
The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

author:Those things in the UK

It is said that at that time in October, there was a video on Tik-Tok that went out of the circle, and the protagonist was this young girl who couldn't hold back her tears:

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(The protagonist of the viral video)

Her real name is Brielle Asero, she is 21 years old, she just graduated from college and started her career as a 9-to-5 office worker.

Then she found out that what "9 to 5" was all a scam.

It's not that her company forces overtime, in fact, she has no complaints about the job itself, what she hates is the "system".

The company is based in Manhattan, New York, but she is a recent graduate, and her salary is simply not enough to rent a house in New York, so she has to settle for the next best thing and rent a cheaper apartment in New Jersey.

Correspondingly, the cost is that she has to commute by train for three or four hours a day.

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(Crashed Cerro)

So the ostensible "9 to 5" fell on her because she had to catch the train at 7:30 in the morning, and it was 6:15 at the earliest.

When she gets home in the evening, she doesn't have the energy to cook, so it may be around eight o'clock when she takes a shower and eats casually.

In short, she felt like she didn't have time for anything, as for exercise, dating, socializing...... Don't even think about it.

She couldn't figure out where everyone was friends and where did they get their energy?

She knew that some people were worse off than her, so she didn't know if she was "overreacting" and wanted to discuss it with netizens, so she had this video.

Unexpectedly, she became popular all of a sudden. Today, the original video has been viewed more than 3.5 million times.

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(Views of the original video)

She didn't expect that this video would trigger a "split" among the majority of netizens.

A group of people think that she got to the point, and it is simply not too true:

"This kind of day is endless repetition, very depressing, I know you, girl. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(from TT comment section)

"Everybody felt that way, but no one stepped up to do something. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(from TT comment section)

Indeed, this kind of life destroys your soul. It really feels like going to jail. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(from TT comment section)

"Imagine if you had children and came home after a day like this......."

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(from TT comment section)

"Gen Z needs to get into the management position and then implement the four-day workweek en masse"

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(from TT comment section)

"The first time I started working from 9 to 5, I went straight to a 'youth crisis'. Really, I can't believe it's like this in my life. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(from TT comment section)

"The 40-hour workweek is in the service of a model where one person works and the other does the housework. Now we need two incomes, so that's no longer realistic. I don't have time for anything. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(from TT comment section)

But there is also a group of people who feel that the current children are spoiled and squeamish, and the United States is done handing over to this group of people........

For example, the following "Libs of TikTok" retweeted her video on Twitter:

"Recently, the fresh graduates had a nervous breakdown because they went to work. We're really finished. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(Libs of TikTok转载到推特)

"Libs of TikTok" can be translated as "TikTok Liberal Awards", which almost means "show everyone how ugly these people are".

In the comments on the account, there were also many netizens who criticized her.

"I used to take the 9:45 train from Connecticut to New York, I worked at a newspaper, I worked from noon to midnight, I took the 1 a.m. train back, it was 3 a.m. when I went to bed, and so on. ”

"Later, I got a position on a radio show and changed it to work all day until midnight from 4 a.m. until midnight, six days a week, for many years. ”

"This girl doesn't know what hard work is. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(From Twitter netizens)

"Her father probably did this for 40 years, and if you look at her, one day, maybe a week, she can't stand it. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(From Twitter netizens)

"Imagine crying because 'being an adult' is so hard. ”

"Parents can't stop shielding their children from the wind and rain like that, because you're keeping the real world out of the way while you're doing that. ”

"That's what happened when they needed to fend for themselves. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(From Twitter netizens)

"When she finds out that she may have to work two jobs to make ends meet, she won't have to cry to death?"

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(From Twitter netizens)

Of course, there are also some who are not so direct, such as Fox Business News, which is on TV after all.

But its commentators still tactfully stated:

"The best way to do that is to give it your all, work hard and achieve what you want. Success doesn't automatically fall on you, and that's exactly how our generation sees it. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(Fox News quoted her video)

Translating this as "low emotional intelligence" is actually saying that she is lazy and does not work hard.

Assero didn't expect that she would take a video and complain, how could she be set up by the media as a typical "lazy young man"?

Later, even magazines like "Rolling Stone", which mainly make music, became a hot topic and interviewed Celro himself.

In the article, Acero said:

"I don't even understand why this is turning into a political debate, all I want to do is have a conversation and connect with the people who follow me because they also have to work long hours. ”

"A lot of news stations have reprinted my videos portraying our batch of graduates as spoiled, lazy people, but that's not the case. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(Interview with Rolling Stone Magazine)

That's what she said, but neither of these two factions could convince anyone, and as time passed, the turmoil gradually subsided, and the argument could not be resolved.

Until last week, Assero suddenly said that he had been fired......

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(Acero was fired)

Christmas is just around the corner, Americans are on holiday, and even in the best case, she will have to wait until January next year to get a job.

And the probability of this "smoothest situation" happening is probably not large, because it took her five months to find this job......

With her salary, she can't save any money, so she can't even sit and eat.

She said that in the future, she may have to work as a waiter in a restaurant for a while......

She didn't understand why she did everything she could, borrowed money to finish college, her salary was still so small, and she was finally laid off, is this reasonable?

Not surprisingly, as soon as the video was released, it was ridiculed overwhelmingly:

"And how much did you spend on your manicure? and mascara?"

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(From the Daily Mail comment section)

"Looks like she didn't teach her any lessons about crying last time 9 to 5. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(From the Daily Mail comment section)

"She's so poor...... But still managed to do a manicure. I'm curious!"

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(From the Daily Mail comment section)

"It's all like that, and she's still on social media. No company will hire her anymore. Although she has a college degree, she is not very smart. ”

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(From the Daily Mail comment section)

However, the real reason for her dismissal does not seem to be that she was too lazy or incapable of working to be laid off, as these people understand, but because there are so many jobs in the company that "there is not enough work to be assigned to her".

According to her, she worked hard and didn't make any mistakes, and her boss even praised her as "one of the smartest employees under him."

Since she joined the company, she has not done a job that matches the recruitment position, and now that it is a wave of layoffs, she has been laid off so naturally......

And then I have to be scolded......

To add insult to injury, she also gained a cyberstalker because of this explosion.

The stalker dug up her personal information out of nowhere, and found her phone number, her address, her work address, her parents' phone number, her friends, and her phone number.......

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(Assero recounts the stalker's perverted moves)

According to her, after the stalker got her number, he called her and her mom and said something like "your words make me empathize and want to talk to you".

She immediately blocked the stalker, and then the other party began to change the number and scold her.

She blocked the new number again, and the other party simply started calling/text message bombardment, once in a few seconds, so that her mobile phone was stuck and could not be used, forcing her to change the number.

Outside of the phone, this person also sent private messages to Acero through TikTok, saying that he wanted to rape her, kill her, threaten to appear in her company, and even sent her a photo of a who was dismembered.......

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(The part she blocked with her finger was the photo.)

What is outrageous is that just after posting this photo, the other party's attitude suddenly turned 180 degrees, and he sent a private message saying:

"When can I go to your company to see you? I'll bring you flowers, I can come during your lunch break, anyway, in the public eye, what can happen?"

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(What she points to is the other party's private message)

Assero had no good way, so he had to block it, but soon the other party would register a new number to continue.

So she received a lot of similar private messages, sometimes swearing, sometimes courtship, which was completely unpredictable......

At the same time, this person also used a large number of trumpets to frantically report Acelo's TikTok, and she couldn't directly show those foul words, otherwise she would be easily banned by the official.......

This is not over, the stalker even dug up the accounts of her friends and their parents through Facebook, and harassed people, saying that they would send bombs to people's homes......

It's a bit outrageously perverted.

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(Celro reading a private message from a stalker)

It's not like she hasn't called the police, but the stalker always uses a disposable number, and she has been to the police station many times and has never found anything.

From October to now, the stalker has been harassing her for almost 3 months in a row, and still has no intention of stopping......

She has no money and no job now, and she is still entangled in this perversion, which is really unlucky......

However, she said that she will not give in, but will continue to operate her TikTok without giving perverts a chance to be satisfied.

What's more, she learned that there are many girls who have encountered almost the same experience,

The American girl complained that she worked from 9 to 5, but she never expected that things would become terrible

(There are indeed girls in the comments who said that they have encountered similar experiences)

She recorded her own experience, which can also give these other girls courage.

I hope that the police can catch this stalker as soon as possible, and I also hope that Acero can find a job smoothly,

After all, the beginning of all this is just a girl who has just graduated and complains on the Internet.......

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