

author:Green milk tea Rp2

Recently, there has been an uproar in the table tennis world, Sun Yingsha announced loudly in an interview: "One person leads the whole team to win the championship!" This domineering slogan attracted Deng Yaping's prediction and Ma Lin's support, and the table tennis world boiled again.

Sun Yingsha shouted domineeringly: One person led the whole team to win the championship!

As a cutting-edge force in the Chinese table tennis industry, Sun Yingsha has always attracted much attention. Recently, she has once again proved her strength and ambition with her actions. In an interview, Sun Yingsha said proudly: "I want to lead the whole team to win the championship by myself!" These seven concise and powerful words immediately aroused the attention and heated discussions of table tennis fans around the world.


Deng Yaping predicted that Sun Yingsha would be able to become a legend

Deng Yaping, a legend in the Chinese table tennis world, expressed great optimism about Sun Yingsha's statement. She predicted in an interview: "Sun Yingsha has extraordinary talent and talent, and her strength can undoubtedly lead the whole team to the championship." Deng Yaping's words made people look forward to Sun Yingsha's future even more.


Ma Lin strongly supports Sun Yingsha: Go forward!

As a legend of Chinese table tennis, Ma Lin always pays special attention to the leaders of the younger generation. He also did not hesitate to express his support for Sun Yingsha's declaration: "Young people must have dreams, have courage, and go forward bravely to pursue their goals." Sun Yingsha's spirit deserves our praise and encouragement.


Teamwork to chase glory together

Although Sun Yingsha announced that she would lead the whole team alone, she also emphasized the importance of teamwork. Table tennis is a collective sport, and only the cooperation and tacit understanding of the whole team can achieve brilliant results. On the road to glory, Sun Yingsha will work closely with her teammates to launch a joint attack.


Sun Yingsha once again showed her ambition and strength to the world with domineering slogans. With the support of Deng Yaping and Ma Lin, her goal of winning the championship is highly anticipated. As a future star in the table tennis world, she will be based on teamwork and bravely pursue glory!

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