nanhai?

A few days ago, Foshan City held a special training course for village (community) party organization secretaries of the "High-quality Development Project of 100 Counties, Thousands of Towns and Thousands of Villages", which was attended by 794 village (community) party organization secretaries in the city.

How can the Jiujiang River represent the South China Sea, and what experience can it provide for others?

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


Guicheng 2023 in hot words

At the end of the year, it is easiest for people to miss the past.

This year, the life of "morning C and evening A" has a more tangible performance in Guicheng, Nanhai, with more than 10,000 people coming to the center of the trillion city to jump, the streets and alleys are filled with the aroma of coffee, and the food on Denghu West Street can be eaten until dawn, and you can have a glass of wine when you go out after watching the happy twist.

This year, Guicheng is advancing to 100 billion, approaching young people, and starting from people's happy needs. Every corner of the city has something new to offer, the charm of esports can be enjoyed by all ages, and every park has something for everyone.

Looking back on the past, let's touch Guicheng 2023 through three sets of keywords, and accumulate the courage to move from the present to the future in vivid and vivid clips.

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


Included in the Guangzhou metropolitan area, what are the missions of Sanlongwan Science and Technology City?

"Support Foshan Sanlongwan Science and Technology City to build a new display equipment industry cluster"

"Yulan Road-Port Road River Crossing Passage as a Key Highway Project"

"Foshan Metro Line 11 Introduces Guangzhou Hedong"

With the official issuance of the "Guangzhou Metropolitan Area Development Plan" on December 20, a series of news about Foshan Sanlongwan Science and Technology City was "ignited". The plan mentions Sanlongwan Science and Technology City more than 9 times, and also clarifies a number of key issues, including Foshan Metro Line 11 and the Yulan Road-Ganggang Road construction project.

This week in the South China Sea | Year-end, sprint!


Thousands of activities + tens of millions of subsidies + tens of millions of passenger flows, Nanhai launched the New Year cultural tourism Tesco season

Between the five districts of Foshan, Nanhai took the lead in collecting and releasing a series of cultural tourism activities for the New Year. On December 20, Nanhai District held a press briefing on the "60 days of fun in the South China Sea, 10 million lucky stars for the New Year" - Nanhai New Year Cultural Tourism Tesco Season. From December 2023 to February 2024, Nanhai will continue to use thousands of activities to gather popularity, tens of millions of subsidies to promote consumption, and tens of millions of tourists to flourish the industry through the distribution of consumption vouchers, events and events, anchors bringing goods, performing arts performances, etc.

【Recommended reader in this issue】Xiao Shasha

【Author】 Xiao Shasha

[Source] Southern Press Media Group Southern + client